Chapter 34: Overstayed Welcome

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Chapter 34: Overstayed Welcome

When you've been locked inside your room for four days chained to the curtain rail hung around your bed things start to get quite boring. Sleeping has proven to be the most uncomfortable; I find every night I have to sleep on my right side because my arm can't take me any further if I spin to my left, instead it just hangs widely out in the open wanting to turn my body back round. I can't even sleep on my back because it's uncomfortable, I hate it. That isn't just it, at the same time every day two guards come in the room with Livy and I have to follow the same routine. They always unlock the manacle round my wrist so Livy can help me get changed from one outfit to the other and then later in the day it's the same for the bathroom, this including the use of the toilet and shower but then after all this they lock my wrist back inside the manacle locking the door behind them as they leave. I do wonder what the point is in doing all that but I guess Alesandro is trying to make a point, if he earns my respect, if I calm my attitude then he'll let me go but that doesn't change facts. His idea of letting me go is only to roam these halls of this prison when my version of letting me go is beyond the walls of Shadowwyn and travel to Los Royaux. I haven't exactly planned how that part will work yet but I need to figure out how to get out of this room first. Each and every day so far I have tugged hard against the manacle around my wrist but my hand doesn't budge, even the curtain rail doesn't move, it's as if the manacle is invincible preventing me from going any further and I kept getting agitated at it. Even my powers had no effect on it, nothing was working and I was losing my mind. They always delivered meals to me as well at the same time of every day, I don't touch any of it I snub my head away and turn my body round the other way each time to show my un-interest in the affection. I just wanted out, if they gave that to me then I'll be happy but until that happens they'll have to deal with stroppy, upset, agitated Willow and that is all they're getting. Most of my day when I've given up trying I just lie down on the bed staring vaguely towards the ceiling even though there's nothing interesting to look at, but tell me what else is there to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

At the moment, I was doing just that. I was led down on the bed with my head propped up with one of the puffy pillows while I flicked little balls of fire in the air with my left hand. "Willow please stop that, it's irritating me," I'd been flicking the balls in the air for at least half an hour around now and the more I did it Liam was getting frustrated at me. I kept changing the size of them to try and please him but it just got him more frustrated "Liam if you hadn't noticed I am stuck in this room, chained to a curtain rail with no amusement whatsoever and this is the only amusement I can find. So if you by any chance have anything else to offer then I'm all ears. If not, please shut your mouth or find something else to talk to me about," it was definitely evident the circumstances were messing with me because with Liam being my only means of communication, my rudeness was being played onto him. "Alright, I'm sorry but could you please do something else. I've been watching you mess with that fire ball for ages. Do something different," the sigh was heavy inside my head almost causing a headache to pulse through my brain. I took his words under consideration so instead of using fire, I created small little rocks in the air and let them crack and break before they fell back down "You're unbelievable," Liam moaned inside my head. I knew what he meant by do something different and this wasn't what he had in mind but I didn't care at least it made me laugh at him breaking away the urge of agitation for a bit "I'm glad my despondent emotion is bringing you happiness at least I've cracked a smile," it was true, a smile did crack upon my face bit it soon vanished as I heard the lock in the door move. I sat up suddenly crossing my legs in the process and instead of being faced with the usual two guards enter the room I was faced with the man I least wanted to see, Alesandro. As he made his way over towards me a glare was formed across my face while he tried communicating with a smile to me; of course I pushed it aside. "How are you today Willow?" even through his voice and posture, he was just too calm and elated for something that was tearing at my insides "How'd you think?"

He tutted at me followed by a predictable sigh "You have to stop being rude to me Willow, what did we talk about?" I couldn't help but laugh at the man now sat in front of me "You talked, I got locked in my room there's a difference," he didn't pay much attention to my statement at all instead placed a plate of food in front of me "The guards tell me you haven't been eating," without a blink I thrust the food away from me and sent it toppling all over the floor causing an alarmed reaction from Alesandro when he looked at it then back at me "I don't care about your stupid food! I don't care about your stupid generosity towards me! I am sick and tired of you trying! Just let me go for crying out loud, I got nothing you need and nothing you want just let me go!" I couldn't hold back my vexation any longer towards him, yes I was hungry so that didn't help the feeling around my body but it was more than that, I was fed up I wanted out and I didn't care how I'd get it. "You are out of tone! You will not speak to me like. It seems you still haven't learnt your lesson; you will not be leaving and you know the reason why and until you understand and see how dangerous bringing the element back is, here you will stay. Do you understand?" I couldn't control the boils forming through my blood as heat started to rise through the whole of my body "You are not my father! So don't tell me what I understand and cannot understand! You know nothing!" I screamed back at him but when I did he still seemed strangely casual as if none of this was taking affect on him. He said no more to me instead ordered some of the servants in to clean up the mess but as they did I noticed something; when Alesandro turned his back on me to talk with one of the guards I leant down quickly before anyone noticed me and picked it up and slid it underneath the covers of the bed just before Alesandro turned back round. He eyed me suspiciously before finishing "I'll see you later on Willow," he clicked his fingers indicating all the servants to leave; they did carrying all the mess with them just before he followed out behind them all.

