Discovering the Truth

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Third Person POV

A loud knock was banging on the door.

"Just a sec!"

A boy with black hair and a strand of white hair, was running down the stairs. He runs past a woman in about her 30's.

"Boboiboy! No running around the house!" The woman scolds.

Boboiboy looks at her, "Sorry Mom, there's some one on the door!"

Ignoring his mother's protests, Boboiboy continues running towards the door. Once he reaches it, he wears his orange dino cap. He holds the door knob, and opens the door. A man in a black coat was standing there, he was holding a suitcase in his right arm. The man looks at Boboiboy, he then looks inside the house. Boboiboy's mother appears holding plates.

"Who was i-" Boboiboy's mother drops the plates, she then gasps.

Boboiboy looks at her mother confusingly, then he turns back towards the man.

Boboiboy's mother walks towards the two, she places a hand on Boboiboy's shoulder. She looks at the man fearfully.

"Your taking him already?" Boboiboy's Mother asks.

The man nods, "His magic has grown too powerful, we could sense his magic even in the opposite realm."

Boboiboy's Mother nods her head in agreement, "Your going to take him?"

"Yes, we'll place a spell to hide his aura. Also we'll bring him with us, we'll train him to use his magic properly."

Boboiboy looks between the adults, confused on what their talking about. Was it a game? Nah his mother never plays games. Boboiboy curiously looks at the man's suitcase, it was glowing.

"Mom, What are you guys talking about?" Boboiboy asks disturbing their conversation.

His mother sadly smiles at him, "Boboiboy, there's something we have to talk about."

The three sat on the living room, silence consumed the area. None of them spoke a word, that was until Boboiboy spoke up.

"So what's the big deal?"

The man and Boboiboy's mother look at each other, the man nods. Boboiboy's mother turns towards him, and took a deep breath.

"Boboiboy... I don't know if you'll believe me but... you have magic."

Boboiboy waited for them to burst out laughing, and telling him that it was a prank. But nothing happened, the two adult had a serious expression. Boboiboy's eyes widen, this wasn't a sick joke.

"I-i... How?" was all Boboiboy could say.

"Your fa-"

The man cut his mother off, "You are the next heir to the throne, Your father was the king of our dimension before he died. To make sure our enemies aren't able to kill you, we hid you in this dimension. Where magic doesn't work, except yours. So basically, your the prince of a magical dimension. Which makes your magic more powerful than an average mage."

Boboiboy wasn't able to speak, he didn't know what to say. What do you expect him to react? He just learned that his whole life was a lie, he actually thought he was a normal teenager.

"Boboiboy, go to your room and pack..." His mother told him with a soothing tone.

"He won't need to, He has a castle. He won't need to pack, everything he needs is in the castle." The man said while standing up.

Boboiboy stares at the man, "I actually have to pack one thing."

Not wanting anymore words from either his mother or the man, Boboiboy went upstairs. He slams his door open and enters his room. He walks towards his desk, he opens the hidden small cabinet. There was a small box that was neatly wrapped, he slowly grabs it.

"Thanks for dragging me into this mess, Dad." Boboiboy mutters.

There was a knock on his door, Boboiboy hides the gift behind him.

"Relax, It's just me." The man reassures him.

Boboiboy transfers his gaze at the suitcase the man was holding, it was glowing again.

Boboiboy raises an eyebrow, "What is that? Why is it glowing?"

The man chuckles, "Well your majesty, it's our way out of here."

"Our way out of here?"

"I'm a mage specialized in teleportation, My friends call me Klamkabot. This thing over here." Klamkabot shows his glowing suitcase. "Can teleport us back to my- our dimension."

"What about my mom?" Boboiboy asks.

"She's safe as long as you aren't with her." Klamkabot informs him.

Boboiboy nods his head in understanding, "So when do we leave?"

"When you're ready."

"Let me say goodbye to my mom..." Boboiboy tells him.

Klamkabot nods, "Do it quickly, we have a lot of things to do."

With that Boboiboy went downstairs, he heard some one crying. As he took a peek at the living room, there he saw his mother crying. Boboiboy felt guilty and sad, he didn't want to leave his mother like this. He walks towards her,
and sits down on the chair beside her.

