We Will Have Our Dance

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I am sorry, but I am so freaking excited to finally begin typing this!

I have waited MONTHS to publish this, and it is finally happening!

I have forgotten some of the key moments. Writer’s Block can rot.


“Oh my god, Alya!"

“Girl, chil! What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to be sleeping on the same ground as Adrien!”


“Hey, dudes!”

“Hey, Nino! You wanna tent with me tonight?”

“I thought we were sleeping indoors.”

“Oh, you sweet boy."


“Hey, Marinette!”


"Good luck, Marinette!"

"Hide, Tikki!"

“What did you say?”

“AH! Uh, I’m…..Thinking!”

“About what?”

“Sleeping with you.”

“Uh…Nino? Can I talk to you in the hallway?”

“GAH! N-no! S-sleeping with th-the r-rest of the group! Y-you know, Sam, Nathaniel, Marc, Alya, Nino, and of course you’ll be there too.”

“Okay...So, Nino just texted me that he was going to tent with Alya. Are you going to be tenting with Sam?”

“I-I can-”

“No, she can’t. Sam’s tenting with Nathaniel."

“Sh-She is?”

“She is. And Marc, too.”

“What about Marc?”

“So Marinette, you’ll tent with me?”


“She means yes.”

“Yeah, we really shouldn’t take more than three tents; we don’t want to get in trouble. Right, Marinette?”

“Is she alright?”


“She’ll be fine, just give her some time. C’mon, girl.”


We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to allow the author to scream:


I’m FiNe…


Now back to the program:




“Wake up! It’s Friday!”

My eyes blasted open, and I hopped out of bed. “YAS!!!!!” Daizzi looked at me with confusion, and I put my arms back down to my side as I translated for him. “Oui.”

“Ah, Are you excited, Samantha?” The pink kwami was flying circles around my head, making me dizzy as I giggled.

“I actually am, Daizz. We’re going to go to school, then hunt down Andre’s Ice Cream cart to finish the evening, and we’re going to sleep near the cart. Then, in the morning, we’re going to go to the mall to eat, landing us back to the school by the time the dance starts!”

"Oh, yay! You are going to have so much fun, Sam!"


“Oh my god, Alya!” Marinette tackled Alya with a hug and a wide smile.

I had just sat down in my seat when the “gang” began filing in.

“Girl, chil! What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to be sleeping on the same ground as Adrien!” I chuckled, Alya pushing her gal off as she shook her head.


“Hey, dudes!” Nino walked in with his headphones on, and Alya automatically slung her arm around his neck and raised her eyebrows.

“Hey, Nino! You wanna tent with me tonight?”

Nino only sent her a confused glance as he removed his headphones. “I thought we were sleeping indoors.”

“Oh, you sweet boy,” she cupped her boyfriend’s face with her hands and sent him a kiss on the cheek. Nino’s face turned a bright red, Alya and Marinette sitting down in their seats.

“Hey, Marinette!” The blond waved at the bluenette with a soft smile.

“A-A-A-Adrien!” Marinette began blushing so hard, I would have suspected she felt ill. She mumbled something to her bag so quietly, even I couldn’t hear from my seat in the back.

“What did you say?” Adrien had sat down and was turning his body so he could talk to the girls.

“AH! Uh, I’m…..Thinking!”

“About what?”

“Sleeping with you.” All four of the students’ eyes widened, seemingly in shock. Alya facepalmed herself, and I did the mental equivalent.  

“Uh…Nino? Can I talk to you in the hallway?” Without waiting for a response, Alya dragged Nino out of the room in a rush.

They were in such a rush, the two almost bumped into Nathaniel and Marc.

“GAH! N-no! S-sleeping with th-the r-rest of the group! Y-you know, Sam, Nathaniel, Marc, Alya, Nino, and of course you’ll be there too.”

“Okay...So,” Adrien checked his phone with a quick glance. “Nino just texted me that he was going to tent with Alya. Are you going to be tenting with Sam?”

“I-I can-”

“No, she can’t. Sam’s tenting with Nathaniel,” I ran down to intervene.

“Sh-She is?” Nathaniel looked at me with wide-eyes.

