Chapter 39: If You Still Have A Voice, Use It

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Chapter 39: If You Still Have a Voice, Use It

I couldn't believe who was standing right in front of me; it didn't make sense with so much coming true all at once how come this was too? It wasn't a bad surprise but at the same it wasn't a good surprise because the girl who stood in front of me had no idea who I was and I only vaguely remember memories of her and I together and there were little parts I learnt from Hayden but that's all. So here she stood with the same green streak falling through her with a strange boy at her side but it just didn't make sense if she was on her mother's home island why didn't she go home meaning she has no memory at all; so why does Hayden and Jayden have their memories but Ziva and I don't? Well to be fair if I remember rightly Jayden never had his memory wiped so in reality why is Hayden the only one with his memory intact? I'm asking too many questions all at the wrong moments, I need to deal with the problem in front of me I need to handle Ziva and this boy she's with and get some more answers...and just when I was onto something with that ruby necklace. "Why am I here?" I got straight to the point but I made direct eye contact with Ziva leaving the boy out of the picture "Your here because apparently your of high importance to somebody," it wasn't Ziva who spoke back at me but in fact the boy I was avoiding eye contact. I tilted my head over at him now breaking the gaze between Ziva and me so I could stare the bow down "Was I asking you?" I waited for no response back as he was just about to open his lips to talk "No I wasn't so stay out of it," a serious glare formed across his face before I looked back at Ziva without confirmation from her friend. "Word's gone round from numerous island that the king from Shadowwyn is looking for the oldest princess of Ivna goes by the name of Willow and a huge description went out to what she looks like and it was instructed that she be returned to him alive," I rolled my eyes at her and mumbled flinging my arms in the air "Great now he's making me sound like I'm his property, that's just what I need," before I pushed myself up off the ground and looked at Ziva directly "No offense princess, I'm not going anywhere with you or your friend over there so you can forget it. Good day to you."

I swivelled past her nicely so I could get by and start to make my way out of the cave we were under so I didn't have to stay a moment longer and right now I didn't have much interest in bringing Ziva home with me since she has no memory, Xira wouldn't be able to handle it...probably, and I have more pressing matters on my hands than going back to Alesandro. Though it was no use as she grabbed hold of my wrist turning me back round to face her. As she did, I could see deeply through her emerald eyes, how brightly they shone with the tone of seriousness and the power she held across my wrist was incredibly unbearable as I was surprised at the amount of strength she contained "Let go of me," I asked her politely as I began to feel the fire boiling inside my veins but she didn't move nor did the tone about her change "We can't let you go, Shawn has a job to do and considering a rumour has gone out that he needs you back then something tells me he wants you badly otherwise the king wouldn't look so needy, so no offense princess but we're taking you back there whether you like it or not," I glared at her profoundly before twisting my head round to look at the character called Shawn before looking back on Ziva "You guys have no idea who you're dealing with do you?" each of them looked at each other for reassurance before looking back on me with clueless faces "I'm not gonna regret this," I let my power evaporate within my hands as the pair of them looked at it with different expressions. Ziva seemed astounded as if she'd never seen anything of the sort before whereas when Shawn looked at it he was more alarmed not with fear but with stupidity "Neither am I," just as I was able to raise my hand to whip Ziva off me I felt my weight be pulled backwards against something hard followed by a prick in my neck and once again I could feel myself faded out into the darkness. The only thing I could hear next was the echo of shout escaping from Ziva yelling "Why did you do that for?! I could have reasoned with her!" that's when I knew I was gone and I felt weightless.


"Willow wake up...Willow wake up for Thor's sake," a voice I tried to send away came rolling back in as I began to wake up for the second time today. I groaned loudly as I started to wake as my head hurt badly and I had no idea where I was "What do you want Liam?" I to straight to the point with him "I thought I told you to leave me alone," I heard a heavy sigh come from his end before he replied "Yea well I wasn't going to leave you alone alright, I know you're angry with me with every right to be but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop looking out for you," in a way I was actually glad he was here because that meant I wouldn't have to be alone and I could sort this out with him as well as get over the fact he lied to me when he said I could trust him. As I started to wake up properly I finally figured out where I was and it seemed I was in one of the bedrooms on a ship. I knew it was a ship due to the structure of the room but the question to why I was placed in a bedroom was in play. I pushed myself up off the bed room and waltzed to the door ready to pull the handle with the door opening wide open ready for me leave but as my hand touched the handle and I pulled it was locked. I kept pulling and pulling on the lock but nothing would happen; I even rested the ball of my foot against the wall and pulled incredibly hard to get to the door open but still nothing would happen. This would be the perfect time where super strength would come in handy and that's something I sadly do not have. I groaned in annoyance and headed back to the bed, sat there and crossed arms with a frown across my face "I am not going back to that hell hole," I muttered to myself or to Liam, who really knew?

