Chapter 43: One To One Truth

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Chapter 43: One to One Truth

With my heart racing as he stood before me, no fear traced itself around my body instead I felt incredibly calm. "I just want to talk Willow, that's all can we do that?" Alesandro spoke with a soft tone to his voice; I suspect it's meant to make me feel unsettled and nervous but all I could feel was ease and security from it, it was strange. I tapped Crystal on her side so she could release her stance, letting her know I was okay that this man wouldn't hurt me. I eve released the grip my hand had on my sword something I hadn't even known I'd done as I began walking swiftly towards Alesandro. Even he seemed to become more relaxed through his position making me wonder why he looked so tense to begin with, what did he think I would do to him because I'm not that dangerous? "You know don't you?" I started with him "That depends on what you think I should know," I decided to take a seat on the floor as I knew this was going to be a long conversation just as he did the same opposite me "Let's start with you telling me to rethink I'm a werewolf because, let me tell you it's insane. There is no such thing as werewolves and if there were don't you think I would have seen one before now." All he did was a small chuckle at me; he tilted his head towards my hand as an indication to lift it for some reason I let him do so "And yet you believe in dragons and the idea of magic, you having multiple abilities, Ziva having this strange gift," I raised my eyebrow at the last comment but I shrugged it off due to the knowledge this guy knows; he took hold of my hand twisting it round gently so the pair of us could see the bottom of my wrist before carrying on. "I don't know if you remember but the night I took you back to Shadowwyn with me we had a talk-."

I cut him off with a nod "I remember that night, it was one of the recent memories I had which is something I'd like to apologise to you about. I know you never took me there against my will but it was my choice-," now it was his turn to cut me off with the opposite actions I pulled, he was shaking his head "You don't need to apologise, everything is understandable but as of right now we have other stuff to talk about. During that talk we had, I noticed this on your wrist. In the moment I believed it was just because you and Hayden were messing around with the idea of his culture of werewolves, but it proves I was wrong because you're part werewolf as well. " My eyes widened at him because, I was unsure to hot it was even possible for him to obtain this sort of knowledge; with a sudden reaction from the response he gave me I pulled my hand back away from him and hid the faded crescent moon which lay carved into my skin. "Before you ask how I know this, when I took your blood a few weeks back I analysed it with some of the data from when I last experimented on you and I didn't know how I didn't see it before. I still had a sample of Hayden's blood and parts of the DNA matched and that's when I knew I was played for a fool. The reason you never obtained the water element was because, you're actually the daughter of Elyria and James." I just sat there in complete silence; how was I supposed to respond to something like this, it wasn't possible in my eyes.

I nodded at him; there was no point in lying to him now not when he knows the whole truth. Maybe it was for the best that he knew, because now everyone has the same knowledge and we could all just come to a satisfying conclusion that retrieving the water element isn't such a bad thing after all. "Well considering you now know everything there is to know then you shouldn't have a problem with me retrieving the water element to save Nathan's life," I pushed myself up from the ground and started walking back towards the castle before I felt his icy touch slip its way round my wrists pulling me gently back to face him "You can't Willow, you can't bring it back you just can't," I groaned in annoyance "Why are you so against me in collecting it? You want total damnation rather than saving a life which will protect millions of others!" I almost yelled at him because none of it made sense to me, none of it but the look in Alesandro's eyes looked meaningful and sincere so I knew there possibly a good reason coming my way. "If you bring the element back you'll be bringing the growing power back with it because once the water element vanished, the power latched onto it disappearing with it so if you can't bring it back please Willow I beg of you." But I kept shaking my head at him until a thought locked onto my brain and I stared directly at into Alesandro's eyes "You know what the growing power is don't you and where it is?"

