Chapter 4: The Fifth Crusader, Quite The Buzz Kill.

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Your POV:

I was just outside the Kujo residence with Kakyoin and Abdul, while Mr.Joestar and Jotaro were taking care of Holy inside.

Abdul: "It's only the back for now, but soon enough, that bramble-looking Stand will eventually wrap around all of Holy's body. She'll suffer from fever and many diseases, fall into a coma, and eventually die."

"We need to prevent that from happening at all cost, so how much time do we have till she reaches the final stage?"

Abdul: "50 days; we have 50 days from now on to find a kill Dio, and eliminate the 'stand link' between him and the Joestars!" 

Kakyoin: "Jojo's mother...Holy can make people calm...You feel like everything's fine when around her. This may sound out of place, but If I had to fall in love, I'd like it to be with a woman like her. I want to protect her...I want to see her warm and shiny smile." (Hence the origins; Of Kakyoin 'Milf Hunter' Noriaki.)

"I think we all do Kakyoin....just not as much as Jotaro.."

We then saw Jotaro and Mr.Joestar heading towards us. 

Abdul: "Hmm...It's time."

Everyone: "LET'S GO!"

Meanwhile, Somewhere Else With A Gay Vampire.

3rd Person Pov

In a dark place, we can see something...someone, a man, hitting a camera with some thorns coming out of his hand, and revealing a photo of Jotaro, Mr.Joestar...and (Y/n).

???: "That's what I thought..." The man stated, as we could see a star-shaped birthmark on the back of his neck. 

???: "They discovered where I am, and they wan't to come here, in Egypt.." (Well I'm sure they're in, DE NILE about it. ;D)

???: "Joseph, Jotaro...And (Y/n)..." 


Your POV:

I woke up in a cold sweat, in the plane that was supposed to take us to Egypt, with the unpleasant feeling of someone watching over me in the distance....I turned around, looking at Jotaro and Mr.Joestar, who seemed to be in the same state as I am.

Joseph: "So you also felt that (Y/n)?"

"Yeah...Felt like someone was watching over my shoulder the entire time."

Joseph: "It must be Dio, be careful, there may already be another stand user on the plane."

Jotaro: "Yeah..."


I then heard a sort of...buzzing sound? Like an insect of some sorts.

"Uh, do you guys hear that?" I asked, slightly confused.

Joseph: "Yes, I think it's coming from right in front of us, but where..."

Jotaro: "Hey, look at that thing over there." He said, pointing at a flying form in the plane.

Abdul and Kakyoin finally woke up to the sound of whatever that thing was, as we all looked around, following it's movements before it disappeared behind one of the seats.

Jotaro: "I...It's a beetle; no, a stag beetle."

Joseph: "An insect on a plane? That's unusual.."

"Could it actually already be another stand user like you said Mr.Joestar?"

Abdul: "That's possible..a stand shaped like an insect."

Kakyoin: "JOJO, (Y/n)! IT'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" (You were expecting a bug, but it was me, TRICKSTER!)

We turned back immediately, only to be face to uh..face, with some giant, and extremely disgusting looking, bug.

Jotaro: "Gross...But let me deal with it, since it may be a Stand, you should activate yours (Y/n)."

Abdul: "Your right, just be careful, I heard about a Stand that likes to rip out his opponent's tongues." (Wow, what a totally not coincidence..)

"Wait, really?"

Abdul: "Yes, be on your guard."

Jotaro: "[STAR PLATINUM]!"

"[BLACK TORMENT]!" (What would that sound like in actual JoJo Style.)

Jotaro's Stand appeared as he Immediately tried to hit the beetle, as the crow formed on my shoulder...only for it to swiftly dodge the hit.

Abdu: "It dodged! I...I can't believe it! It's faster than Star Platinum, who has fast and precise enough movements to catch a bullet midair!"

Kakyoin: "So that thing really is a Stand!"

"But then, where's the owner? Where's the person behind this bug?"

My thoughts were rather mercilessly interrupted when I heard Kakyoin yell;

Kakyoin: "I...IT'S ATTACKING!"

And right on cue, some sort of stinger came out the...'mouth' of the insect, heading straight for Jotaro and Me. Quick thinking, I immediately pushed Jotaro out the way, just as the stinger seemingly bounced off my mouth...

Joseph: "(Y/n)!"

Only for them to notice the beak like mask on my face, as I stared down the bug, the mask reminiscent of a certain someone..

(A little hint for the future..)

Joseph: "I see, your Stand must be capable of reforming itself to help your defence!" 

Abdul: "That Stand tried to rip out your tongue...That's him! The 'tower' card, symbolising destruction, mayhem and interrupted travels, [TOWER OF GRAY]!! I only heard about the Stand, but I didn't know he allied with Dio. Making planes and arson look like natural incidents is his speciality. In fact, he's said to be responsible for the crash that killed 300 people in England last year." (Are we sure Hermit Purple is Joseph's Stand? Cause this begs to differ...)