"Then you might want to find a way out of here before the ship docks at Shadowwyn," Liam stated the obvious to me, I rolled my eyes heavily and muttered back "And how do you suppose I do that?" it didn't take long for Liam to come up with a plan which only made me presume he had it all worked out in the beginning. "Think about who you're with Willow, you're with Ziva the owner of the air element and she doesn't even know it nor does she know who she's with," I started to pay close attention to Liam at this point because from what I've learned about him so far he knows basically everything about everyone so there must be something he knows about Shawn otherwise he wouldn't have said what he said so I urged him to go on. "Shawn is the son of a women named Ryea, my mother used to talk about her a lot when I was a kid because Yeneve always had a problem with her and apparently she's one of the most ruthless warriors within the four kingdoms. She took control of Oro Encantandor for Thor's sake and she doesn't even own any gifts," I had to hold Liam off on that notes because I was pretty sure Oro Encantandor was destroyed I saw it with my own eyes. "You mixed up the islands; there are two islands which look identical to each other so they used that to their advantage to trick you. Anyway, that's beside the point Willow, Shawn comes from that bloodline but as well as this the family have close connections with my father Alesandro. Alesandro ordered Shawn years ago to kidnap Ziva and bring her back to his home kingdom the reason I'm unsure of and I'm pretty sure Shawn is too but he's just following orders. After Alesandro lost hold on you, he sent word out to Shawn to kidnap you as well." I was astounded by the news Liam was informing me about right now but it all did make sense "And Ziva has no idea about all of this. Shawn is using her; he's making it seem like their friends when in reality he's taking her back to Alesandro, a guy she only knows about because he owns a kingdom." I could feel the presence of Liam just nodding his head as I pieced all the information together. "No, Ziva is better than this, I may not remember much about her but I do remember she's smarter and stronger than that. She'll know if she's being played for a fool...however."

"However what?" Liam began to question what plan was starting to form inside my head "I can use that to my advantage, maybe I don't have to leave the ship just yet. Think about it, Ziva has no memory of her past life just like me yet I know how she can get those back. Also, Ziva and I have a common enemy so once she sees that she'll help me and I can get her away from being with Alesandro just like I was and then she can be back with her family. I could possibly even change Shawn's mind too," I waited for a response from Liam but I didn't get one which left me frustrated because he was taking too much time to think. The time went by slowly and I felt as if I was waiting for a reply from Liam for ages until he finally popped on through "Willow I don't know about that, I mean Shawn is ruthless just like his mother, Ziva...well she doesn't even know you so why would she trust a stranger especially someone who has uncontrollably powers where she's already gotten glimpse at them," I growled at Liam for disagreeing against me; he just doesn't understand that this will actually work and I was going to prove it to him. I knew what I was doing and if this is the only way out of this ship and to get my friend back then that's what I would do. Before I could even argue against Liam I heard the latch in the door across the room begin to open. My head diverted in that direction suddenly and I watched enter Ziva with a two plates of food with the same thing piled on each. She smiled meekly at me then started to make her way over towards me. At first I was confused to what she was doing before she held the plate in front of me as I raised an eyebrow her way "Take the god damn food Willow!!" Liam yelled at me causing my head to shoot a pain at me.

I gently took the plate from Ziva placing it in my lap as she took a seat next to me while I turned my body round to face her. "I thought you might be hungry and I didn't particularly want to eat alone," she hide her face away from me in a slight shy notion but I couldn't really understand why "Ziva...why am I actually here?" she looked back at me with a wide look inside her eyes at the mention of her name or the question I wasn't entirely sure "You want my honest answer, all I know is that we need to take you to Alesandro because your invaluable is that true?" I looked back at Ziva to see the curiosity inside her eyes as it was true she had no idea what was going on and I'm pretty sure she had no idea what she's gotten herself into; all I could do was nod at her as there was nothing else to say at least I couldn't find the words but in fact actually demonstrate it. I lifted my hand up away from my lap and the let the red glow spiral around my hand as she gaped at it. "I wasn't born like this, it was pressured onto me without my consent but to be honest with you there's so much about me that you have no idea about and it's that knowledge that Alesandro wants. You could say I'm like a weapon to him and he doesn't like it. Now I have question for you, what are you doing with Shawn? How did you get here?" she laughed at me placing her plate down on the bed "That's two questions but anyway, I was just on my home island when he came and took me away and he wouldn't really say why but just that it was for protection." I raised my eyebrow at her questioning the last part of her story as I knew it not to be true but I wouldn't tell her that so I just questioned her with "What do you mean protection?"

