Chapter 21: Making A Purpose

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Chapter 21: Making a Purpose

I had to make sense of the situation, put it together piece by piece otherwise my mind won't make sense of the situation I've been placed in so I should go from the beginning. My kingdom is allied closely with Valhurst, Shadowwyn and Oro Encantandor and all these kingdoms control elements that part is clear to me. Elyria is Hayden's mother who passed down the earth element to him; Alesandro is Jayden's father who passed down the fire element to him; Yeneve is Ziva's father who passed down the air element and all these holders are the oldest heir to their kingdoms and the anonymous result was Ivna. My father passed down the water element away from the oldest heir of the kingdom but to Nathan instead but struck as odd to all of them. From it Alesendro came up with a plan to use their power, combine it as one and let in manifest inside a host which equalled me because I was this anonymous result. In result of this experimentation, I destroyed the water element making it seem like it was gone forever to now find that isn't true and that the element still exists and I'm the only one who can find it because I destroyed it. To top this all off, I have no recollection of that life anymore because it was wiped from me when I was 10 years old and is only coming back to me in pieces. Could my life get any worse? Finally making sense of the situation placed in my hands I fell backwards sighing hugely as my head made contact with the pillow in the bed and my eyes made contact with the ceiling. The main question which was running through my brain most of all was, why was this all happening to me? Out of everyone in this world, it had to choose me, they had to choose me. I groaned loudly in anger and from it my head diverted quickly to the sound of a pot breaking across the room. I sat up immediately and noticed one of Yvette's plant pots in the window shattered to pieces and all the soil collapsed on the window sill.

"What did that pot ever do to you?" My head then spun quickly in the opposite direction to see Hayden stood in the doorway looking wide-eyed towards the now not so perfect looking pot. "Nothing," I gave off an exasperated sigh before lying back down in the bed. I felt his weight lie down next to me as we both looked up at the ceiling in perfect silence until he broke it "You want to talk about it?" without making eye contact with him as I noticed he tilted his head slightly to look at me through the corner of my eye I stayed completely motionless. "Nope," even my words highlighted no emotion; I sounded like blank slate he had no emotion left to give off. "Well I do," This was the moment I knew I would get a great speech from him which I didn't want right now because there is a chance that it wouldn't make me feel any better than I am now. "Look Willow, if there was a way which we could take everything back I would do it in an instant. But we can't and now we have to move forward and fix what can be fixed now. I know your confused to why you didn't hold the water element, you've always wondered that even when we were kids but you won't remember that and trust me we all wondered the same thing. But you can't find that answer without solving the first thing in front of you and that is helping Nathan control that water element again. After what happened to you, people didn't believe you could handle this they feared what would happen to you they feared that what you have will control you and that it will endanger everyone just like it did the first time," now my head moved to look at Hayden as his eyes were serious and he meant every word that he was saying and it didn't make me feel any more comfortable than I did before; this is what people thought of me that's why they left me in the shadows and they were still trying to do the same. "Prove them wrong. Prove them wrong and be the person who I, Ziva and Jayden believed you would be when we were kids," that was how he ended his speech and I couldn't help but put a small smile on my face.

There I led in complete silence without anything to say for my reply; what was there to say? I couldn't find the words maybe because something inside me was telling me that this was the truth and this was the life I had to lead now and all I had left to do is accept it. I sat up immediately just as Hayden mirrored my actions "Then what are we waiting for?" I looked at him as he raised an eyebrow at me with an analysing look to his eye "If I'm the only one who can find this element then it would explain why Jayden and Alex want me doesn't it so the only way for them not to get to me is if I find beforehand," a smile curved onto Hayden's face as he pressed his weight off from the bed "That's the Willow I know," I too pushed myself up out of the bed; I watched as he held out his hand before me which I took willingly and we both left the room, raced down the spiral staircase and headed for the door of the cottage. Just as I reached to grab my coat I felt my arm twist round and pull my body round to face Yvette "Willow please think about this," I shook my head at my aunt and pulled my arm gently away from her "Yvette you can't stop me from doing this. If I'm the only one who can find the element I have to find it and even if I don't Jayden will keep coming after me, after the both of us," I looked between Hayden and I before gazing back towards Yvette "I can't let them get it, I just can't," Yvette nodded at me with a smile curving on her face which struck me as odd. "That's why I'm trying to stop you."

