Chapter 5

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*The Start*

Dawn has just risen. The smell of fresh pine trees was sharp. The forest looked empty, like it wasn't explored. Two cats stood in front of the pine forest, ready to face the dangers to come. The two cats had just woken up and were ready to hunt.
BrightPaw's pov

I nodded to Hawkpaw. She stared at the forest ahead of her in awe. "Ok, now matter what we must stick together."

"Of course!" Hawkpaw nodded and breathed in the scents. I smiled slightly and headed into the forest, Hawkpaw by my side. She looked around and headed a different direction. I sniffed the bushes near me to see if I can pick up any small animals.

Suddenly I caught a whiff of another cat: a tom. I felt a sudden shudder, like I was being watched. I looked up to see a pair of eyes watching me from a nearby tree branch.

I hissed in surprise. "Well, well... a stray cat in my territory!" He growled and leaped down from the branch he was siting on. He landed on the ground amazingly balanced. He glared at us and hissed. I also noticed that the tom had a weird pelt, like a tigers.

"I'm just passing by..." I mewed and flicked my tail. Hawkpaw appeared after coming from some bushes. I noticed she had caught prey. "I caught a rabbit-" she was cut off by a she-cat's voice. I looked at Hawkpaw and noticed her fur was at end.

"Dad?!" A cry was called, from the tree the tom has come from. A slim orange she-kit came from the branch, where the tom was at before.

"Stripe! What did I say when there are intruders!" The older stripe tom growled. He faced the kit angrily. The kit, Stripe stayed where she was her hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Father! Those aren't intruders! They are our friends and we should be reasonable!" She mewed calmly.

The tom fluffed his fur and turned to face us. "My apologies... the names Tiger! And just like my name I look like a tiger. My family and I live here." The tom mewed embarrassed for being over protective and this time sounded nice.

"Oh hello. I'm BrightPaw and this is my companion and best friend, Hawkpaw. And no need to apologize you are just worried for your family... I understand." I said and nodded. Hawkpaw sat down her fur now flat.

"So new comers.. where ya from?" Tiger asked and began to groom himself. He licked his paws and rubbed them on his ears.

"Oh, well you see we were from SnowClan." I spoke swiftly. Tiger nodded but didn't say anything else. I thanked spiritclan quietly. Tiger made no move of getting up instead he shook his pelt.

"Well then. In my forest..i have a family who I care about. Our cousins are tigers." He mewed proudly. I smiled and studied Hawkpaw. She seemed neutral. "Come lets get you some food and a drink of water." Tiger climbed the tree and began to make his way to his daughter. Hawkpaw and I climbed up the tough bark and made our way up. I looked back at the pines before going into the hole that went inside the tree.
--------------------------------------Narrator's Pov------------------------------------------
Two cats sat near the tree to where Brightpaw had entered. One of them, a she-cat named Frost growled in annoyance as her companion, Bird chewed on what was left of a bird.

"SHUT UP OR ELSE WE WILL GET CAUGHT!" She hissed and swiped her unshealthed claws. Bird yelled in pain. "Great might oak! Why would you do that!" He rubbed his ear with his paw and snarled in annoyance.

"Because! You need to stop doing that!"She hissed quietly. Bird rolled his eyes and began to climb the tree stealthy. Frost followed and they began to spy on Brightpaw.
Hey guys! Sorry about the got me in check. 😅😅 hoped you enjoyed this part and I might update to narrow too! Again hopefully my schedule for wattpad will be fixed :)

Love, WLZ <333333333333333

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