Hello, I'm The Hogwarts Professor From A Disney Moive

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(Sol's POV)


I placed a hand on my racing heart, trying to calm down after the mini heart attack it had, "I think I'll just hide under a bunch of covers for the rest of my life, thanks."

Will chuckled slightly, "Don't worry, Some people get it worse."

I raised an eyebrow, "You're scaring me now. First with pulling a cup of Apple juice out of thin air. Then the Apple juice turns out to be Apple juice, instead moldy hamburger juice! What's next? You gonna tell me I'm a witch and then ship me off to Hogwarts? Or am I in Narnia? Or even better, I have to run for my life in a giant maze made by sixteen year olds?"

I was scowling at the end of my rant. And, I'll admit, I could have been nice about it, but after tasting moldy hamburger, I dare you to try and b's nice to the person who gave it to you.

He put up his hands in surrender, "I'm my defense, I didn't know it would be a moldy hamburger. Its called Nectar, the drink of the gods. It's suppose to taste like you favorite foods, not...what ever you had."

I was trying to not pull up a nail from the porch to scratch my tongue with, "That would explain it. When I first got on the streets, I had gotten my hands on a moldy hamburger. It got me sicker than a dog, but it kept me alive. Almost all the food I ate were moldy, but I was grateful for them all the same."

Even if some tasted like shit...

I started to put the cards into a stack, "So the Greek gods are real, anything else I should know?" Before anyone could answer, I pressed my hands against the table, biting my lip to keep from crying out in pain.

I should probably explain this too. When I was on the streets, this would happen at least seven times a day.

Key word: At least.

Sometimes it would happen for what felt like a million times. It was always completely random, never happening at a certain time. Sometimes it would happen in the middle of lunch, other times I would wake up in the middle of the night, covered in a sweat from trying to not scream out.

Scat Cat knew a little bit about them, mainly because he walked in on me withering in pain. I only told him that I must have tweaked my muscle somehow, or that I was sore from fighting monsters, but he gave me that look that my mom would give me if she thought (or knew) I was lying.

I felt the pain come from different places at once. Some were on my back, others on my chest, and a few to my ribs. I could feel my body beginning to sweat a little from biting back screams. My teeth bit into my lip and soon I tasted blood on my tongue. I saw the same thing I saw every time this happened.

I'm in what would have been a living room if it wasn't covered in trash and beer bottles. If I was actually there, I knew it would reek of stale liquor. I heard soft crying and I turn to see a boy in the corner of the room.

The Boy looked like he was my age and was curled up in a ball as tears slid down his cheeks. But what was worse was the bruises that covered his body. The child continued to cry when he spoke, "Someone...please...if anyone can hear me...help me..."

I felt one last strike of pain hit my right ear, before it stopped. I sat there tense, waiting for another strike of pain to signify that it wasn't over.



Something touched my shoulder...

A screech found its way out of my mouth as I jumped out of my chair, landing on the floor in the process. I groaned, the impact sending waves of pain through my already aching body. "OW", I groaned, reminding myself of when Kevin Hart fell through the roof in Jumanji.

I felt the hand back on my shoulder as they helped me back up. I peeled my eyes open only to see Will staring at me in concern, "What happened." I panicked momentarily, "I tweaked a muscle and I'm still sore from yesterday."

I took on look at his face and I knew I was caught. He turned my head to the left so he could look at me ear.


I heard him gasp, "How did you get this? It wasn't there yesterday." I was panicking, "Well, could you tell me what your seeing." I saw Piper come closer to take a look and she gasped too. I felt like screaming, "Guys, what you are seeing?"

There was a moment of silence before Will spoke up, "A bruise. A fresh one. It's almost like someone had just hit you." I pulled away from them, "I'll be fine." Will grabbed my shoulder and pointed at my collar, "There's some more bruises right there."

I swatted his hand away, "Didn't you hear me when I said I'll be fine." I didn't mean to be rude but he was poking in places that wasn't any of his business. I felt him reach towards the helm of my shirt when I pushed his hand away, "Absolutely not!!"