He lightly let his hand slip off from my wrist but just stared at me in silence before releasing a huge sigh lowering his head "Half of that is correct, I know what it is and me not knowing where I can find it is probably better because then its hidden forever and no one else...will...," but he slowed down what he was saying creating a calculating look in his eye as he was beginning to suss something out. "But you know where to find it don't you?" the repeated question almost sent shivers down my spine because, how could I tell him I know where to find it. He'd probably lock me up again and try and prevent me from trying to find it yet at the same time we were both telling each other the truth so the right thing to do would be to tell him "Not exactly, I know where it is, but not where it is is," he raised his eyebrow at me enhancing the calculating look in his eyes as he was trying to work out what I'm trying to say "You mean to say it's hidden inside something?" I let my head slowly nod at him before I carried on my reasoning to why "Remember that necklace I had-," though my voice got cut off as I heard a scream from across the way calling out my name. I looked to the side to notice Yvette making her way over in this direction however looking in multiple directions searching for me.

Both, Alesandro and I, let our heads divert to look directly at each other not knowing what to do next. The looks on our expressions were identical, we felt clueless but it was clear that we both wanted the same thing. We couldn't let anyone know about what we've just been talking about let alone letting them believe we're suddenly friends – they all hate him so what are we supposed to do? "I'm sorry about this Willow," I raised an eyebrow at him as he suddenly punched me in the stomach making me collapse forwards just as Alesandro pulled me against him suddenly; in the same moment I could hear Yvette shouting out my name running in this direction. Immediately, I could feel the icy breath of Alesandro as he placed his lips right next to my ear whispering "Just do as I say," I nodded cautiously as Yvette made her appearance across from us along with the others. "Alesandro let her go right now!" Yvette cried out within the distance but I could see the longing gaze in her eyes as she faced Alesandro, the man she once loved "I thought we trusted each other Yvette, we told each other everything and yet you never told me about James and Elyria why not?!" The anger to Alesandro's voice was real I could feel it along with the heart ache that was seeping off from him; in a way I was starting to feel sorry for him. "It was too late by the time I would have told you, and after all the crazy ideas you were coming up with I couldn't let you hurt them especially after Willow was born; but then you went and did it all anyway so telling you wouldn't have made a difference!"

"I would never have hurt Willow and she wouldn't be in the pain she is now!" my eyes widened in shock and I looked up at him "How do you know that?" he laughed a little staying in character but right now I was playing a character I was being serious "I know the consequences that come from what I've done to her since I did this to her I know what she's going through." I wanted so badly to know what he was on about but deep down there was a side of me where I already knew what he was getting at. The actions that took place today, the nose bleed, the fainting maybe what he and I was thinking is true meaning I have to find my necklace as soon as possible. I blocked out the rest of the conversation as I decided to let myself think about what I was going to do. I knew Alesandro wasn't going to hurt me because, that wouldn't back up the kindness and trust we showed each other through our conversation so how was I supposed to get out of his grip? "Alesandro let her go!" Yvette's cry for help in the distance snapped me out of my trance especially as my weight was lifted up off the ground at a gentle grip. However, the others across from us they probably saw this as a different form of strength. I could feel the touch of Alesandro's breath catch onto my skin making me flinch slightly as I was expecting it "Okay here's what your gonna do, beat me or flip me over whatever you want, grab Crystal and go without a second chance," his voice was soft against my neck through the whisper but the urgency to his tone made me understand he wanted me to get on with what I needed to do rather than let the others in front of me hold me back any longer.

I knew that's what he meant otherwise he wouldn't have stated 'grab Crystal and go without a second chance' to be fair he had a point, knowing if I stayed then I'd have to deal with the fact that I'm a werewolf along with all the other factors there are about me. On the downside to all that, they'd all stop me from getting on with what needs to be done and I've sat down talking for far too long now, I need to actually get up and do something. Learning about Ziva can wait, I have other priorities on my hands and Alesandro was letting me do so. So no, I wasn't going to let this moment go, "You're actually letting me beat you?" I whispered back to him in shock because to be fair I never thought I would get this opportunity after everything that's been going on in our lives. "Yes, now get it over and done with before they realise something weird is going on," I didn't hesitate for a second. Before I even let him finish what he was saying, I grabbed hold of the arm he had round my neck restraining me pulling my weight away from his, finally twisting his arm round popping his shoulder out of place just as he screamed highly in pain before flipping him round so he lay down on his back side winding the air out from his lungs. I whistled loudly for Crystal to make reappearance from wherever she flew off and within seconds she was back down in front of me. Immediately I jumped onto her back, with a tap on her side she took off into the air against the wind flying high away from the others and the pair of us never looked back.

