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I sat in the cold, small room waiting for something to happen or to see someone. Don would be here by now to give me my chours and I'd do them. It's normal by now and it keeps me busy. I just want to go home honestly, where ever home is. The work i do gets boring and draining and I can't stand it. I wish I knew where I came from but I was fourteen last time I was 'home' and it's been about five or six years so who knows what's changed. I only remember a little of my family.I forget what ma looks like but I do remember her black long hair that was always perfectly straight. I don't remember much of my father but the sword he always swore he'd give to me when he passed. I remember nothing but my sister's laugh and my brothers beard. I just forget sometimes and it tears me up inside that my own family are like strangers to me and my home town is a mystery I am yet to find out.

"JACK GET UP" Don shouted his loud scrachy voice echoing through the room as he stood above me with an evil grin. He still scared me after all this time.

"I am up sir" I replied bluntly dressed and ready for the day of work, like most mornings.

"Well done. Today we are going to town and I need you to wear this cloak" he told me passing me the potato sack like cloak. I shrugged my shoulders and put it on and followed Don through the wood cabin. Don kept me in a forest cabin that I could only fully use on a Sunday.

We stepped out into the over grown forest that I knew too well. I'd love to just climb a tree and watch the stars when Don wasn't watching me. It was calming. Who needs alcohol when you could get lost in the universe above us. It's my only escape from my hard boring life.

Don passed me all his heavy bags and we walked to the town which made me excited because I hadn't been in here before so I walked through the town by his side in astonishment not really watching where I was going

I watched the town and observed everyone walking around and smiling and laughing together and all having a great time. There were loads of bakerys and the smell was intoxicating. The sweet smell of freahy made bread invading my nostrils making me super hungry but I only got fed on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday and it was Thursday so that meant no food for me.

As we walked Don lead us to a market busy with buyers and sellers selling and buying everwhere. My hood making it hard to see other people because it was almost blinding me, which led me to bump into someone who seemed to be running so I fell back and dropped everything and the hood of my cloak fell back and my head came in contact with the hard groud in almost slow motion. I winced in pain and felt my head, feeling liauid making me internally groan knowing I was bleeding. My eyes opened and i felt all eyes on me. My eyes widened as a croud of people surrounded me, neither of them being Don.

People looked at me in shock and all i could feel was confused and dizzy from my head injury.

"S-sean" a Swedish voice stuttered as he stood above me at the front of the crowd. They must've mistaken me for someone else even though the name was oddly familiar. Where had i heard Sean before? Maybe one of Don's friends or something that somehow had the same name.

"..." I tried to speak but words couldn't leave my mouth for some reason. I was in shock from all the people staring at me and the fact I was bleeding from my head causing dizziness.

"GET THE ROYALS THEY MUST KNOW WHO HAS RETURNED" The Swede shouted making everyone run away from me in a hurry all running In the same direction. The Swedish man left out his hand with a smile. I took his hand after a few seconds and stood up to look at the guy properly

He had icy blue eyes and a small blonde stubble around his chin. He had perfectly groomed blonde hair on his head and was wearing suspenders with a white shirt to go with it. A caring smile on his face as he looked at me.

"I must be heading off. I need to-" I spoke but as i stepped away I was held still by the man scaring me a little and i flinched at the touch. I wish I didn't flinch or get scared all the time when someone or something came in contact with my body in the simplest of ways I know i shouldn't but I don't want to be taken twise.

"Sean, you don't remember me. I'm Felix, remember?" He shook me by the sholders. I was too confused to really think. All i picked up from the simple sentence was that his name was Felix and that he thought i was this Sean.

"Ummm" my reply saddened Felix and I felt bad for him. "I am so confused. I think you've go-" I told Felix and he sighed but his pity was haulted by Don

"Jack! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he shouted gaining some attention but not as much as i did before.

"S-sorry sir" I apologized closing my eyes and looking away expecting to be punched but nothing ever came but a loud shout from Felix

"DON JOHN. WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY OR YOU KNOW THE PUNISHMENT" The Swede shouted making Don panic and run away and I caught my breath as he got further away from me. Felix looked me dead in the eyes and said to me

"You don't remember anything do you?" He asked sympathy showing through his voice and eyes making me feel small as he looked at me like a lost child

"I can't say i do" I sighed feeling really bad for not knowing Felix because he seemed to know and care about me but my response made a cheeky, curagous kind of cute grin to form on his face.

"Well i can fix that"


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