“She is. And Marc, too,” I wrapped my arms around them both.

The green-eyed author had looked up from his book. “What about Marc?”

“So Marinette, you’ll tent with me?”

“Wha-But-Gah-Su-Lo-Mo-Ka!” The girl in question began stuttering her head off with a face redder than Nath’s hair.

“She means yes,” I clarified.

“Yeah, we really shouldn’t take more than three tents; we don’t want to get in trouble. Right, Marinette?” Alya spoke while she pushed Nino back into the classroom.

“Is she alright?” Adrien was waving his hand in front of Mari’s eyes. She was staring into space with a dorky smile.

“She’s…” I pulled Nate and Marc to the back of the room to allow Alya to finish my sentences.

“She’ll be fine, just give her some time. C’mon, girl.”




We all met up at the park with our belongings; Marc and Nath arriving before everyone else. I was the third to arrive.

I found the pair on a bench with a duffel bag and their outfit for the dance each on a hanger in the bag. I sat next to them and set my own belongings down. Marc was watching Nathaniel draw, and I couldn’t help but follow example. He was just sketching something random, but he put so much thought into it.

“Wow, Nathaniel. That’s really good!” We all turned our heads behind us to see the speaker: Marinette.

The boy with blue eyes blushed, “Thanks, Marinette.” She only smiled with a giggle before Alya and Nino came by.

“Babe, I can help!”

“Nino, I am. Fine!”

“Dude, let me carry at least one tent!”

“No!” The couple stopped next to Mari, Alya dropped two backpacks, two fuffel bags, a makeup bag, and three tents. The female popped out a hip and crossed her hands while giving Nino obvious attitude. “Do you not like the idea of having a girlfriend that is stronger than you? Do you not like knowing that I don’t actually need you? I am an independent woman, and if you can’t accept that now, then-”

“Alya!” I stood up and stood between her and Nino, who looked about ready to have a panic attack. “I doubt that was what he meant.” she raised an eyebrow at me. “He cares about you so much, and he knows you don’t need him. He just,” I glanced at his anxious brown eyes and set a hand on his shoulder. “He just wants to make sure that he is there if you do.”

I looked back at Alya, her glare burning into my head. It was enough to make me want to curl in a ball and die. “Right, Nino,” I asked, looking for some backup.

He seemed to get my hint and began tripping over his words. “R-r-right, dude!” He walked towards Alya and held her by her shoulders. “I’ll always be here if you need me. I’ll be there even if you don’t need me. I care about you, Alya.” The two were blushing, Marinette was smiling, and Marc, Nath, and I just looked at each other with our bored expressions on.

Alya suddenly pulled Nino into a hug, and I sat next to the boys once more. “I know.”

“Hey, guys!” We all looked at the direction of the voice.

“Hey, A-Adrien!” I looked to Nathaniel, who’s eyes flashed with sadness, but quickly recovered.

“Okay!” I interrupted the awkward silence by standing upright and collecting my own items. “We ready to find some ice cream?” All the students showed their EnThUsIaSm, and we set out to find the cart. Luckily, we had a reporter on our side that was taking charge of the “hunt”.

“For the young artist whose heart longs to be accepted, the love of your life is one yet to be expected.” Alya and Nino were already eating their ice cream together, and Marc was getting his. “With strawberry for the hair and superman for their eyes, I grant you this cold ice cream cone, to keep your hope alive.”

Nathaniel was next.

“Cotton candy for the vibrant personality she possesses, blackberry for her eyes in the night. I wish you luck in all your guesses, for she is the rare one Andre thinks is right.”

Then Marinette.

“Ah, a conflicted heart! I have the perfect three flavors in my cart. Blue moon for the small of one’s hair, but I have the perfect one right here. Two have taken your heart with smiles, for their eyes, my dear, mint chocolate-chip will keep them both running for miles!”

Marinette sat down next to Alya and Nino, the two girls gossiping about whatever is is girls gossip about. Marc and Nathaniel were sitting at a distance whilst quietly communicating amongst themselves.

After Marinette had sat down, Adrien was next on the ice cream block.

