A day with the beast.....

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Author's favourite snack is nachos. What's yours???

A freezing cold day in the always freezing valley of the Himalayas. The teeth chattering winds swayed the foliage as it gusted past them. Sun seemed to have vanished from the solar system as since past one week the big ball of fire was nowhere to be located. Poor natives were forced to spend their days in front of the room heaters or nearby a bonfire. No doubt winters are in general not appreciated by plenty but then nobody prefers a scorching Sun too. Nonetheless if only the nature fancied human approval in any case. Anyways, the bona-fide winters had arrived and as usual the natives were out of their habitations and gathered inside the town's committee hall which was always warm due to the heaters and stuff. An expected commotion surrounded the hall with the gents on the left and ladies on the right. The maximum commotion came from the right, as expected. The tattles were on innumerable topics and let's not even mention that 99% of the talks orbited around the Dark King while the rest 1% were the general 'Aunty talks' stuff. All in all our natives though imbecile and over paranoid are actually very peaceful and a bit adorable if you believe me.

Sharanya sat on the couch, reading her unfinished novel. This novel seemed to be doomed with some sort of an occult as whenever she sits reading the novel, something or the other happens intercepting her to go any further. Nonetheless she hoped today she will be able to do that. Hence she peacefully sat on her couch, sipped on her lemon tea and read the book. Her husband was out since morning, she knew it was because of some Kingly business and she didn't wanted to interrupt. Whenever he wasn't near her, she ne'er felt anxious of him doing any nefarious thing or simply meet other women. Because she knew that it was actually the nature of humans to betray their partners and fortunately he wasn't a human but a monster and it's a bitter truth that monsters don't betray. So she was pretty chilled out in those matters for she knew that her husband was crazy for her and neither he would allow any other women in his life nor any other man in her life. She sighed as she flipped the page of the book. All of a sudden she felt a presence in the room. Her eyebrows furrowed as she closed the book and turned her head to where she felt the presence. She looked there and gasped. It was the beast who was sitting on the bed, staring at her with his eyes filled with passion and love. She chuckled as she stood up and ran to him, he was quick to judge her incoming and hence quickly stretched his arms to hide his tiny beauty in his beastly arms for only him to behold her. She laughed as she snuggled into his warm chest as he wrapped his muscular arms protectively around her.
"I missed you so much!!!! " she said as she looked up at him with her heartwarming smile, melting his stone cold heart. He kissed her lips and she giggled.
"Really!!!! You did!!!! " he asked resting his forehead on hers. She nodded with no scruple.
"Yes I did. I missed you so so much!!! " she whispered looking into his beautiful turquoise green eyes. He gazed at her beautiful face for a moment and than scooped her up in his arms. She giggled as she saw him proceeding towards the couch. She knew what was going to happen but that what excited her more.

The Sun had finally shown up in the sky, around noon, and his warm sunrays barged through the bay window inside the room. The Sunrays fell on the couple making love on the couch, well the copulation was over but the beast just can't get enough of her so he was busy in littering her beautiful skin with his brutal love bites. She moaned as he did so, he was a bit rough and harsh today perhaps because they have had sex after a long time and obviously he wanted to just makeup for all the days they didn't make love. Not that she was complaining about it.
"Mmmmmmm!!!! Honey, stop it!!!! I am hungry, I haven't eaten anything since morning!!! " she moaned as he practically nibbled on her neck. He growled as he didn't wanted to let go her beautiful body but she was hungry and he nohow wanted her to starve.
"Ok baby girl, we'll fetch something for you from the kitchen!!!! " he said as he kissed her cheeks and stood up.
"Honey, I am thinking that we should prepare something together in the kitchen. What say???? " she said as she tried to grab her dress which her husband brutally ripped off her body an hour ago. The beast saw it and grabbed the dress for her. She smiled.
"OK baby!!! As you say!!!! " he said like an obedient kid and she chuckled.
"Fine, lemme wear my clothes and than we both will climb downstairs together!!! " she said as slid on her dress with him watching her endearingly.