"Hey Mom, don't cry. I don't want to leave you either, especially when your like this. I'll be fine, I'll try to visit or send messages to you." Boboiboy said hugging his Mother.

His mother wipes her tears and hugs him back, "J-just promise me you'll stay alive, I don't want to lose you too."

Boboiboy smiles, "I won't..."

They hug tighter,

"I'll miss you mom" Boboiboy said

"I'll miss you too..."

They release from the hug, Boboiboy slowly stands.

"I should get going now." Boboiboy told his Mother.

His mother nods, then she sadly smiles. As Boboiboy approaches the stairs, he takes a glimpse at his mother. His mother was smiling, he knew when he leaves she would start crying again. When he got to his room, Klamkabot was holding his phone.

"Someone is calling you..." He informs Boboiboy.

Boboiboy takes the phone, he looks at the caller. It was his girlfriend "Anna". He sighs, then answers it.

"Hey Babe!" Anna greets him.


"What's wrong?" Anna asks.

"I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you." Boboiboy told her.

"What?! Why?!"

Truthfully Boboiboy hated Anna, he just dated her because she was forcing him. One of the reasons on why he hates being popular. Oh wait, he completely hates being popular.

"I don't even love you! You just forced me into this relationship! So I'm done!" Boboiboy replies.

Boboiboy ends the call, and curses under his breath. Anna was probably going to be looking for him tomorrow, but the funny part is she wouldn't be able to find him.

"I wish I did that a long time ago." Boboiboy said.

"Are you done?" Klamkabot asks him.

"Yup" He said popping the 'p'.

Klamkabot opens his suitcase, revealing a crystal.

"Woah! That looks Awesome!" Boboiboy told Klamkabot.

Klamkabot chuckles, "This is nothing yet."

Klamkabot whispers something to the crystal. Which made the crystal glow brighter. Then he touches the crystal, he looks at Boboiboy.

"Touch it"

Boboiboy slowly makes contact with the crystal, when he finally touches it. The crystal let out a blinding light, all over his room. When Boboiboy rubs his eyes, he saw the most unbelievable view. There were mystical creatures all over the place, heck there was even a gigantic castle by the mountains. Then there were villages, one of the villages was definitely huge. All thats missing was a rainbow, oh wait that would be too typical. Boboiboy's jaw drop, then closes his mouth again.

"This is it?!"

"Yes your majesty, and that castle over there is where your going to live." Klamkabot informs him.

"Can you drop the majesty, I'm not used to that." Boboiboy told him.

"Anyway, we have to get going... Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Klamkabot looks at him, "Don't tell anyone your the prince."

Boboiboy nods, "How will I be allowed inside the castle?"

"I'll tell them your the prince, We're trying to keep a low profile."

Boboiboy smiles, "I like low profile..."

Klamkabot raises an eyebrow, "Why is that?"

"Never experienced it before, back at the other dimension. I was very popular, I was always chased around the neighborhood."

"I would expect that from a prince." Klamkabot told him.

Boboiboy rolls his eyes, "I'm not a typical prince."

"Your handsome, kind, helpful, patient, intelligent, charming and- do you still want me to continue?" Klamkabot told him.

"How do you know if I have those characteristics?"

"I stalk you, duh" Klamkabot replies.

"Huh!? For how long?!"

"Since you were placed there." He tells him. "Besides we should get going."

Klamkabot starts to walk away, and was heading towards the castle. Boboiboy follows after him, as he walks the plants began to grow. The wind was blowing harder, the rocks and water was floating. Klamkabot turns around, and was stunned.

"Elemental Magic?! How?! That magic hasn't been seen for hundreds of years!"

Klamkabot walks towards Boboiboy, and grabs his wrist. "Your magic is stronger then I thought! We need to immediately get you to do castle!"

"Teleportation Magic!"

A portal appears, Klamkabot drags the amazed Boboiboy inside. Then the portal closes, once both of them were inside. The plants stops growing, the wind turns into a small breeze. Then the rocks and the water began to fall down to the ground.

What would happen to Boboiboy now?

(Author: So what do you think? I hope you enjoy reading this! Thanks for reading this! Pls comment your suggestions!)

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