“Another conflicted soul, cares for many, his heart at pull. There are two I see, both indicating blackberry. Blueberry for her blue-bell eyes, and a red cherry to help the girl in red realize.” Andre spoke the last part quietly so only the three of us could hear.

I took a deep breath as I stepped up to the cart with Andre squinting at me for a moment or so. “The girl whose heart is filled by her friends, unable to see the love for him that never ends. For the blue and the green of the window to both souls, I am sure that when topped with a red cherry, pistachios and blue velvet shall help you with your goals.” I hesitantly took the cone, my face cold. Who was this meant to represent? Was it only one person with two different colored eyes? Or was Andre telling me I belonged with two people?

Ahem. @Miraculous_Tomato said I was basically unpredictable. YoU sUrE aBoUt ThAt?

I went to sit beside Marc and Nathaniel who had both finished their ice cream and were just watching the sun setting behind the bridge.

“Hey, kids. How’s life?” I licked the ice cream cone, enjoying the taste of the combined flavors.

“Kids? We’re the same age,” Nathaniel tried to correct me. I bumped his shoulder with my own.

“You are still a kid. Are you not?” I saw Marc smirking out of the corner of my eye. “So, do you guys know who you ate?”

“Great way to phrase it, Sam.” Our heads snapped to look at Adrien who had apparently joined the conversation.

“Thanks.” He sat down to the right of me, Nathaniel sitting to the left. Nino sat next to Marc and Alya pushed Marinette next to Adrien before sitting beside the dark skinned boy.  “So? Who are you eating?”

“I think I might know, but I can’t really be sure.” Adrien was still munching on the cone.

“Alya and Nino obviously are ‘eating’ each other’s ice cream. But Andre talked about my ‘conflicted’ heart. There’s only one boy-” Marinette stopped with her face beet red and her eyes on Adrien.

“Really? And who might that be, Marinette?” Alya was leaning forward so everyone could see her evil grin that was spread across her face.

“A-Ha-Bu-Funny s-story, a-actually…”

“Perhaps he is losing his accuracy,” Adrien moved the conversation along. “He said the same to me. He only described one girl, and I already know she is the love of my life.” He took a big chunk of his cone, and I fought the urge to wack him over the head. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alya was looking over at Mari with concern, the girl with pigtails solemnly finishing the last of her cone.

“It's nothing.” I get that he didn’t know Marinette was Ladybug, but I thought we had made progress since he accepted her letter. Well, our letter. Part of me wished I could tell him that she was the girl he loved, but I knew that he had to learn to love both sides of her before he could be blinded by her alter ego.

“Dude, who’s the lucky gal?” Alya punched Nino’s arm with a stern glance.

“It doesn’t matter, I am glad you have someone you love.” Marinette looked at the sun with a look of defeat. One glance at her best friend told me that she was looking for blood.

“Okay, now that we have finished our snack, we should set up tents while we still have daylight. Boys?” I pulled Marc and Nathaniel off the bench by their collars and the three of us took our belongings to the grass as we began setting up.


We were laying on a patch of grass to observe the stars above us. Night had long fallen, leaving us to be the last in the area.

“Hey, Sam?” Marinette had been awfully quiet since Adrien’s proclamation of love, and Alya was beginning to get worried.

“What do you need?” We were standing now, away from the ears of the rest of the group.

“Ladybug is going to go do patrol - can you cover for me?” I nodded.

“Of course, go do your hero-ing!” She smiled, then walked into the shadows. Adrien was the first to notice.

“Is she alright?” I nodded once more.

“She’s just remembered she forgot her...Hairbrush. She’ll be back soon.”

“I should go with her; she shouldn’t be walking around alone.” Adrien stood up and walked towards me like he thought I would let him just waltz past me to find that MARINETTE IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! I blocked his path with my body.

“She’ll be fine, Besides: I think I saw Ladybug a few minutes ago, so Mari’ll be fine.” As if on cue, the insect-inspired hero flew overhead from somewhere behind us.

“You’re right,” a spark was lit in Adrien’s eyes. Perhaps I was going insane, but I felt like I had seen that look in his eyes before, I just couldn’t place it. I don’t believe I have ever seen him with her before. Right?