My head tilted slightly as I looked at her confused "What?" she reached inside her pocket and handed me a locket. It looked old and rusted but still had a shimmer of gold try and brighten its way through. As I let my finger press the button on the side to open the locket up Yvette spoke "On your journey, you'll probably cross paths with Xira and when I say probably you will. Elyria said that Hayden needed to tell me and Xira, you need to find her and when you do give her the locket. It won't help much but what it will do is convince her who you guys are and get her to trust you. Once you have done that I'll probably meet you guys back at Los Royaux her home," I looked inside to find an image of a small family; there stood a family of three a mother, father and daughter. The image gave off a light in my heart as I noticed how happy they all looked together. I presumed the woman was Xira and the male was Yeneve which left the girl to be Ziva. As I looked upon her she made it clear that she was the girl from my dreams...the girl with the strange green streak in her hair...I always wondered who she was. I looked back up at Yvette when closing the locket. I placed it around my neck so I knew it wouldn't get lost "You aren't coming with us?" I questioned her own motives because if she wasn't staying at the cottage what was she doing? She placed her hand lightly on my cheek and looked me in the eyes "There are some things that I have to do first. Don't worry Willow, I can handle myself." I smiled at her because I knew that she could, she's proven that too many times to me.

I gently took my coat which Hayden began to hand over to me and I wrapped it around me and tightened the buttons up before picking up my weapons belt ready to leave the door but Yvette pulled me back once again. "There's one more thing, the only way to find the element is you have to figure out what its trapped in," Hayden stepped forward with a questioning look and tone to his voice "What it's trapped in?" Yvette nodded at him "After it was destroyed it had to find something to live in and it could be anything. Nobody knows what it is except..." and her eyes landed on "You're kidding me? Please tell me you're kidding me?" But as she slowly nodded I rolled my eyes and pushed my way out of the door and muttered to myself "Great, now I need my memories back," as I said that it hit me and I looked back round to Yvette "That's why we need to find Xira, because she's the only one who can give me my memories back isn't she?" Yvette shrugged her shoulders slightly "That's what I'm hoping," I nodded at her and carried on walking through the snow round the back of the cottage to get Crystal from the stables. I heard second footsteps trudge up behind me and I looked behind to see Hayden there with his arms wrapped round his body due to the cold. I guess he isn't used to this weather. I whistled loudly for Crystal to come find me and she did so immediately and suddenly came running towards me. Her excitement made my heart light up like a million fireflies as I jumped on her back; I held my hand down towards Hayden for him to get her back but he refused "She won't hurt you."

He laughed at my remark and started smoothing her down "I know that, but I was thinking we can't do this alone just the two of us it isn't enough," I thought for a second before understanding where he was coming from "I know someone who can help us," I told him just as he nodded at me "As do I," that was my turn to nod at him. It was agreed we would go our separate ways and meet back at the place we crashed into each other before setting off to find Xira. I tapped Crystal on her side and she suddenly flew off against the air, the sudden flash of wind which connected with my skin caught me off guard as did the adrenaline which suddenly pulsed through each of my veins but the feeling felt extraordinary and I loved it. The speed she was taking was amazing and as she flew through the air with elegance I felt I was in the world of freedom and it was incredible. She made it back to the castle in impeccable timing but I was sad that the feeling of freedom had come to an end. I slid off her back and told her to stay put. I headed through the back of the training arena and waltzed on inside. "Taylor?!" I called out my best friend's name "Yea over here," came a voice from the corner of the room. I made my way over and leant against the wall as I watched her stack all the weapons back on the shelf. "How would you like to help me solve a mystery?" her body slowly turned round to look at me as I placed a mischievous look on my face "I'd say that you've been busy. And what would this mystery be may I ask?" I walked on over to her picking up her own weapons belt and handing it over "Remember when Yvette gave me that little warning a few days ago," from Taylor's sudden expression of understanding she tightened the belt around her waist and spoke "Then what are we waiting for," I held my hand down for her where she slapped her own down as I said "I'll tell you the whole story on the way," and we raced up the spiral staircase to collect somefinal things. 

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