Once Upon A Drawing

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Nicos POV

I like Will. Fuck. Will is Will. Will is straight. Like a pencil. I am not straight. Like a...Spring! Will is happy and sunny and I am pretty much always depressed and emo.

He probably doesn't even like me as a friend. He probably thinks I'm creepy and weird. Ugh why can I not be a normal person. A normal guy. A normal guy, with a normal girlfriend and is not in love with his gorgeous as fuck straight ass fucking roommate. What the actual-

" Nico get your ass outta bed!" Will yells. Interrupting my thoughts

I'm lay by on my bed I've been completely ready to go since 2:00 this morning. There isn't anything else better to do when insomnia plages you. Last night while I was drawing I came up with a plan. I would be horrible to Will and then he definitely won't like me and I won't get close to him. Selfish I know. I walk out of my room. "Hey man! So Kayla wanted to know if she could come over. I just wanted to check with you." Will asks. 
"It's your house too." I say.
"K!" Is all he says. We have almost all of our classes together so that really doesn't help. After school I take all my work back to my room. "Hey Nico, do you want to study with me?" Asks Will.
"No I'm fine thank you." I say curtly. He looks confused but I let it go. "Isn't Kayla coming today?" I say her name with venom without meaning to. It probably doesn't help my case about not liking him. "Yeah. She is. Do you have a problem with that?" Will asks. He is trying to be polite but you can see the fury and confusion behind his eyes. "No!"
"So what's your problem?!"
"Nothing!" And with that I go into my room slamming my door. I sit down on my bed. Then I get my charcoal and draw. It ends up being Will. I make a list of pros and cons about will at the bottom then I crumple it and throw it away. That amazing, beautiful, happy, person. The one that excepted me as I am and took my troubles even though he had only known me for 2 days. That stupid, messy, idiotic, boy or man I guess, the one that is hopelessly trying to be my friend and won't take a fucking hint. I hear the door open. "HEYYYYYY!" A girls voice calls and I cringe. "Kayla! Hey! Omgs I missed you. And I need to talk to you. Come into my room!" Wow. That wasn't tacky. I'm sure he wants to talk. More like- "WILL!" Gods why are these people so fucking loud?! Why can they not be normal people. I can't even thi- "KAYLA! GODS!"


Will appears in my doorway. Even though he has in all his clothes I'm still pretty sure what I heard. "What the hell is your problem man?!"

"You guys are being so loud!"

"That's was usually happens when we-"

"Hi! I'm Kayla!" Kayla has blue eyes a lot like Wills, and ginger hair with the tips dyed green. It was up in the messiest bun I have ever seen. She had on a pair of skinny jeans and a High school letterman jacket. "You must be Nico! I've heard so very much about you." She says with a knowing smirk at Will. Will puts his arms around her shoulders and pulls her close to him. That sent a stab of pain through me. "Go away. I'm trying to study!" I get up quickly, walk across the floor and slam the door. "Asshat" I hear Will say. "Shut up Willam he's probably just having a bad day."

Wills POV

Why is Nico being such an ass?! I didn't do a single thing to him! "HEYYYYY!" I hear Kayla let herself into the house. "Kayla! Hey! Omgs I missed you. And I need to talk to you. Come into my room." She follows me into my room plopping down on my bed. "Your room is very pretty Will."
"First small talk; How's Jeremy?!"
"WILL! That was so mean! You know he's just my friend! What about that hottie in there? Is he single?"


What the hell is his problem now?! I go to his room and throw open his door. "What the hell is your problem man?!" He ask voicing my thoughts.

"You guys were being so loud!"

"Well that's what usually happens when we-"
"Hey I'm Kayla! You must be Nico? I've heard so very much about you. She smirks at me. I wrap my arm around her and yank a piece of hair hanging out if her bun. "Go away I'm trying to study." And with that Nico slams the door. "Asshat" I mutter. "Shut up William he's probably just having a bad day." Kayla says. She's always so nice to people.


I start my to knock gently on Nicos door but it swings open. He is sitting at his desk drawing. The 3 weeks that I've known him shows that he draws when he's thinking. Most of his drawings are portraits. He has them tacked up all over his walls. A girl that I've never seen, next to Hazel, a guy I've never seen- but he's in color. He has sea green eyes and a mop of black hair. He seems to have a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Next to him is another girl also in color. She has curly blonde hair and grey eyes. She looks annoyed. The rest of his pictures are mono chromatic or half way colored. The one that really interests me is right at my feet. It's crumbled and not done in a lot of detail. I try to bend down and pick it up quietly but a floorboard squeaked. He whips around in his chair and starts screaming. I grab the picture and run to my room, slamming the door. He beats on my door still yelling. "YOU CANT HAVE THAT SOLACE!!! ITS NOT YOURS AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!!" I uncrumple it leaning against my door. In my hand is a drawing of me. Under my face is a small yellow heart. Then a list:

•he's super cute
•he's nice
•he is awesome
•he has good taste in music
•he's funny
•he already knows bout Bi

•he is straight
•he is straight
•he is straight
•he has a girlfriend
•he has a girlfriend
•he has a girlfriend

Conclusion: im fucked...

I stare at the paper for a moment. No fucking way. In my shock I've weakened against the door. Nico burst in and yanks the paper from me. "Tha- that isn't yo- you!" He pants. I nod. Lies. He is bright red. It's a tad cute... a little piece of me thinks. He nods curtly. "You had no fucking right to go into my room." I nod. "I'm sorry"
"No your not."
"Yes I am."
He leans down and kissed me. Full on the lips. At first I don't respond. Then some little part of me starts screaming to kiss back. My lips start moving. He stands a bit taller and I bend down to him. His hands go to my hair and I hook my fingers through his belt loops. Pulling us closer. Impossibly closer. Then he breaks away. He looks at me. Then he bolts. I hear the door slam and footsteps pounding down the stares.

I just had my first kiss with Nico Di Angelo.

Yay! SOLANGELO! Not officially (oops spoilers) but yk. Anywho... How are you today? I don't think we ask people that enough. I mean really. How are you. Pm if you need to.

Ily guys!

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