Magical Duels And Academies

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Third Person POV

Boboiboy was in a room, with Klamkabot lecturing him. It's been a week, since the accident with the guardians. Since Klamkabot was ordered to teach him, here he was, teaching highly advance magic. Why you ask? Oh, that was because Boboiboy aced the basics, to Klamkabot's surprise. Boboiboy was already able to use his magic, in fact he was already doing complicated spells. Since then, Klamkabot felt proud of him.

"Okay Boboiboy, try doing this spel-"

Before Klamkabot finished, Boboiboy had done the spell with no effort. This was probably because of how powerful his magic was, he had advantages.

"Done!" Boboiboy exclaims.

"Hm... you seem to get the hang of your powers quickly." Klamkabot states.

Boboiboy smiles, "That's because, I have a great teacher."

Klamkabot chuckles, "Perhaps its time for you to go to the academy..."

Boboiboy's smile grew, "Really?"

Klamkabot simply nods, then he turns his back on him. "Let's give you a test first..."

"Okay, what kind of t-"

"Levitation Force!" Klamkabot yells.

This made Boboiboy float, "What the?"

"To pass your test, you need to defeat me in a magic duel!" Klamkabot tells him.

Boboiboy smirks, "Bring it!"

Klamkabot smiles, "I like your spirit!"

A blue circle appears in Klamkabot's hand, then suddenly Boboiboy is pushed back. Making his back slam painfully into the wall, which made him wince from the pain.

"Think fast Boboiboy! You can't win by doing nothing!" Klamkabot said.

Boboiboy rubs his head, then he stands up. But as soon he was standing, a glowing chain had grasped his right leg. Boboiboy is thrown outside the castle, landing to the grassy field outside. Boboiboy examines his arms, there were a couple of bruises.

"Jeez, no mercy huh..." Boboiboy mutters.

Klamkabot jumps out of the window and gracefully lands on the ground. Boboiboy could see multiple glowing chains around Klamkabot, the chains were floating in mid-air.

Boboiboy runs towards Klamkabot. Thankfully, Boboiboy was a former soccer player, this made him quite agile and swift. Klamkabot starts to aim the chains at him, but Boboiboy deftly dodges it. He jumps over Klamkabot thanks to a spell, then he yells.

"Weapon Summon!"

Dual pistols appear in Boboiboy's hands, he aims for Klamkabot. Pressing the trigger, multiple bullets were heading towards Klamkabot. This made Klamkabot's eyes widen, he quickly cancels the chains.

"Teleportation Portal!"

A huge portal appears in front of Klamkabot, making all the bullets
enter it. Suddenly the portal explodes, which hits Klamkabot. Smoke surrounds the area, making sight impossible. Klamkabot coughs, as he looks around him. He spots a figure dashing towards him, Klamkabot immediately uses his chain. Once his chains take a hold of the figure, he approaches it. Boboiboy was laying down on the ground, unable to move.

"Boboiboy, haven't you learned? You can't always attack your enemies straight-forwa-"

The 'Boboiboy' disappears, surprising Klamkabot. "Huh?"

Suddenly the smoke begins to disperse, due to a strong gust of wind. Soon the wind began to lift Klamkabot off his feet, the wind becomes stronger. Soon it forms a tornado, Klamkabot's eyes widen in realization.

"He's using the elemental magic!?"

Loud noises roared in Klamkabot's ears, he could hardly hear anything. Klamkabot couldn't breathe, the tornado was taking away the oxygen. His vision became blurry, he knew he was going to pass out any minute now.

"You-you pass the test!" He yells with all his strength.

Instantly, the tornado stops. Everything in it began to fall down including Klamkabot. Before he landed down to the ground, he suddenly stops in mid-air. Klamkabot was gently placed down the ground, he was exhausted. Klamkabot could hear footsteps approaching him, it was Boboiboy.

"I'm so sorry Klamkabot! I lost control of it!" Boboiboy apologizes.