With the final click of the lock turning in the door I knew they had all disappeared so I took out what I found from under the covers and placed it on the bed. "He's so blind, actually they all are how did they not see you take the knife. Or better yet, they didn't even question how there was only a fork people are so blind nowadays I swear," I could heard Liam chuckling inside my head while I inspected the knife. Sure it wasn't a great blade to use as a weapon but I figured this is the best I can do for the meantime. I knew they were coming back, they always do but Alesandro made it even more evident that they were because he said 'I'll see you later' you don't say that to someone unless you mean it right? But at the same time it caught my attention, he never comes into the room for anything just always sends the guards with Livy but today it was him but I think it actually was to check on me and see if I changed my attitude, fat chance in that, but then when he spoke the guard it was in depth as if he decided something. If I was right and something was planned I don't wanna stay here for another second not if I could help it. I stayed staring at the knife for a long while until Liam piped back up "I do hope you know what you're gonna do with that when they come back," but I smiled to myself suddenly answering him back "Or I could use it right now," I could feel Liam's confusion in my head but I looked over at the manacle around my wrist then back at the knife "You have got to be kidding me. Willow if you wanted something to unlock the chain maybe the fork would have been better." Shaking my head I lifted the knife up in my right hand the best I could, using my left hand I spiralled my own magic around the blade. The red glow spiralled around the blade neatly and as I lifted my hand and evaporated the magic away the blade was now neatly sharpened and well wielded to break through the lock. Now it definitely looked like a weapon "Still smart as ever Willow, great job," finally I feel I had luck on my side and I was finally getting somewhere. With a plan formulating inside my head I could feel the rush of adrenaline make its way through my veins.

I messed with the lock a few times until I finally found the latch inside and with a twist of the knife the manacle fell away from my wrist so I could remove my hand away easily. A smile brightened against my face; without a second thought I pushed away from the bed and headed for the door. I did the same thing with the knife, I messed around inside until I found the latch and finally it clicked. I twisted the knob on the door slowly and peeked round to see if anyone was there to my luck nobody was, I'll admit it left me puzzled but thought nothing of it as I used it to my advantage and ran for it. Alesandro made a mistake in letting me roam these halls because now I know my way around and more perfectly, know my way out. What was unlucky, was how far away my room was to the exit of the castle...he planned this well didn't he. I groaned at the thought but kept going. It wasn't until I heard a loud terrifying growl come from the direction of my room did I find myself in a full run round every corner and bend. As I cut some corners I had to pull myself back as the guards on patrol were on high alert. It was clear now, Alesandro knew I got out and now everyone was on the hunt for me. Why did I have to be the prey and not the hunter? This wasn't fair. When I knew the coast was clear I started in a run again, just as I was about to cut the right corner and I ran straight into one of the guards "Where'd you think you're going missy? Hey! She's over here!" he called out to the other guards as my eyes widened; his hand went down to reach for me but instead I stunned him away from me sending him flying against the wall out of my way before I ran back in a run. I was almost there; I knew I was almost there. I travelled down the numerous staircases as I heard all the guards racing around trying to find me. As I travelled down the final staircase I knew there were only a few more curves and bends I had to get through to finally reach the exit from this hell hole.