He gave me a look that my mom gave me when I would say that I was fine after I fell of my bike and scraped my knee. Oddly enough, the scrape had disappeared that next day. Will put his hands up in surrender and backed away.

I looked down at the table and placed my hand behind my ear, flinching a little when I felt a bit of pain. I wish it could take away the pain...for me and that boy...

I saw a golden light from the corner of my eye, right by my ear. I suddenly thought about what happened yesterday when the Minotaur.

I suddenly felt like Professor Quirrell and was tempted to grab my hand and scream, "What is this magic?!"

I felt the pain behind my ear lessen and I slowly moved my hand to my shoulder that Will said was bruised. The pain lessened there too and I felt the warmth spreading through my body like a wildfire.

A few seconds after, the warm feeling faded till all I felt was an adrenaline rush. Will pushed my head back to the side and stared at my ear in amazement. What? Was my ear magical or something?

Then my common sense started arguing with my brain. Of course not, you ignorant toe rag, it's her hand that's magical. My brain started buzzing with excitement, Wait, so she's got a magic hand?! Will it be like Rapunzel from Tangled?!

Before my common sense could come up with a snotty remark, (and crush my dreams of being in a Disney movie) I swatted the air around my ears and shook my head, "Guys stop, your giving me a headache."

My eyes widened when I realized I said that aloud and that everyone was looking at me like I lost my mind (Little do they know, I lost my mind years ago). I put on my best I'm-so-sorry-but-this-is-ridiculous look before sighing, "I'm sorry, my brain and my common sense were having an argument, you were saying?"

There was a moment of silence as we had a staring contest with each other. The awkward silence was broken by none other than: an awkward cough.

Everyone turned to see two other people standing there a little awkwardly. The both had a purple shirt on, like Jason's, and it was clearly obvious that they were a couple (the dude couldn't have made it more obvious when he had his arms wrapped protectively around her shoulders and her furious blush).

The boy was tall and man was he buff. I mean, it looked like he could take out an entire army if he wanted too (and I hope he doesn't want to). If I had to guess his age, I'd say maybe, 14 or 15. Maybe 16 if puberty had pitied him.

Over all: he seemed like a good kid. Like the kid who tries to be a bad kid, but can't even get into enough trouble to get detention. It made my heart smile a little to know there are still kids like that.

The girl looks like she couldn't be much older than the boy, about 14 to 15 my guess. She had darker skin that Will and Piper, had really curly and it looked a little frizzy (Oh, how my mom would have loved to play with her hair (To be honest, I wanted to play with it too. No regrets)).

She had a kind smile and I had an odd suspicion that she was tougher than she looked. She came forward and grabbed my hand, shaking it, "Hi!! I'm Hazel! What's your name?"

I was a little shocked on how straight forward she was, but quickly put on my usual smirk and replied in a British accent, "Sol Hija Dawn, at your service." She giggled slightly and when she spoke, I could tell she was from New Orleans, or at least she lived there the majority of her life.

Percy turned to the two new people in front of me, "Sol, I'd like you to meet Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang." I held out my other hand to Frank for him to shake, "Pleasure to meet you both." He grabbed it and I started shaking their hands rather enthusiastically, leaving them a bit shaken.

I noticed a black line on Hazel's arm, "Hey Hazel, I don't mean to be nosey but what's that on your arm"? She put her forearm out in front of her to let me see her tattoo

I raised an eyebrow, "Pluto?" She nodded, looking a little shocked that I knew. I pulled back and looked at Frank, "Romans?" He nodded, also looking startled. Annabeth coughed, "I thought you two were in the fighting arena?"

Frank placed his arms back on Hazel's shoulders, "We got tired of watching Clarisse beating up the dummies so we came to see what you guys were doing." I felt my muscles lock up when she said that name. Clarisse? She's here too?

I felt a little down, she probably doesn't even remember me, though. Hazel turned back to me, "Do you want a look around?" I was hesitant to say the least, but I quickly made up my mind, "Can we go to the fighting arena?"

They seemed a little startled at my request, but Hazel smiled, "Sure!! Let's go!!" She grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the arena.

This is gonna be fun....


1861 words

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