Chapter Twenty: Restored Brotherhood

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Warning: A lot of line breaks ahead since it will have a lot of changing of POVs.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fang knew the reason why Kaizo agreed, and he didn't know what to think about it. On one hand, he was happy because after a long time, he will finally bond with his brother other than in training and missions. On the other hand, it would feel awkward since they were not exactly close to each other. 

"Fang, you coming?" Ying's voice cut through his thoughts and he realized that the rest were already gone. He mentally shook himself out of his thoughts. 

"Oi! Wait for me!" 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fang was confused and Kaizo understood. While one would protect the other in a fight, they will never admit to each other that they care.

Seeing his brother run towards them, Kaizo knew he had to make the first move. He was, after all, the one who took the initiative. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fang steeled himself. He cannot afford to look weak in front of his friends just because his brother had joined them, so he started his usual fight with Ying, though he doesn't have his heart in it. All he wanted was to have his brother back, and he knew that this was his only chance.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Kaizo looked at the arguing couple (he had assumed that they were together considering how much they fought like an old married couple) in amusement. He knew Fang was bisexual, like he is, but knew nothing more about him other than his basic characteristics and others related to work. The energy manipulator was determined to resolve that. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

"Fang, can I talk to you?" Fang was rather distracted with his fight with Ying so when Kaizo had talked, he returned to being nervous. Looking at his older brother's stoic face and knowing that he hated waiting, he answered immediately. 

"Yes, Captain." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Kaizo inwardly flinched in hearing his own brother call him by formalities but didn't show any outward emotion. Instead, he beckoned him to follow. 

"Come, follow me." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fang wondered what his brother wanted to talk about. If it would be about work, then his hopes are crushed. 

He followed his brother in the place where he dropped him off. The very same place when they left each other. 


 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

"I'm sorry, Fang. I hadn't been a good brother to you." 

Kaizo watched as his brother's face ranged from confused, to happiness, to anger then to emotionless.  

"Why now?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I... I don't have an excuse."

Fang could sense the genuity of his brother's words, as well as the guilt, the pain, and the sorrow. Without a moment's hesitation, he hugged his brother.

"Never, ever mention this to anyone."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So this is some sort of One-Shot of the brotherhood of the two, and I want them to be on good terms. I hope you like it.

Anyway, someone wanted his/her OC to be a part of the story as well. And I wanted to tell you this because I don't want to make major changes without your consultation. Let me know what you think.

Well, that's all for this part. Au revoir! Peace out.

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