"That's the funny thing right, all my life the people I was with always told me everything they did with me the training, the fighting, the security was all for my own protection and then this guy shows up and says the exact same thing but takes it in a complete different direction," I sat back against the pillows in the bed for a second taking all this information in from what she was telling me. Seeing her right now in front of me with her telling me her story with trust even though she just met me makes me wonder whether or not I should tell her what I know but the question remained how would she react? "Now mine turn to ask a question, what happened to you that makes you seem like a threat because to me you're just like me," I looked her deeply in the eye "And what's that? What are we?" she sat up properly and leaned in closer to me so I did the same as I knew she was about to whisper "Someone who's trying to find all the answers they have a millions questions to," I raised my head back at smirked at her "So you have a million questions too, let's hear one?" she moved back in her seat too before answering "Why do I always get a pain in my head when I got to sleep with flashing images coming before me?" suddenly I felt my eyes widen at her comment and I'm sure she noticed it. But it was evident, the memories were trying to come through but something is blocking it from doing so. "You know why that's happening?" I couldn't tell her the right answer...or could I? Do I break through and make her freak out or should I just leave her questioning? I had to tell her but in the smoothest way possible. "I have them too, except mine kind of tell a story to me so I can understand it a little better but it still leaves a million questions to what happened to me. I know that I was born from an element bloodline and that there's a prophecy running through it and because Alesandro believed I was a part of it he decided to experiment on me giving me all the elements powers as well as igniting the power that was already inside of me."

Ziva sat there listening intently to what I had to say and it seemed that she had a questioning look on her face "Something tells me this is all connected somehow and I don't know how or why?" I nodded at her because now it was understood we were arriving on the same page as one another. "Look Ziva now you know why I can't go back to Alesandro he needs me for something more and I don't know what. He's already taken a sample of my blood before I escaped away from him and I'm thinking it's not for good purposes," now she looked away from me mumbling words such as 'I can't' at least that's what I presumed it was but that didn't mean she doesn't want to. "Ziva listen to me," she looked up at me at the mention of her name so we stared at each other intently "You aren't a prisoner here; if you were then you would have been locked in a room like I am not able to run around freely. Ziva you still have a voice, use it. I know you believe that something else is going on around here so you have a chance to make your own choices and I know you want to do the right thing." We stared at each other for a long moment until it was ruined by Shawn poking his head through the door ruining our girly conversation "Ziva I need to speak with you please," I nodded at Ziva as she looked at me but before she left I took hold of her wrist and stared at her "Remember what I said, make your own choice to do the right thing," she nodded back at me and left the room to go and speak with Shawn while I sat and ate the food she gave me. It was probably cold by now but who cares at least it's food.

"What did you tell her?!" a few moments of silence was ruined by an outraged Shawn storming into the room slamming the door behind him as hard as it could possibly go and I could swear I heard the hinges move slightly out of place. The image of Shawn racing towards me wasn't an exciting one in fact to anyone it would look frightening and alarming as the look on his face represented that Shawn was about to take drastic actions which to me indicated violent force. I forced my hands out in front of me so that my power spiralled round his body holding him in place before he could reach me any further. At first he struggled and pretended to look afraid at me "What the hell? How are you doing that?" I shook my head at him and kept my eyes locked onto him "Let's not act like you don't know who I am Shawn Steele," he stopped struggling and rested in the restraints I held him in "So you know me?" he asked me "I know a little bit from sources but not a lot, I know your mother is Ryea Steele one of the ruthless warriors within the four kingdoms who took over Oro Encantandor," I feel I completely repeated the exact words Liam told me earlier but at least it was worth the knowledge. "Well as you probably know, I know a lot about you and your smart so you probably know what's going on," I laughed at him for a second before acting serious again "Just let me see if I've got this right, you kidnapped Ziva because Alesandro told you to and then he also sent word out to you to get to me which you have done and now you're taking us both back to him to show what a great soldier you are for him but Ziva has no idea about all this but that leaves my question to why?"

That's when he said nothing and lowered his head so he didn't have to meet my gaze; looking at his weak positioning and the sudden change of heart made me realise something I hadn't noticed about him before "Shawn you feel guilty, upset, confused and lost. It was when I mentioned Ziva something changed; you don't want this do you?" Slowly I felt my hands lower as the restraints vanished around him and just as I thought he didn't try and attack me. He finally looked back up at me questioning "How do you know all that?" I just shrugged "It's one of the perks of controlling the water element, I can feel what you feel if I want to that is, but seriously Shawn what happened?" he slowly came and sat next to me "What did you do to her?" I looked at him as he lowered his head "It wasn't me, it was my mother she tortured her to get an extract of the air element for Alesandro...for you and I did nothing I just stood there and let it happen. I knew it was wrong I should have done something but I did nothing. Then when I found out everything else that was going on I don't know I thought maybe it was for the best," I didn't need to convince Shawn as he seemed he'd already made up his mind about how he felt about everything, so all of this was a waste of time so I told him that and he slowly nodded. "Shawn listen, no one's perfect I'm certainly not perfect but you have to turn this ship around and send me back to my brothers and sister. I can't go back to Alesandro and I know you know that. You need to take a stand for what you believe him because if you stay behind someone else's shadow doing what your told for the rest of your life, then your gonna get nowhere."

With one last look at me, I knew he'd made his final decision.

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