I didn't stop I carried on running especially as I heard the guards start to run down the staircase behind me. I stopped running for a second and spun back round, I looked to the side at the crumbling rock forming the walls. Instantly I tore them apart with my mind and sent them crumbling down at the front of the stairs blocking the guards reach to getting me. Each of them cried out in distress when I smirk formed on my face; I spun back around and strut into a run once again. I cut round the final curves and bends until I could see the exit up in front of me, when I noticed it I ran faster than I have ever done before. My body crashed against it automatically until I stumbled around for the handle; my hand finally clasped hold of the metal and pulled hard opening the door wider and wider until I let go and ran out into the daylight. The adrenaline pulsing through me was increasing by the second until I felt a pressure smash against my throat sending me tumbling to the ground. I struggled for breath for a second and tried to sit up but then I felt something push me back down into the ground. "Where'd you think you're going sweetie?" I looked up to see the something that knocked me down to the ground was no other than Jayden himself. I rolled my eyes at him sighing heavily feeling defeated lying restlessly down in the ground; he pulled me up harshly off the ground then finished by pulling me close against him as I struggled terribly. He dragged me back inside the castle walls as I still struggled against him and as he did so I noticed Alesandro come out from behind one of the corners with numerous guards in tow. The displeasure upon his face wasn't something to be proud of as he came marching towards Jayden and I, he was shaking his head while looking at me while I struggled even when there was no point "You need to get past all this Willow," I lifted my leg without a thought and kicked him up in the groin sending him crouching over while Jayden punched me hard in the face sending me tumbling down to the ground.

Alesandro composed himself and looked down at me "Violence will solve nothing Willow," he directed his head back up the direction he dragged me four days ago. I felt my body be lifted off the ground and back in the arms of Jayden as he carried me up the through the corridors just like his father did; I struggled more aggressively than I did last time but it still got me nowhere because at the same time my body was weak due to lack of food and dehydration also as I used most of the energy I had to run and escape down the halls. I didn't prevail, I kept kicking and screaming and punching away at Jayden but it didn't do anything. Sooner than later I felt my weight be slammed back down against the bed, Jayden clasped the manacle back round my hand but this time even tighter than before making me scream out in pain due to the burn marks he gave me however it didn't end there because he stood and waited for his father's instructions. I could feel all the blood in my body pump rapidly as a few guards started to pile in through the room "Something you said earlier Willow got me thinking, you said you had nothing I needed but then I thought about it. You do have something which could be incredibly useful for me, for experimental and observational purposes only of course. We need to know what makes you so different from everyone else and the answer is biology," Alesandro turned to all the men in the room and spoke fluently "You know what to do," all of them started to crowd round me sending scared notions flood all the way through me. As each of them came closer to me I started to kick them away so they couldn't come closer but that failed to be of use when some of the men restrained my legs, another one held down my head from moving, while Jayden extended my arm out forming my hand into a fist while Alesandro went and stood by his son with a needle in his hand. It had to be a needle, I hate needles I absolutely hate them; I tried struggling against all the guards holding me down but it was no use.

Alesandro came closer to the skin with the needle and I could feel it's cold texture before it even touched the skin "Don't, please don't do this!" I was screaming in fear towards the man "I'll do what you want! I swear just don't do this!" I didn't care anymore, I'd do anything to get that needle away from me and let them use me as a lap rat and take my blood, I'd do absolutely anything but that didn't seem to be the case. He slid the needle in through my vein positioned in the middle of my arm I urged my eyes shut tightly at the prick it made into my skin soon followed by the flood of blood sliding out through my body and inside the tube. When he finally made a decision on how much he wanted he slid the needle out from my skin leaving me led against the bed in shock and fear "See that wasn't so bad was it?" he tried being as casual as evil with me as possible while I curled up away from him further at the back of the bed after the men let go of me "I'm glad to hear you'll do as I say Willow, it makes me very pleased," but before I could say anything, just as he nodded I felt another prick in the side of my neck. I looked to the side to see Jayden releasing another small needle out from my neck and suddenly I felt all dizzy and woozy. Everything around me turned into a big blur and I couldn't make out where I was, my body felt extremely numb but I did feel this light weight with a warm presence wrap their arms around my body laying me down gently. The only clear image I received after that was Alesandro and Jayden leaving the room with the rest of the guards in tow leaving me helpless and alone chained back against the bed flooding out into complete darkness. "Willow...Willow don't fall asleep...please...don't," I couldn't even pay attention to Liam calling out my name before I was fully enveloped with darkness.


