Chapter 26: Can You Trust The Voice Inside?

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Chapter 26: Can You Trust The Voice Inside?

"Willow are you actually insane?!" Hayden yelled at me who now found himself now stood in his cell glaring at me deeply. "After everything that I just told you, you're making a joke out of it how much of a cold person are you?!" The words he was now screaming at me hurt much more than I realised they would but as well as that I could feel the anger starting to rise back inside me and this time I didn't want to hold it in. I pushed myself up from the ground and stayed close to the bars connecting our cells together while he stood as far away from me as possible; I had my hands clutched round the bars tightly highlighting how eager I was about to sound "Hayden I wouldn't ever make a joke about that you know I wouldn't, but it's the truth I'm telling you the truth!" I tried not to raise my voice at him as well because I knew that it wouldn't help the situation be accomplished any quicker. "It happened when we were ten years old Willow! There was no way you could have been there because for one main factor you didn't have your powers back then and you weren't even on the island so stop lying!" right now I could feel my heart boiling inside me because it destroyed a part of me inside where he actually believed I was lying and it hurt me so much how quickly he has turned on me. "Oh seriously Hayden you actually believe what's coming out of your mouth right now! Let me tell you something, I don't know what my powers can do but maybe they were trying to show me something that I needed to see, know and understand. Yes I may not have been there when we were ten years old but I was there days ago, so you can scream and yell at me all you like, you can believe whatever you want to believe but I know the truth-," I could feel the anger spiralling inside of me and this time I was definitely sure it was uncontrollable yet I didn't care at all I wanted it to spiral because the feeling inside felt amazing and I didn't want it to end; the urge to Hayden's voice when he tried interrupting me no longer seemed harsh but instead it sounded concerning and worried "Willow, you need to calm down. Okay I believe you just calm down." I saw him reaching out to me slightly with his hands in front of me almost as a shield while he stepped slowly towards me but I wouldn't have it, I couldn't be bothered to listen to what he had to say because for some reason he hurt me deep whether this feeling was real or not.

"No! Shut up! I can't believe your mind turned all so suddenly when you learn something new which makes you scared. I wanted to tell you the truth I couldn't keep it from you even if I tried but then how you turned quickly against me who do you think you are?!" I watched as he came close towards the bars separating us still with his hands reaching out but I could feel mine creating a deafening feel to the bars as the tightness increased turning my knuckles white "I believe you, I do okay so please...calm down," but for some strange reason I still couldn't be bothered to listen to what he was saying to me whether it because I didn't believe him now or something new has taken over me and if that was the case I didn't enjoy how I loved the feeling because somewhere deep down I knew this wasn't the case. "Shut up!" After the second those words escaped my lips and Hayden's hands were placed over mine connected to the bars suddenly rebounding off the pair of us, the power inside of me spiralled out of my hands and exploded between Hayden and I making the pair of collapse to the ground. I felt my head collide with the wood suddenly making my vision go slightly blurred but as I watched the red flames from inside me demolish around us instead of breaking the cell bars around us instead it seeped through creating no effect, even though that wasn't my intention I thought a blow like that would at least do something. My body suddenly felt incredibly weak as if it took all the power inside of me to do what I just did; from it I found that I could barely push myself up off the ground, only at least maybe half way but as I pushed my weight into the ground to help me get back up to at least a sitting position I found I would just drop back down. "Hayden...Hayden are you okay?" even my voice sounded meek emphasising on the effect the explosion from inside of me had done; "I'm...I'm alright. Are you okay?" I lifted my head up slightly to see him pick himself back up again without a pause which sent a light back through me because I was glad I didn't injure him in any way before I answered his question "I think so."

I tried once again to get myself off the ground so as I pushed my weight into the ground I dug with whatever energy I had left to get myself up but it was no use, I felt myself drop back down however this time instead of hitting the hard and damaged wood I felt something warm and tender grab hold of me. I looked back up to see Hayden grabbed hold of me arm through the bars the best he could; I moved my positioning around slightly so I could find myself in a sitting position once again while he carefully dragged me back over towards the bars. Immediately, I felt my head drop against the bars and my eyes drop close while I took several deep breaths, it felt as if I was trying to compose myself and get my body generating back to normal. "Willow..?" I opened my eyes back up and hummed slightly to indicate to Hayden that he had my attention "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I think I go so overwhelmed in thinking about my sister that I forgot something else that was important to me and I know you were only trying to do what you thought was best." I smiled at him casually while he shared one back at me "And I'm sorry for losing my calm and taking my anger out on you," I felt him take his hand back through mine however this time I felt myself flinch at his touch, not because of him but because of me. I was afraid inside that my power could take control again and this time I would actually hurt me but thankfully nothing happened so I made sure that I remained back in a calm state. "I know you didn't mean to do it," I sighed heavily and stared out in front of me to find the other remaining cells on the ship; the thought that drowned my mind as I just stared was how long we would be here for? Would it be days or would it be weeks? I guess none of it matters, if I wanted to get out of here maybe I would have tried something already but I haven't so maybe deep down I actually wanted to be here.

