Temple Tannon Has a Bad Day Part Two

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The woman, dowdy-looking in Temple's opinion, glared intensely at her words. Her eyes, dark a second before, blazed with anger, resembling blue headlights.

But I have brown eyes.

Wait. Where had that come from?

She risked another glance at the man, appraising the second potential threat. Memories of television ads and campaign signs sparked recognition.

"Oh no. If you're that Moretz motherfucker, you definitely need to go." She held up a plasma rifle to further her point.

Temple's composite eyes narrowed in on the targets, centering on the politician's heart with deadly precision. He seemed to sense her scrutiny and stepped backwards, although not completely out of view.

"Leave now, before I shoot." She spoke next into the side of the weapon, "Armed and ready." A hum resounded and a tingle ran up her arm, confirming the e-gun was armed.

"Do something Moretz, before I do." Arcs of blue white light trickled along the strange woman's skin.

Had it not been for her composite eyes, Temple would've thought she was seeing things. "What's with the tech? How're doing that thing with your skin?"

Why are you asking questions? a voice demanded, sounding suspiciously like Rush.

Just shoot them and be done with it.

Curiosity overrode her good sense, and she allowed the couple to live.

"Magic," Blue Eyes said.

Against her will, Temple's eye twitched, and her aim at the couple skewed to the right.

Damn composites! Maybe she'd purchased a malfunctioning pair. Unless bestowed by the State, and repaid through Amnesty, a non-malfunctioning set of composite eyes were hard to come by.

Moretz took advantage of Temple's hesitation to add, "We're here for the inter-state travel documents, that's all."

His words lilted in a familiar way, and his voice didn't match his face. What the hell are you talking about? How can a voice not match a face? She hid her wavering confidence.

"I was told Kressick would be here." She shifted the weapon to the other hand, mostly because her other hand dripped with sweat. "Kressick I know, Kressick I trust."

Despite the raised gun, Moretz strode nearer. "He sent us. We'll take the documents and leave."

In the corner, Blue Eyes stood at the ready, hands crackling like a severed wire. Underneath the static pop, another noise competed for prominence, one Temple had heard once before. She shook off the déjà vu.

"I was only able to get three transfers approved, not four," she said.

Moretz and Blue Eyes shared a quick glance.

He waited on her, and she spoke first. "Three is fine." She lowered her arms, and the crackling ceased.

Temple wasn't ready to lower her weapon, and she didn't. In the silence, a small crescendo built between her ears. She gritted her teeth, intent on ignoring outside interference.

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