There was something different from Boboiboy, Klamkabot could swear that Boboiboy had blue eyes.

"What happened to your eyes?" Klamkabot weakly asks.

"My eyes?"

"Yeah, they're blue..." Klamkabot exclaims.

Suddenly his blue eyes, return to hazel brown. Klamkabot sat up, he sighs.

"Never mind"

Boboiboy helps Klamkabot stand, "So I get to go to the academy?"

Klamkabot nods, "You won the duel..."

*The Next Day*

As Boboiboy walk towards the 'Magic' Academy's gates, he could see two girls. One of the girls had blond hair and turquoise colored eyes, the other had brown hair and shining violet eyes. When Boboiboy approaches the academy's gate, he could notice stares directed at him. This wasn't new to Boboiboy, he was always being stared at even in the other dimension. He approaches the two girls, which made them mutter.

Boboiboy looks at them and smiles, "Hi, I'm new here. Can you tell me where Sir. Klamkabot is?"

The girl with blond hair sighs dreamily, and was nudged by the other girl. Which made her snap out of her trance.

"Oh, um... he's in the garden. He seems to be waiting for some one... could it possibly be you?" the girl with brown hair tells him.

Boboiboy nods, "Thanks, I'll be going now... Oh! I almost forgot! May I ask, what are your names?"

"I'm Fa-fa-fariel, and this my friend Ruzial." The girl with blond hair introduces.

Boboiboy smiles, "Nice to meet you, I'm Boboiboy..."

"You sound like a prince... er I um meant... never mind."

Boboiboy chuckles at Fariel's behavior, then he waves a goodbye to them. When Boboiboy left, Fariel face palms. While her friend was patting her back, reassuring Fariel that she didn't mess up.

Back to Boboiboy...

Boboiboy was walking towards Klamkabot, he notice that some students were watching him. He just shrugs it off, it was probably nothing. When Klamkabot sees him approaching, he smiles. To Boboiboy's surprise, Klamkabot was holding a child's hand. The child had blond hair, and blue eyes.

"Ah Boboiboy! Finally your here! I want you to meet some one!" Klamkabot said catching the attention of the students in the area.

Boboiboy chuckles, "Who is it?"

"His name is Ochobot, he is my student and grandson... he's currently mastering teleportation magic."

Boboiboy grins, and kneels down to Ochobot. "Hey, I'm Boboiboy"

Ochobot lets go of Klamkabot's hand, and walks towards Boboiboy. Ochobot examines him, then smiles.

"You must be the prince!" Ochobot exclaims.

"Shh! We don't want anyone to know that." Klamkabot told him.

"Sorry..." Ochobot apologizes.

Boboiboy just chukles, his gut tells him that Ochobot and him would become great friends. Boboiboy carries Ochobot up into the air spinning him around, which made Ochobot cheerfully grin. Klamkabot was watching the two, and was relieved that they were getting along. They were interrupted by a couple of mummers from students, their attention was on Boboiboy. Klamkabot didn't like it, Boboiboy was gaining too much attention. He shot Boboiboy look, which signals him to stop. Boboiboy stops, and places Ochobot back to the ground.

"Aww! I want to do that again!" Ochobot whines.

"How about when we're in the castle?" Boboiboy whispers.

Ochobot smiles, "Yay!"

As Boboiboy walks towards Klamkabot, he could see a couple of stares from the students watching them. He notices that their expression were in shock, he wonders why.

"Um, Klamkabot... what's with them?"

Klamkabot looks at him, "They're probably wondering why you act so casual with me..."

Boboiboy looks at him confusingly, "Huh? What's wrong with that?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... I'm the head master of this school. Try not to act too casual with me, after all I'm also one of the most powerful mages." Klamkabot said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Boboibot said with a frown.

"You didn't ask." Klamkabot told him.

Boboiboy smiles, "So, where are we going?"

"To introduce you to the school..."

(Author: Hello! What do you think? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment your suggestions!)

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