Chapter 55: Lies Always Above Truth

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Chapter 55: Lies Always Above Truth

There he was sat within in chair with only the flicker of a candle light to light up the room; his head was buried in his works, scuffling through papers his head sweating eyes exhausted his body looking dehydrated. It was as if his body was de-functioning, in my eyes it appeared he was shutting down but at the same time he needed to carry on going until his mission was done. "Hello Alesandro," his head perked up almost immediately relief filling his eyes when they landed on me, a smile cascading across his face fully looking at me. The papers fell from his hands, placing them gently on the table clasping his hands together "Willow," an sigh expressed when he mentioned my name, still the look of relief was present in his eye "I see that you've got your hands busy, should I come back later," I motioned my hand towards the door twisting my body in that direction slightly but the smile expanded on his face suggesting otherwise leading with his hand gesturing for me to take a seat. I did willingly, striding over sliding into the seat opposite his desk so we could face each other eye to eye. "I'm guessing the reason your here is because, you've finished it. You caught him? He's dead?" each speech was separated with gulps of air, waiting for closure to slip out of my mouth only to put him at ease. "I could say that, or I could ask you a question, for more information of course," the tone to my voice was formal to show there was nothing suspicious and of course being who he is, he has no recollection to what's been happening outside the castle walls so I figured I'd keep it simple as he waited for to ask the question as the pair of us deepened the contact between us "Does it make your life easier to lie all the time? To hide the truth," I didn't move in my position but Alesandro did.

His position adjusted, looking uncomfortable by taking a breath adjusting his eye contact moving across from one place to the other before settling back on me seeming as if there is no problem in the room. I stayed where I was, secured in my place turning my head to the side slightly deepening my eyes deep into his soul "Well, do you?" but nothing escaped his lips are we just kept staring. Gently resting my hand against the arm rest I let my nails slide over the fabric "You see I've come across some great findings during this search, so much so that it's made me question everything. So tell me Alesandro, do you like to lie to make your life easier knowing you ruined two people's lives," as he was about to speak as well as remove himself from the chair the silver knife pressed against his neck forcing him back in the chair with a tougher grip as Liam removed himself from the shadows. Alesandro's eyes lifted up to look behind him to see his son's eyes pierce down on him black as ash while I let mine burn red. The terror on Alesandro's face said it all, he was beat and he knew it "You see Alesandro; I don't like being left in the dark. I don't like being used my whole; I don't like the fact that my father, my mother, my supposed mother, my siblings, my friends and YOU have manipulated me my whole life." I could scan through all the events that have happened but why would I bother when he knows what he's done, what they all did. If the future wasn't obvious I'm just going to be what they always thought Liam and I were because maybe that way the world would finally understand. "This is the first step of your plan, interrogate me see what you can get and then what, he's lying to Willow we all did but if you think you can trust him now then you are sorely mistaken."

Once upon a time, those words would have done something to me. They would have hurt me inside, make me stop and think for a moment but from all the lies I've been told Liam was the only one from the very beginning who actually told me the truth so I'm not listening to someone who has lied and manipulated me my whole life, I refuse to. My the gleaming glare inside my eyes already told the story which was why Alesandro looked away from me, looking down into his lap shortly shaking his head before gaining the courage to look back at me. "Yes I lied to you, I manipulated you but I did it for a good cause, if only you listened to me when this all began. I told you, you couldn't unleash it into this world, so maybe you'll find the answer you should have found from the beginning," I squinted my eyes slightly at him trying to register the meaning but he just nodded his head forwards at me before Liam escorted him out the room. I said I wouldn't let his words do something to me and it's taking all the will power I have to subdue it but at the same time I want to let it in. Looking down just the thought of everything let my nails dig deep inside the crevices of the fabric forming an animal tear across the arm rest; I tore my nails away forcing my weight out of the seat wandering across to the window. Staring down below was a beautiful sight, it always was and that was the sad part about Shadowwyn, the people in the villages were the only good thing about the kingdom everything else about the place was just clouded in darkness and despair. No wonder it was given fire as the element to rule this kingdom because it certainly feels like it.