Too many thoughts now ran through my brain but the shocking of the ship, and the sound of the waves crashing against the ship from outside put my mind at ease by landing on one thought and that thought alone. I started to put the puzzle together, I knew what happened to me from the story Yvette, Hayden and Xira told me so that part was all clear but now I wanted to put my dreams in the right order and see if I can connect it with any of the information which I've been told. Dreams now thinking about that drew my mind further away from sorting the puzzle and landing on the words Hayden told me before we came here 'Maybe that's what you think, but deep down maybe you don't. Maybe that's what you want to believe but you can't accept all these new events, you can't accept now you're different. Deep down there is a part of you that wants to accept by just can't not at the moment' I always believed when this started that I accepted it all but I hadn't, I knew that now in fact I always knew that and what happened today I feel confirmed it. "You know you believed I hadn't accepted who I am and the events which are about to take place," I broke the silence between us while from the corner of my eye I watched him turn his head in my direction while I carried on "Well, you were right." Now I let my head turn to face him as well while our eyes connected directly and again I carried on "I haven't accepted who I am because I'm scared. I'm scared Hayden, everything has been thrown at me and I can't handle it. I don't like the idea of everyone relying on me because I destroyed everything all due to Alesandro creating this weapon inside of me. I've tore everything apart Hayden and I have to fix it. Worst of all, this weapon inside me scares me most of all because I can't control it, I put on a brave face and act like everything is okay, that I am in control but it's a lie. I can't control any of it; I'm not as strong as I make out to be in fact I'm the complete the opposite but I knew that if I showed that I would have destroyed everyone's hopes and dreams of a brighter future and I couldn't do that to them."

I could feel the crack to my voice as my explanation thickened and got deeper by the minute. I almost felt free as the words came out of my mouth but something inside me still feel free because even though I spoke the truth I was still scared and I am no longer denying that. "Willow, it's okay. You don't have to pretend to be strong because you already are. I understand why you're scared it would surprise if you weren't, I don't know how it feels to be in the position you are in I mean it took me a while to control the abilities of being a werewolf-," I suddenly slammed my eyes at him because I was suddenly caught off guard at the new piece of information he just trusted me with. Before I could say anything he carried on "That's another story for another day which I will tell you but as of right now, Willow you haven't destroyed anything and you need to do what makes you comfortable but most don't let what you feel control you. Everyone is different, and if you need longer to accept who you are then that's fine, no one will judge you. At least I won't," I smiled warmly at him while he did the same back towards me. The best that he could he reached his arm through the barrier wrapping it round my shoulder while I rested my head half on the bars and half on his shoulder while we sat there in silence once again. There wasn't much to do on the ship except sit in silence or find something of meaning to talk about so right now there was nothing which meant we were using the silence. My body still felt extremely exhausted so I could feel myself slipping back into the darkness just like the voice wanted me to do since the moment I woke up. Speaking of which I thought I would try and make a connection with it again however I was quite unsure how to start. I let myself fall into the darkness hoping this was the best place to start; once I knew I was deep inside I almost started a search and started calling out hoping that something would reply at me but I found nothing. I kept going and going until I saw a bright light up in the distance. It wore a sunset orange, red glow which seemed welcoming but I started to head towards it with caution still calling out to anyone who might give a reply "Willow, don't wake up," the same voice again giving me the same warning as last time not to wake up "Could you tell me why?" I called out towards the voice hoping they would reply "Something bad is going to happen I can feel it. Please don't wake back up," They gave an immediate reply at me.

The pace in my step automatically increased as I rushed towards the light, as I did so in the distance I could see a faint figure become visible to me and I knew I wasn't alone "Tell me how can I stop it?" I kept going towards this figure and as I did so the light started to expand all around me until the whole of my mind shared this amazing orange, red glow which made my fear start to fade away. "You control the four elements as well as your own power Willow and one of these is the earth element. You can create an emotional connection to your dragon Crystal, or create a calling to let her know where you are. Take the key from Jayden without him knowing, creating that calling for Crystal and get out of there; get back to Xira and Yvette, get your memories back then search for the water element," my eyes widened at the voice's instructions and as I got closer and closer to the figure I noticed them to be a male but who this boy way I had no idea who he was and why he was helping me, could this all be another one of Jayden's tricks "Why should I trust you? I decided to ask the question because there was no harm in it and I needed to know that I wasn't walking into a trap "Because I promised I would never let anything happen to you." Suddenly I woke up in a start and jumped in my position startling Hayden who squeezed my hand tightly in fright "What happened? Are you okay?" I looked at him breathing heavily but I couldn't tell him this, it would be too hard to explain but how was this possible the day when Alex arrived at Ivna I had a dream. I had a dream about a boy, he wore magical blue eyes and incredible red hair, we were in a difficult position and he told me everything was going to be alright. I remember the conversation so clearly:

"We're going to be okay, trust me Willow."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I promised I would never let anything happen to you."

"We said that to each other."

"Then let's live up to that promise."

Could this person in my head have a connection with the boy in my dream?

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