Chapter 14: A New Friend

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Chapter 14: A New Friend

Yvette couldn't answer my question but it was clear that it spun round in her mind just like it was spinning round in my own. As I stayed on the couch in the living space I couldn't help but let my brother and sister cross my mind and the thoughts which must be running through their minds. I was worrying about they would feel for me after everything they saw. I knew that I couldn't go back to the castle; I didn't want to hurt them with what's inside of me, after everything they saw I didn't want that to happen to them but I also knew that they would be wondering where I am and why I didn't come back. They would push what they saw aside and think about welfare instead. Staying here with Yvette though was the safest place for me I knew that so I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Something which did cross my mind though was how they were able to Shadowwyn in time. I looked over at Yvette as she placing some of the logs in the fire while I was led down and decided to ask "Um, Yvette I'm quite curious about something," she placed on final log into the fire place before turning round to look at me smiling "What would that be?" I pushed myself up from the couch and crossed my legs so I stared at her easily "How did you reach Shadowwyn in time and travel to Oro Encantandor so fast?" her smiled brightened on her face and gestured me to stay where I was. I followed her movements as she ran up the spiral staircase at quick speed and I couldn't help but slightly laugh at her. She soon hurried back down the stairs with her fur coat on and chucked me my own.

I caught it immediately as she took her hand in mine. She took me to the door and urged me to put my boots on so I followed her pursuit before we both went out into the snowfall. I put my hood up over my head so my hair wouldn't fly around in my face due to the wind created by the snowfall and followed where Yvette was taking me. She started to lead me behind the cottage, I never went into this area because she never allowed me to and it always made me wonder to why. Our feet crunched through the snow harshly as it started to thicken up until I found myself looking at a stable. "Yvette, if you think I'm gonna believe you got there on a horse then I'm gonna have to call you crazy," I sounded quite serious in my tone but I had to yell to get her to hear me due to the raging of the snow. "Just follow me," she cried back at me; so I picked up my pace through the snow which made it crunch even harder until I found myself inside the stable with Yvette. I let down my hood and pulled hair out from underneath and separated it in half so it could fall over my shoulders. "Stay here for a second," she instructed before disappearing further inwards. I stood in my spot but couldn't help but gaze around the place. It was huge; whatever she built this place for it definitely wasn't for a horse but I believe something bigger. I couldn't stay in my spot so I decided to look around a bit until Yvette got back. As I searched I found that there wasn't much to see and the place smelt too much like meat with a mix of fresh plants and the combination together didn't make the smell appealing at all.

I moved away from the stench and carried on looking around. I came across something on the hooks across the stable, I walked over towards it and as I got a better look I realised it to be a saddle. It definitely wasn't saddle which you would put on a horse so what was Yvette keeping in here. The saddle was quite big but well adjusted, the leather was neat and the whole thing was well put together; when I picked it up I found that it was very light but it seemed very comfortable just by its touch. I hung it back and walked to the corner of the stable following the glimmer which caught my eyesight. As I got closer towards it, the light started to become blinding until it started to shimmer. I bent down and picked whatever it was up holding it in my hand. I took a closer look at what I was holding, its texture was quite rough but smooth at the same time but most of all it was beautiful. Its shimmer of numerous colours whichever light you put it in just made it sparkle even more. The better look I got at it I realised that the thing that I picked up was a scale. It didn't make sense, what would a scale be doing in Yvette's stables unless...I slowly turned around as I heard footsteps come back into this section. Though the steps seemed louder and hollower than it to be just one set of footsteps. As I full stood and looked behind me I watched Yvette come back through and right behind her was a creature I never thought I would lay my eyes on.

As my eyes seared upon the creature before me, I was mesmerised by its shimmering scales which I never thought a creature like this could have, it sparkling blue eyes pierced onto mine and its claws which retracted slightly from its claws. " have a dragon. How the hell do you have a dragon?" She laughed at and stood aside from the beast so that it could walk towards me. I didn't even hesitate as it came closer to me, I was mesmerised by it because it was so beautiful. The creature didn't even seem fazed by me, as it came closer to me it circled me in a friendly manner before wrapping it's round me followed by nuzzling a way it reacted as if it knew me. "She's been with me for a very long time. Dragons are very intelligent creatures Willow, but most have been hunted to extinction due to their abrupt powers. We lived in a time where dragons were the fondest of creatures to have as our allies, friends or pet whatever you want to call it. We had so many in the kingdom before they started to be hunted. We did our best to protect most of them and believe me we succeeded; we made sure there was a sanctuary for them to be safe and that was where all of them went. If you see one around nowadays you'll be very lucky," I smiled at Yvette as I ran my hand over the dragon's scales and found that its texture was smoother than just that single scale but also had a metallic feel to it.

"What's her name?" I asked Yvette completely fascinated by her companion "Kzidazz," I smiled at the same because I remember she always told me that would be the name of her child if she ever had any. As I gave a closer look to this dragon there was something familiar about her, the way she acted around me made me think that she knew me and the way I felt around her, the way I didn't flinch or hesitate at the sight of her coming against me didn't scare me "Yvette, have I met her before?" I asked as I wrapped my around the dragon, in a way I was giving it a hug. "You do, before you had your memory wiped you loved Kzidazz and she loved you. You were just as close with her as I was. Nathan and Corinne were more interested in your father and mother's dragon's since Kzidazz didn't like them very much," I had to laugh at her statement, I couldn't understand why she wouldn't like them but it definitely explained the connection between I and her. "How does she remember me?" It was Yvette's turn to laugh at me "She's very intelligent Willow, one of the most intelligent breeds out there, she remembers the one's she has a close connection to," I smiled at Yvette but then transferred it to Kzidazz instead. This was probably the most happiest I had felt in days, it was a moment which would last with me forever. The moment was tearing me away from all the horror which was going on at the moment and it felt good. In a way I felt kind of jealous because they were such magnificent creatures and Yvette was lucky to have one.

"So this was how you were able to travel to Shadowwyn and Oro Encantandor?" I questioned again with Yvette nodding at me. I found it amazing, I lived in a world which I had no recognition of and it sucked but a good part about it was that I got relive it all again so I thought that maybe it wasn't so bad...not so bad at all. "Come one we better start heading back inside, the snow's getting worse," I looked outside behind me and noticed that the snow was getting heavier and heavier with the snow on the ground rising in inches so I agreed immediately. I said goodbye to Kzidazz before rushing back inside with Yvette. It was great to be back inside the war next to the fire which was immediately lit by Yvette. For this time in my life, I actually felt like a normal person. No princess duties, no father telling you what to do and no suitors to pass the time. Instead, my eyes had opened up to a whole new world but the disadvantage to that part was...I'm not prepared for what is to come. 

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