For a moment I found myself back in Ivna, right before this all happened, right after I had that dream for all of this to start I just looked down at my own village only to see how peaceful that place was only for a question to run through my brain asking why did everything go so wrong in my life? At the same time a clear answer was able to sweep its way in, if this all didn't happen then I would never have figured out who I really am and if that didn't happen who knows where would I be now. Just for a glimpse I thought my vision may have blurred but when I looked again I knew it was for real. There stood looking up at the tower I was in, his eyes sparkling blue, his hair floating in the wind as the sun shined down; it wasn't possible that he was here and yet it was. Within that moment I could feel the glow in my eyes vanish and the pumping in my heart come to a gradual pace just by seeing him. Eyes widening as I watched his figure move back into the forest, amidst the trees until he was gone from sight. The adrenaline in a body surged through and before I knew it I was on the outside ground chasing the figure into the forest. As I ran I pushed the branches out of the way trying to catch up with them until they disappeared from sight. They were gone; vanished into thin air. The light in my heart suddenly fled away for a moment there was a flicker inside me that felt as if things could turn around but I guess I was wrong. That was when a crack was heard behind me; anyone else in this moment would most likely turn in terror but the light inside me lit back up as I turned around, the glassy effect of tears filling up deep inside my eyes as when I did turn he moved out of the trees and inside the shining sun once again. "Kai," I said his name almost as a whisper "Willow I just wanted you to know that I didn't-," I cut him off as instead I ran into his arms pressing my lips against his own while he returned the heat emitting from both of us.

Slowly I pulled back as did he while we looked at each other intently "I know you didn't know, I could see it when we were there, you had no idea what was going on. Neither did Taylor or Nathan, I guess all four of us were left in the dark," without a thought I fell against Kai with his arms wrapped around me holding me close against him "I don't want to think about it now, I thought you had died. When you disappeared that day, that was it we all thought you were dead, you have no idea how much pain we were all facing...I was facing," I hadn't thought of has always been on my mind but now that it was out in the open it felt as if a wound had cut open something I wished had stayed closed. But when I looked up back into his eyes as he ran his fingers through my hair everything came flooding back in. Suddenly it felt as if the world was spinning around us, or at least turning into a blur making us feel as if there was no world around us. Inch by inch our heads moved closer to each other my voice whispering "I wanted to tell you, I just didn't want to-," this time he cut me off "Stop talking," immediately our lips pressed together and our intimate relationship expressed to higher levels. My leg caressed up his side as he pulled it up wrapping it around his waist pulling me up against him. My legs swung around him and he pulled me close; the kiss deepened between us and I could feel my hands running up through his hair as one of his ran through mine.


"What happened back in the cave Willow, that wasn't the real you," the pair of us were led down in the autumn coloured leaves as Kai had his arm wrapped around me while I led my head on his shoulder while we both looked up at stars igniting in the clouded night sky. Our hands were locked with one other across our chests as we enjoyed the moment between us. "I think it was Kai, everything Liam said it was the truth and that's what I become straight after so maybe that is who I really am," the rest of the conversation faded into nothingness but for some strange reason Alesandro's words crept back in and I knew Kai could feel a new sensation through the silence. It seems every time Alesandro says something a connection is formed to make me question every little thing that has happened in my life and it's driving me round in circles. "Kai, Alesandro said something to me...he said "if only you listened to me when this all began. I told you, you couldn't unleash it into this world", what do you think he meant by that?" I looked up at him as he looked down at me with curiosity and unknown deep inside his eyes with a slight shake of the head but ending with the question "When did you first see him when this all began?" I looked away from him suddenly lost in thought not understanding what he meant.

Until later that night after our departure into the night I found myself stood outside the room he held me captive in when Jayden kidnapped me. The place this all began. 

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