Even though the darkness was a welcoming thought I didn't like the thought of being under it. I was so close, so close to freedom beyond the door but it was too late, I was too late if only I was quicker then maybe I would have got away yet that isn't the case. I couldn't feel much at all, I couldn't feel myself coming back to reality because everything about me was incredibly weak and I couldn't move; everything was just numb. The only reason I was inside the darkness and reality at the same time was because of the burning light emitting from my window. It shone a bright yellow, orange and red colour exactly the same colours as fire that was what was burning outside it was fire but why is there fire burning outside? Soon followed by it I could hear echoed shouts and screams coming from all directions with the rush of guards piling from one area to the other. Everything around me still was a complete blur as I was inside the darkness and reality at the same time and because of the weak, numb feeling coursing through me I didn't care or paid much attention at all. I only paid slightly more attention when the sound of the lock spinning was made and the door opened, ushering instantly in the room was Jayden looking flustered and annoyed. He marched over towards a now fragile figure laid on the bed with a smirk written on his face when he looked down at my wilted eyes deciding whether or not to open "Time to go sleeping beauty," he detached the manacle away from the curtain rail; lifting me up from the bed with no remorse he twisted my arms behind my back clasping the other half of the manacle onto my left wrist before dragging me out of the room. Everything started to come into view slightly as did I feel a bit of energy come back into me as I now knew the kingdom was under attack and everyone was freaking out. I tugged with all the energy my body had on offer against Jayden as he dragged me round the corners but he only gripped hold of me tighter like usual trying to make me understand that I wasn't going anywhere. "Let go of me!!" I cried out at him but he wouldn't listen just kept dragging me round every corner as he was in a hurry and I was slowing him down. "Willow! Stop being a pain in my backside and keep moving!" Not as if I had much of choice he tugged on me harder so he could drag me through every corridor while I struggled all the way "Let me go!" I cried another time while he replied with just a simple and aggressive tone "No, now shut up!"

"I think the young lady asked you to let her go," I recognised that voice, I would recognise that voice anywhere. Jayden and I looked away from each other after our little spat and there stood in his smooth ashen leather doublet, looking at me directly with his deep blue eyes and curvy smile was Kai. I gave off a small silent laugh followed with a smile when he looked upon me followed by my eyes opening up fully with excitement and pleasure just by seeing him stood there with his sword ready aimed. "Hey! Jackass!" Jayden spun the pair of us around and stood arrow aimed, was Hayden "Remember me!" He let the arrow fire immediately not waiting for a response; Jayden howled in pain as the arrow pierced through his shoulder releasing his grip on me. I collapsed to the ground suddenly feeling the pressure of the ground crash against my head. I felt my body be lifted gently and dragged away from the boy moaning on the ground "I've got you, you're alright," I felt the manacles around my hands break free and a pair of warm arms wrap themselves around me. I immediately didn't hesitate and wrapped my arms back around them burying my head against their chest. The pair of us held onto each other tightly before breaking away; I looked up to see the deep ocean eyes, his clear blonde highlighted hair fall against his face as he smiled meekly at me. I did the same back at Kai as the pair of us suddenly felt awkward around each other. "Willow!" I turned round slightly as Hayden came and knelt down next to Kai and I. "Are you alright?" he asked immediately checking me over as I nodded my head at me "Hayden I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have told you go, I shouldn't have pushed you away, I should have gone with you. I didn't listen-," he cut me off as he pulled me against him deeply and ran his hand through my hair as tears started to pour down from my face "I'm so sorry..." the tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes as he held me against him "Willow it's okay, I understand why you did what you did. It's okay," But I still knew that it wasn't "Guys, we'd better get going," I pulled my head out from Hayden's shoulder as both our heads directed to an angry Jayden pulling the arrow impaled into his shoulder.

"Can you walk?" Hayden looked down at me and asked. I nodded in response even though I still felt slightly giddy and weak from the darkness and reality. Hayden stood up first then helped me up off the ground where I started to wobble from disorientated balance "You can't walk in your state," Hayden mumbled to both Kai and me but I shook my head preventing him from being right and went to take my first step but got caught in Kai's arms "You're not walking," just as he spoke he lifted me up in his arms bridal style with my head dropping into his shoulder and the three of us disappeared before Jayden could even make a move. I suddenly felt a gust of wind attack me as we reached outside followed by a burning sensation coming from the fires but the feeling didn't matter to me I just wanted to close my eyes again because I still felt extremely tired and exhausted from what they gave me earlier or should I say what Jayden gave me earlier. "Willow don't go to sleep. Keep your eyes open," Kai told me but it was fading out; I mumbled back at him "Just...just five minutes," my voice even sounded tired as Kai kept arguing against me "Willow no please, just keep them open," I waved my hand softly in front of him as an excuse for me before muttering again "Just five minutes," I'm sure he cried out my name but it didn't matter because I let my eyes close so I could fall back in. 

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