Chapter Twenty-four: Join Us

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After Atalanta's revelation of her past and her powers, and after Damon had departed, everything was silent. VoiceBot had shrunk and attached himself back in Atalanta's neck, posing as a normal necklace until needed.

Suddenly, Kaizo spoke. "What do you know of TAPOPS?"

Atalanta tilted her head to the right, her face devoid of any emotion except for curiosity. "TAPOPS? Nothing much. I only know that it's a secret organization, that's all. There's more information about TEMPUR-A than TAPOPS in what I saw from the alien base where I was kept. But I guess that was old information."

"It is," the energy manipulator agreed. "TAPOPS had become widely-known now. It is an organization which tracks down and saves power spheres from evil hands."

"TAPOPS," the charm speaker mused, "does that stand for something?"

Kaizo hid his smile. This kid's intelligence sparked his interest. "Indeed. It stands for Tracking and Protecting of Power Spheres." (Am I correct?)

Atalanta contemplated her decision. "I want to meet the rest before I make my decision."

The TAPOPS team looked at each other. "Perhaps it is the best."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Atalanta sat down heavily on the chair at the living room of their house. She had a long day.


Atalanta turned around to see her mother standing on the kitchen doorway. One would pass them off as twins because of their looks and personality. The only difference is that Atalanta used the looks and personality to mask her own.

"What's wrong, Atalanta?"

Her mother knew what had happened to her in the past, and she knew she couldn't evade her daughter's fate. So when Atalanta told her of what happened earlier, she had voiced her mind.

"Do whatever you need to do, sweetie. I'll be here to support you."

Atalanta felt conflicted. On one hand, she was happy that she'll finally have a purpose in life. On the other, she didn't want to leave her parents, since they were growing old.

Her mother seemed to notice her conflict as she put her hand on her Atalanta's shoulders and lowered herself to her daughter's eye level. "We'll be fine, Atalanta. Go and follow your brother's steps. Just... take care of yourself, alright?"

Atalanta smiled. She was glad that she had a loving and understanding family.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, Atalanta found herself drinking a cup of hot chocolate from the KoKoTiam, waiting for the team to arrive.

They arrived eralier than she had expected. She could make out the ones she had seen yesterday with the help of her glasses, along with two others she presume as the leader of the team. She took another sip of the hot cocoa drink and waited casually for them to get near.

"Atalanta, right?"

The said girl turned around to face the speaker. It was a short green alien, even shorter than Adudu. It seemed like he wasn't when there the universe had given away height for free. He wears a tinted eyeglasses... over an identical one? And another? And another? He then produced another one from his pocket and wore it over the existing eyeglasses.

"I am Commander KoKoCi, and this is Adniral Tarung."

The admiral currently looked like he had eaten too many spicy foods. Unlike KoKoCi, Tarung was tall, like he soaked half of the free heights that the universe gave away.

"And we were told that you were considering joining TAPOPS."

Atalanta tilted her head to the side as a habit when she was thinking.

"I have made my decision."

Everyone went closer to her as she set down her finished cup into the table to hear her response.

"I'm joining TAPOPS."

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