Once Upon A Mom

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Wills POV

Nicos thin lips pressed a kiss behind my left ear, his breath tickling it. He nips it slightly, chuckling he rolls off of me and out of bed. I can hear Annabeth and Percy in the kitchen moving around and talking in hushed voices. Nico walks over to his dresser getting out a pair of pants and a shirt. I lay on his bed snuggling deep down into the blankets but not taking my eyes off of him. "Are you sure your ok?" I ask him for the millionth time.
"I swear to fucking-"
"Language!" Yells Percy opening the door. "Oh oops!" He says, turning around and shutting the door after seeing Nico in only boxers. I think he runs into the wall because we hear "thump" and then "dammit!"
"Asshole," Nico mutters, slightly pink. "Anyway  yes Will. I am in tip top condition." I nod.
"Boys, there's pancakes in here if you'll get out of bed!" Annabeth yells from the kitchen. I get up, freezing without a shirt on. Nico puts on a shirt and jumps into his pants. I run to my room. I grab a long sleeve shirt sliding, it on, before realizing that it's Nicos. It's much to small on me. I take it off and grab a blue shirt slipping it over my grey sweatpants. I sprint into the kitchen and Annabeth scolds me for running — in my own house! I sit down on the couch and grab a blue pancake. "What the hell?" I ask, examining it.
"Percy has an obsession with blue foods." Nico sates coming into the kitchen/living room. He grabs a pancake off the island before sitting on me. "Excuse me?" I say. "Um personal space?"
"You're my boyfriend, I can do what ever I want!"
"Just make sure you have consent Nico. Consent is consexy." Says Percy, sitting down on the couch across from us.
Nico glares at him and Annabeth and I laugh. I pull Nico closer to me, and grab a blanket to wrap us up in. "You guys are super cute." Says Annabeth, who's perched on the counter. "Thank you." I say while Nico says "Shut up!"
I elbow him. "That was rude." I whisper.
"She's basically my big sister." He whispers back.
"You guys are really bad at whispering." Percy whisper-shouts. Nico throws his pancake —which is rolled up — at him. He catches it and throws it back. "Boys! Do not play with your food!" Annabeth yells, sounding like my mom.
"Ok" all three of us mumble.


"So Willllllllllll?"
I'm sitting on my bed studying, and Nico is at my desk... studying? I'm not really sure what he's doing.
Annabeth and Percy left about an hour ago.
"I don't want to pressure you, but, are we ever gonna tell your mom about us?"
I look up at him, slightly surprised.
"Like... I want to meet her, and I want her to like me." I never would've thought that Nico was worried about meeting my mom.
"We can tell her..."
"Really?! We don't have to!"
"No, we can."
He crosses the room and sits down on the edge of my bed. He runs his long, cold, fingers through my hair. "I can call her right now and we can see about having dinner over there. I can tell her I'm bringing somebody over." I say.
"Only if your want, love."
I smile and he kisses my nose.
I grab my phone, going into my moms contact. I call it, putting it on speaker.
"Will?! Is everything ok? Your were on the news last night but I couldn't get a hold of you." I feel a bit guilty as I explain that a 'friend' went missing. She invited me over to dinner without me even asking and I told her I was gonna bring Nico. She said that would be fine and we hung up.
"Omgs. What am I gonna wear?" Nico asks
"Same thing you always do?" I say raising my eyebrows.
"I'm going to meet your mom! I need to look a little less emo and more...?"
"What? Emo Nico is the one I love."
He blushes and I grin at him.
"Your so cheesy."
"But you love me."
"That I do."


We pull into my moms driveway.
Nico kisses my cheek. "We really don't have to. I can just be your very bestest friend." I smile at him. "We can tell her." He nods. He's wearing a my light blue shirt and a pair of unripped skinny jeans. He wears his aviator jacket with his pride flag pin pinned to the bottom. We get out of the car and walk up to the house. I haven't been there in like 3 months, should I knock? Before I can decide the door flings open and there is my mom. She has reddish brown hair and blue eyes. I got my looks from my dad obviously. She looks us up and down, and then hugs Nico who looks so surprised. She lets him go and hugs me. We head inside. Her house has green walls and is set up like an old farm house. She welcomes us into the dining room where her amazing food waits. We all sit down and she blesses it, something I haven't done in months. We start eating the silence a bit awkward. "So mom," I start casually. "How have you been?"
"Mmmhhh what's going on with my baby?"
I blush a little. "I'm..." gay, mom "...great, mom." She grins. "And you Nico?"
"Wonderful." He says with a smile. She smiles and I know she already loves him.
"So I wanted to talk to you about something." I say. She looks up and her smile fades. "Is everything ok?" I nod, forcing a smile on my face. Nico grabs my hand under the table. "Um, Nico is much more than my, erm, friend." I choke out. "Well he's your roommate of cours- oh."
She looks stunned. Then she gets up and walks out. Not knowing what to do, I just sit there. Nico leans his head on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. "This is all my fault. I'm sorry Will." I shake my head. "We had to tell her one day."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"But I am Will! Don't your fucking see that! You would be fine without me! Fine! I just messed everything up! You would be better without me!" He yanks back and I can see the hurt in his eyes, the same hurt as when he talks about Bianca. "I always ruin everything." He mutters and gets up and walks out the front door. I hear the car door slam and the car peel down the road. I lay my head down on the table. I cry. What do I do now? I thought I had lost him last night. But this a whole different kinda pain. This one knows that he is most likely down the road. That I could walk to his apartment. That I can't fix this. I can't fix him. So I cry and cry. I hear light footsteps come down the hall to me. Then they turn around and go into my moms room. I sit up. Drying my tears. What do I do? I can't stay hear. I can't go home. I call Kayla. "Hey-lo!" She says.
"Hey Kay," I croak. "Can I come over?"
"Of course." She says, serious. I hang up on her. Then I push my seat back, walking out of my mothers house, and to my sisters house.

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