Adrien let out a large yawn with his arms stretching wide as he began backing up towards his own tent. “Welp, I am exhausted. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning, guys!” And with that, he zipped himself in his tent.

“Yeah, I think we’re gonna get some shut-eye, too.” Nino stood up with his arm wrapped around Alya.

“But I’m not tired,” she protested. Might I add, she was struggling to keep her eyes open as she walked past me.

“I know, I know you aren’t.” Nino’s voice was filled with such admiration, it took all my willpower not to “Aww” them.

I then approached the remaining two boys that were sitting up. Nathaniel was illustrating the stars, Marc was holding his sketching pencils and erasers.

“And then there were three. You boys staying up?” I’m not even sure if Nathaniel heard me, but Marc just smiled at me and nodded.

“When Nathaniel gets like this, he doesn’t stop until he runs out of resources.”

“Ah.” I sat down on the Chat Noir blanket and a vision was forced into my sight.

“The hero whose heart has so many times been shattered, just what I need for my Akuma to soar. Besides, who better to fetch me a Miraculous if not the wearer of the black cat Miraculous. Fly, my little akuma. And evilize his broken heart!” The vision dissipated, and I jumped to my feet.

“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’m going to go check up on Mariette. Seeyoulater. BYE!” I ran to the nearest bathroom stall, slamming the door shut.

“Sammy? What’s wrong?” My kwami seemed so worried, but I didn’t have time to think about it.

“I’ll tell you later, promise. Daizzi, Mud Roll!”




I swung myself back to where I had followed an akuma just a few weeks prior, hoping to possibly stop the akuma in its tracks.

As soon as my feet landed, I was attacked with yet another painless vision. Well, it physically painless.

“Hey, bugaboo!” Chat Noir was walking towards Ladybug with his baton behind his neck as he walked towards the curled up figure on the roof.

“Stop calling me ‘bugaboo’.” I could hear in her voice that she had been crying. Chat Noir must’ve sensed it as well, for he bent down and gently touched her shoulder.

“Ladybug, is everything alright?”

“I’m fine. Go away, Chat.” She swatted him away, and a sniffle was audible.

“But, Milady-” I could see the sadness in his eyes. He wanted to stay. He felt the pain he heard in her voice.

“I said I’m fine! Now go away!”

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be-”


“Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t bother you.” As he began walking away, he spoke ever so softly. “I’ll always be here for you, Milady. I just wish you’d stop pushing me away.”

“I don’t want to be with you right now, Chat! Go away!” The stern tone in her voice lessened and turned into one that sounded hurt. “Please.”

Chat Noir’s eyes were filled with tears, and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. He bowed with his “tail” drooping. “As you wish, Milady.” He stood up and walked away with his head down.

“NooRoo, Dark Wings Fall!” The vision had changed to reveal Hawk Moth detransforming.

I covered my mouth when I realized who it was.

“Gabriel Agreste is-”

I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm put me in a choke hold.

“Good job, piglet.” The voice sounded sinister and cold. I lifted my feet and stomped on the pair of feet belonging to my captor.

He released me, and I turned to face him with a punch in the nose. My heart dropped when I saw the eyes, the mask, and the costume. Tears began blurring my vision.

“Ch-chat Noir?” The boy recovered and looked at me with such hatred in his now purple eyes, I felt a hole in my heart.

“It’s Chat Blanc to you, dirty pig.” He swung his baton and knocked me out cold with one solid blow to the head.


I fluttered my eyes open to find myself laying on the ground in a dark room. I tried to stand up, but I was faced with the challenge of metal yanking my arms back with a painful shock.

“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.” I turned to the purple lights in the corner; the only source of light in the are.

“Chat, what’s going on?” I felt something cold on my forehead, dripping down my cheek at a slow pace.

The lights moved towards me, and I realized his face was right in front of mine. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Y-You’re, you’re blanc.” He laughed a could laugh, and sat down.

“Great observations! I’m feline like this new look suits me purr-fectly. Don’t you think?”