Leaving the people I cared about down there hurt, of course it would but Alesandro gave me a chance and I needed to take it. If I stayed then I know I would have had to face the idea of lectures with them telling me not to go, or that there's pieces of information I'm missing but then that would eventually turn into more lies to something about the past that they've never told me. Or they would be a sit down on formulating a visible and effective plan that everyone would be able to follow. I can't stand that; time is running out and I need to save my brother's life before it's too late. I'm not saying Alesandro is a good person after the talk we've just had because he isn't; he still wants to let four kingdoms die by breaking the balance meaning killing numerous populations rather than saving one life and dealing with a single problem of a growing power but using the language of 'what it is' means it could be anything, an object, a person, I could be forever looking after saving my brother but if that's what I need to do then that's what will happen. Crystal calmed down her pace when I knew we were far away from Los Royaux as possible and there was no way a trail could be left out in the sky so hopefully Hayden and the others won't be able to follow me. Though here I was left, Crystal and I just left out in the open with a salted blue sky lying in front of us with the clouds as out only company. It was a great idea taking this on my own but where on earth was I meant to be heading. I had no idea where I put the necklace I used to own only my memories know that. I led down on the back of Crystal, tracing my hand up and down her icy camouflaging scales.

I kept doing this for a while until I found I was led on something uncomfortable, I gently sat up and found I was led underneath the coat I was wearing. Neatly pulling the bottom of the coat out from the sides so they could rest over my knees I went to lay back down in peace taking in the fresh air; that was until I noticed the small piece of parchment fallout from my pocket. With quick reflexes I was able to obtain the parchment immediately and grasp it in my hand but it left me wondering how it got there considering I don't put anything in my pockets, it just makes a mess most of the time. It was crumpled up in a mess identifying the reason why I don't put anything in my pockets so I opened it up as clean as I possibly could until I was faced with clear calligraphy handwriting making me attract to the writing I read it aloud:

You need to travel back to Ivna and find Ash, from what I can remember he's fond of collecting and finding things and if it's true what you said about the water element being trapped inside something then Ash will be able to help. Once you find it Willow, please do the right thing and don't unleash it I beg of you. – Alesandro

My eyes widened as I couldn't believe what I just read, he was actually helping me...well in a way he was helping me but why would he do that? He still doesn't want me to unleash it but I have to sae my brother but I don't even know how to unleash it just yet so he'll still have time to get it back from me. Okay, I'm jumping ahead I need to focus on the now. I have to find Ash as Alesandro believes he'll be able to help me, so I guess its back home I'm going. I signalled Crystal to head back in the opposite direction to where we were already heading and sooner than later I could see the snowy mountains clearing up in the distance, the snowy forest and the looming castle coming into view. I took in a deep breath directing Crystal down in the forest so we could start our search in peace for Ash. I knew where he lived so it wasn't much of a long journey from where we landed. All I could think about was Taylor as each step I took crunched through the snow. She knew I wasn't fond of Ash but I knew something more was going on between them and I know she'd love to be with me right now; that just wasn't the case. As the temperature started to decrease even further I put my hood up and walked through the cascade of snow starting to fall on the grounds of Ivna. It didn't bother me since I was used to this type of weather but the thicker it go the harder it was beginning to walk through.

I found myself trudging my boots through the snow with less ease as it started thicken and make its way up past my ankles. The freeze started to melt through my boots as they started to get drenched but none of that mattered as I could see the glowing lantern of a torch light up in the distance revealing a small hidden cottage just like Yvette's appear. A smile plastered on my face as my speed suddenly increased and it felt as if the snow wasn't my enemy anymore but in fact a friend as before I knew it I was at the door. There was no hesitation when I raised my hand to knock on the door but I was left waiting for some time and my patience was dwindling. I felt the urge to knock again but as I went to do so I heard a voice speak my name from behind me "Willow?" I spun round to see a boy around my height with gazing brown eyes and light brown hair look at me "Hi Ash, we need to talk."

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