I was tagged

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     I was tagged by Scarlizaz54 ! Go follow! Ok so first I have to name 13 facts about myself

1. I love Harry Potter
2. My fave show is How I Met your Mother
3. I'm a teenager
4. I have been to Harry Potter world
5. Dead pool is life <3
6. I have a dog and two cats
7. I love anime
8. I love marvel superheroes
9. I like reading scary stories
10. I love writing
11. I love reading
12. Hufflepuff
13. Muggle born! Still mad out of pure love❤️

Ok now for the questions:
1) How is your day?
    Good, so far.
2: Have you been tagged before?
    Yes I have!
3) what is the weirdest food that you have eaten?
     I would love to say I had have something that weird, but sadly I haven't.
4) Why have you followed me?
     You have a cool account!
5) Dream place to live?
     I would love to live in New York or Italy when I am older
6) If you met someone famous, who would it be and how would you react?
     I would meet Daniel Radcliffe, and there would be NO words😂
7) What are you going to do to stop bullying?
     Stand up for people even if they are not my friends.
8) Dream car?
     Mercedes Benz
9) least favorite show?
     Seinfeld, it's ok but not my favorite.
10) would you rather have a million dollars or bring someone back to the dead?
     Bring someone back from the dead. The walking dead for life <3
11) favorite marvel movie?
      DEADPOOL FOR THE WIN!!!! Comment if your crazy about it too!
12) what are the characters initials in how about a twist?
     I don't know what that is sorry😁
13) do you have an oc?

Ok so you have to answer those same questions! Here are the people I tag:

creeper19229 Vocachuuu bookhauler04 Ginny_weasley7 JusteJuste Levi_da_hottie

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