Once Upon A Roomate

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Nico POV

My little sister Hazel comes into my room waking me up for school. I shower and then head downstairs. I stop on the landing and observe the scene below. Persephone and her mom are at the table and Hades is in a suit. He's probably going in another business trip. Again. He's almost never around. He tries to be better since Bianca and he is but he's never around. For all we know he's cheating on Persephone which is what her mom thinks. Hazel is trying to tame her wild curly hair and is dressed like she's from the 1930s. I hop down the stair 2 at a time and she grins at me. "Hey!" She grins at me. "Good morning."
"Nicholas! Eat some cereal now! It would do you good to put some weight on!" Demeter yells.
"Yes ma'am." I get some Cheerios from the pantry and open them. I eat quickly and then tell them goodbye. Hades Apolloizes (sorry not sorry) "Guys I know that I haven't been home in a while and I'm sorry but my job is making me go and it's longer this time -6 weeks. I'm sorry!" And with that he kisses Persephone, Demeter, and hazel on the cheek and gives me a quick hug. Then he rushes out the door. I finish my cereal and say my goodbyes. Today I'm checking out my new University. I just pray to all the gods that I get a girl roommate. Wow that sounds horrible. I am  as straight as a spiral, inside of a circle, in a nest if Hazels hair, eating Cheerios and Froot Loops . You get my drift? I do not need another Percy in my life.
I put my earbuds in and head to school. We don't actually have school today it starts the day after tomorrow but we have to go meet our roommates and make our dorm home. When I get to the huge brick building that is my university I take a deep breath and then go to the dorm. People stare at me. That's ok. I'm  wearing all black except for my pride flag pin. I'm pale and them probably look like a homeless person or serial killer. I tap on the door that will be mine and a guy answers. Of course. Bc my life can't be good enough to get a girl. This guy has blonde hair (that looks natural), and blue eyes like a summer day. He had on light blue jeans and a yellow shirt with a badger on it. He was gorgeous. And so very unPercy like. He looked at me for a moment. "Hello! I'm Will Solace. I'm guessing your Nico?" I nodded then realized I was staring, blushed and looked down. "Yeah I am..."
"Great let's explore! This is my first time here too!"
The kitchen was dingy and the bedrooms were the size of closets. The bathroom had a shower and a toilet but no sink. You could tell that whoever lived here before us liked spray paint and cuss words and slurs. Fag was written on the ceilings of what I chose to be my room. It felt like the universe was making fun of me. "Fuck off" I muttered angrily. Will looked shocked and then saw the words. "Oh shit. Yikes. I thought you were saying that to me. But gosh. We can switch rooms for the moment till we get that covered  up. I saw your pin." I glare at the ceiling.  I hate people doing things for me. "Nah I'm good." He nods. "The ceilings are so low we could just paint them and the people that own the building are letting us paint it because of how bad of shape it's in.  At least it isn't a textured ceiling."
"What are you studying?" He asks randomly.
Tears spring to my eyes.
"Um I want to be a doctor. Which is weird because I hate people but I'm doing it for my sister and-" I stop taking immediately.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to unpack. You should do the same." He seems to understand and leaves me alone. I put all my bedding down and then cry. I cry for Bianca. And for my mom. Then I get out my charcoal and draw. I'm not really sure what I'm drawing until Will comes in.

"Hey man wanna- Holy shit! Wow that's amazing!" I look down at the spirals, dots, and circles that make a face. Bianca. I quickly put my things away. "Sorry that's um-"
"Private that's what Kayla always says. 'Don't look at my art notebook it's rude'" Kayla must be his girlfriend. I swallow. This guy is obviously straight and I just met him. I can't like him. But he's- I can't like him. But the mention of his girlfriend makes me sad.
"Well Kayla's right!" I say at an attempt of cheerfulness. He nods like he's had a million cups of coffee today.

"Anyways do you want to go to McDonald's and pick up some paint?" I smile. "Sure." So that's how I ended up in Will Solace's car with a happy meal. He laughed at me while I ate it. "What they are delicious?!" I asked. "And for kids!" He retorted. "Well they are good."
"And for kids!"
"Why do you act like you've had four thousand cups of coffee today?!"
"Actually it was 4...at home. 1 from Starbucks on the way to school. And 1 in the dorm, and 1 at McDonald's."
"That's 7 coffees before 12"
"I know!" He was oddly hyper and I think that he might have ADHD as well as being a coffee addict.

When we get to Home Depot he heads straight to the paint section. "I'm going to buy light blue for my room and white for the rest of the house. You should get a light color because the room is small. And the lighter the color the more light it reflects." He says matter of factly.
"How did you know that?"
"Naomi -my mom- used to work designing houses. I call her by her first name because I went to a camp for 'troubled kids'. I mean I guess I was troubled - I got kicked out of 3 schools before Jr. high so... yeah! Anyways what color paint do you want?" I look at the colors and then choose a light green. "This is pretty neutral right? Because it won't always be boys living there." He does his super fast nod again and I grin. We leave and head to Ikea. "I really need some plants and a few bookends for my room. As well as a new chair because my cousin stole mine." We get that as well as some tacks for my artwork and some curtains. After that we head home. He grabs his phone and speaker. After looking at his phone for a while and frowning he turns on Burn The Ships by For King and Country. Then we take turns. Picking songs. We get everything painted and then head home. I go up to my room to pack and Hazel helps me. I try not to think about the fact that I have the cutest straight roommate ever.

Wills POV  (make the clock reverse)
Naomi isn't awake when I get up. I make myself a cup of coffee and grab my phone. I watch friends and make myself more coffee. Then I head back to my room. Naomi comes down the hall and shushes some one. I turn the light on in my room and peek out. Her boyfriend is here. Eww. That must have been what I heard last night. Double eww. "Mom I hear you!" I shout down the hall. "What time do you have to go to University Will?" She asks changing the subject. "At 8. It's 7:00 right now." She looks down the hall and nods. "K" is all she says. I watch friends for a little while longer. Then I sigh and get dressed. I put in my favorite jeans and a yellow shirt that has a badger on the breast pocket. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and I got this shirt because I'm a Hufflepuff. Then I head off to school. I grab Starbucks on the way. When my roommate knocks I get super excited and sorta scared. I open get door and see a short boy dressed in all black. He has black hair and eyes. For some reason I feel a small little tug near my heart. "Hello I'm Will Solace! You must be Nico?"
We explore the house and then go get paint and room decorations. We paint but don't decorate since we want to make sure the paint is all the way dry. After Nico leaves I go up one floor to my sister Kayla's house. She opens the door and shows me an apartment that looks just like ours. Minus the spray paint/cuss words. I hang out at her house.
I go home after that.
I can't wait to see Nico again.

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