"So, he's acting on behalf of Dio?"

Abdul: "It would seem so.."

Jotaro: "Step back (Y/n), I'll deal with it myself!"

I stepped aside from Jotaro, giving his Star Platinum enough room to unleash a two-handed flurry of punches.


But he only managed to destroy the stinger, as the bug itself dodged the punches like they were nothing.

"I...It dodged....?"

Abdul: "He escaped not only a one-handed, but a two-handed attack..."

Joseph: "Such amazing speed..."

???: "Hehe..."

I wondered where the voice was coming from, but that question was answered rather quickly, as I saw the beetles uh..'mouth' moving.

Beetle: "You could be an inch away, pointing at me with ten guns, the bullets won't even touch my Stand! Even if a Stand can't be killed with bullets."


'I can't help in this situation, least I could do is find the user, and quick!'

Beetle: "But you over there, with the shape-shifting Stand...master Dio warned me about your powers, he said you could become a threat to him."

"I can't tell if I should be honoured, or worried.."

It didn't respond, instead it moved away at great speed and disappeared among the seats...Only to burst through the seats, ripping some of the passenger's tongues out in the process.

'Well It isn't as bad as when THAT happened...'

Beetle: "That's right! I ripped out all of their tongues!! I'm planning to do one hell of a..."

It then moved to one of the walls, and using the tongues and blood almost like a paintbrush and ink, it started writing something.

As the word came into completion...


Abdul: "You'll pay for this! I'll burn you down to ashes! [MAGICIAN'S RED]!!"

'Spicy Chicken....could make that a business or something.'

But Abdul didn't get any chance to attack, as Kakyoin interrupted.

Kakyoin: "Don't rush it Abdul."

We then saw one of the passengers waking up and making his way towards the bathroom, before putting his hand on the bloody wall, and starting to sniff it out of curiosity.

Old Passenger: "What's this gooey stuff?" Sniff sniff. "B....BLOOD?! THIS IS BLOOD!!"

All that yelling would've woken up all the passengers, only for Kakyoin to quickly hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out  and silencing him in the process.

Kakyoin: "We have to get rid of him before the other passengers wake up and realise what's going on." (-Pumps Shotgun-)

Kakyoin: "Abdul, your fire Stand could blow up the plane, and JoJo, if you punch a hole in the wall of the cabin, it would be almost as bad! In this case, [HIEROPHANT GREEN], my Stand with the quiet strength, is the best choice to deal with this."

"Are you sure about that? We saw the speed of that thing, It could be troublesome."

Kakyoin: "Thank's for the concern (Y/n), but trust me, I'll be fine."

Tower Of Gray: "Hehe....Noriaki Kakyoin...Master Dio told me about you...I know you very well. If you're aware your Stand has a 'quiet strength' you shouldn't stand up against me...You're not fast enough to stop me!"

Kakyoin: "Oh really." He said striking a pose. "EMERALD SPLASH!!" He yelled, while his Stand threw what looked like green rocks and water.

'How is it quiet when your yelling...'

But It wasn't very effective! As Tower Of Gray dodged all the projectiles easily, and took the opportunity to launch an attack, trying to rip out Kakyoin's tongue.

Abdul: "No! It really dodged it all, It's too fast!"

Fortunately, Hierophant's mask managed to block the sting, Saving Kakyoin's tongue at the same time.

Everyone(Minus Kakyoin): "KA...KAKYOIN!" 

Tower Of Gray(*Cough* Gay *Cough): "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Silly man, you think you can hit me by launching so many projectiles at the same time, but you can't even touch me! I'm way too fast!! Too fast for you! No hit for you, you're too slooooooow!!"

It then hovered above Kakyoin, who was on the ground, and prepared it's next attack.

Tower Of Gray: "And now, Kakyoin...with my next move, I'll rip out your tongue with my 'Tower Needle'!!"


Tower Of Gray: "Don't you understand? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

It dodged once again, and quickly closed the gap between itself and Kakyoin.

Tower Of Gray: "After tearing your tongue out, you'll shudder from the pain Kakyoin!"

"Shuddering when his tongue is teared out, eh?"

Tower Of Gray: "Wait wha-"

Black Torment would swoop in, gripping the disgusting thing.

"Black Torment..."

Tower Of Gray: "W-WAIT-"


On cue, Black Torment dug it's claws into Tower Of Gray, tearing it apart.

Kakyoin: "Thank's for the help there (Y/n)."

"No problem." I said as I helped him up.

Suddenly, we all heard a blood-curdling scream behind us. Turning around, we saw the old passenger Kakyoin knocked out sooner with what looked like a bug pattern caved into his tongue, before his head split open, making a bloody mess everywhere.

"So the user was the old man from earlier?"

Kakyoin: "Heh, a disgusting Stand needs a disgusting user."

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