“What are you doing, Chat Noir?” He stood up abruptly, and I jumped back into the wall behind me.

“My name is Chat Blanc! Nobody loves Chat Noir,” he turned away from me. “So he left.”

“That’s not true, Ladybug-”

“Ladybug doesn’t love me!” His heart sounded broken. “She will get what she deserves. As will you. First I’ll take your Miraculous, then I’ll take bugaboo’s.” He turned back to me, though all I could see was a river of tears.

“Please, don’t.” My voice was cracking, my eyes burning as he turned his head to avoid facing me.

"Shut up." He walked towards me as I shook my head.

"I don't want to hurt you, Chat."

"Don't worry. You won't." He reached for the bracelet on my ankle, but I kicked him in the nose before he could get a good enough grip on the jewel.

"Chat, please stop!" The tears fell with every blink and every word.

Chat Noir was the strongest people I knew, one of the happiest. What hope did Paris have if even the easy-going, charismatic, kitty of Paris can get hurt?

“I have to, Hawk Moth told me that Ladybug will only love me when I show her what I can do. I have to show her I am better than that boy.” He practically spit out the word.

“Chat, I know what it’s like to love a person whose heart belongs to another,” I had to get out of here. “But you are loved, and if you-”

“Stop lying! Nobody loves the cheesy ‘Chat Noir’! Ladybug told me to leave her! She doesn’t want me! Nobody wants-”

“I love you, you mangy cat! But that doesn’t matter because you-” I stopped talking and I felt my entire face run warm.

Chat’s face was illuminated with the symbol of Hawk Moth. “Y-you love me? Gah!” He hunched over in pain, and I tried my best to get myself to him.

“Chat! I do! I, I do! Don’t listen to him! I don’t care what color mask you wear, I love you for who you are! You are a strong person! You can fight this!” He was holding his head. “You have to fight this!” He straightened up and the outline disappeared.

The victim walked towards me and grabbed me by my loose hair. “Shut the he’ll up, or I will hurt you."

I sniffled a small sob, and bashed my head into his. I felt the pain of the impact, but it also came with more visions.

“Plagg, claws out!” I watched in shock as Adrien transformed into the hero.

The imagery changed to show the fox Miraculous, then the tents.

I was back to reality, and Chat “Blanc” was passed out before me. I seized the opportunity and called upon my special power. I used it to pass through the chains and I began scanning the walls for a door.

My hands found a doorknob and I looked to the boy behind me. “I’ll save you, Adrien. I promise.” I opened the door and used my lasso to get myself to Master Fu’s apartment.

Without knocking, I pushed the door open and replicated the vision of Master Fu opening the Miracle box. I grabbed the necklace and turned around to see the older man holding the door open for me.

“Master, I-”

“Go, Samantha. I trust you. Do what is needed for the greater good.” I nodded and ran out the door as quickly as possible.

I was almost to the site when I saw a necklace with the ring of a flag on it, and the pain resulted in me rolling on my side.

I was groaning as I sat up, and I realized the necklace had fallen out of my hands. “No, no, no, no!” I was crawling around on the grass - searching for any sign of the jewel.

I finally found it, and I pounced on it as if I thought it would run away. Now all that is left to do is find Alya and-

“Cochon? Is everything alright?” I turned to look at Nathaniel behind me. The blood in my face ran cold.

“Everything is fine!” My voice was so high, even I didn’t believe myself. I stood up, but I dropped the necklace at his feet as I tried walking past him.

I turned to pick it back up, but he was already examining it in his hand. “What’s this? Is something wrong?”

“What?” I laughed nervously. “No, not at all! Why would it be?”

“Hey, Nate. I just came up-” Marc stopped in his tracks when he saw the two of us.

“Hey, it’s Marc! Looks like the good news just keeps coming! Ha. Ha.” I covered my eyes with the palms of my hands. “I’m doomed.”

Note from the Author:

Okay, this was a lot better BEFORE I wrote it. Anyways, looks like there will be a few more parts before the end. My guess would be about three more, and then I will be done with this.

Once this is done, I will work on the story about Alya and Nino.

Good? Alright.

Can I rant real quick?


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