Shortly after that, they went downstairs in the grand castle kitchen.
"So my big puppy, what should we make!!! " she asked pressing her hands on his chest. He growled at that nickname and surprisingly it was turning him on.
"Don't say that unless you want us to claim you on this counter itself!!! " he growled pulling her to him. She giggled as she pinched his nose.
"That's for some other day my beast!!! But today let's fill this tummy!!! " she said as she kissed his lips and pulled away, marching towards the fresh vegetables. She thought for a while as what to make and later decided what she wants to eat.
"So let's make eggplant curry, tomato soup and brownies for dessert.!!! " she said to him. He grinned as he nodded. She chuckled as she grabbed a salad plate and kept some onions on it, than she walked to the beast.
"Honey can you please chop these for me?? " she asked innocently and who he was to refuse.
"Ok baby, I'll do that!!!! " he said like a 5 year old and she couldn't help but adore the overgrown kid. She chuckled as she strolled towards the counter to do the rest of the preparations for the chosen menu. The beast began to focus on the chopping but boy, if only he knew how to chop anything apart from people's neck, coz he had ne'er done any other chopping excluding that. But for his sharanya, he would do anything and anything also includes the chopping of these onions. He tried to slid the knife into the onion but it rolled towards the left, he tried again and again it rolled but this time to right. He huffed in annoyance but didn't gave up. In the meantime, Dravid and Nakul, the honey bunny, walked past the kitchen and fortuitously Nakul caught something in the corner of his eyes. He stopped in his tracks abruptly and Dravid looked at him perplexed. Nakul immediately went towards the Kitchen door and shove it open only to come across a scene he thought he would never see. Infront of him was the Dark King chopping onions. He fell agape and so Dravid who came later but caught the near impossible scene.
"My Lord what are you doing??? " yelled Dravid catching the King's attention who looked at them bored. Honey bunny ran to their Lord and sat on their knees.
"Lord, please don't!!!! It's so embarrassing to us that you have to cook when we are here!!!!! " wailed nakul and Dravid nodded. The King rolled his eyes.
"Listen........!!!!" Dravid didn't let the beast complete.
"No my Lord no!!!! Tell me have you lost your trust in us!!!! Hmm!! Have you!!! " Dravid wailed like a toddler and now the King had to intervene. He grabbed their necks and raised them up.
"Listen here you nasty wolves. We and our sharanya are cooking together and we don't want anyone to interfere. Did you understand!!! Now if anyone of you said even a word more, we will rip off your necks!!! Get lost!!!! " he growled as he tossed them on the ground. They gulped as they stood up and ran away, tumbling over each other in the process. Sharanya chuckled at them and went to the beast, to find him struggling with the onions. She smiled as she sat on his lap and grabbed the knife from him.
"Here!!!! Do it like this!!! " she said as she showed him how to chop the onions. He saw her attentively and than nodded. She handed him the knife back and went back to work.

Dravid and Nakul cannot keep a sesame seed hidden inside their mouths so how could they keep this big thing into their mouths. Hence they made sure that every omega in the castle knows what is taking place inside the kitchen now. And as a result, a huge flock of the omegas was standing outside the kitchen giggling amongst themselves on the adorable sight of the feared King chopping mere onions. The King's eyes teared up as he chopped those onions and the omegas giggled outside at that. Sharanya smiled as she saw the slaves enjoying the sight. She was sure that now they wouldn't only look up to him as a heartless monster. The beast on the other hand had done chopping and he grabbed the plate and went to his lovely wife.
"Are they ok!!!! " he asked innocently as he showed her the chopped onion. The onions were not chopped like a professional but they would do, besides it was his first attempt and he needs to be appreciated.
"Wow!!!! I must say that you are good cook.!!! " she praised him and he grinned.
"Am I!!! " he asked adorably.
"Oh yes you are and see how many people have come to appreciate your chopping skills!!! " she gestured towards the door and the omegas stiffened. The King furrowed his brows.
"What are you all doing here??? " he asked a bit seriously. The omegas gulped in fear.
"You all can come in!!! " she said softly and the King looked at her confused but didn't say anything. The omegas came inside a bit afraid.
"Sorry My Lord and My Queen!! " the omegas said looking down feeling guilty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"It's ok!! So now when you are here, why don't you help both of us in cooking!!! " she said with a smile as she went to fetch the vegetable basket, dragging it to them.
"So all of you, please chop these tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and beet for salad!!! " she said as she placed the basket in front of them. They nodded as they began to do the job she assigned them. She became busy with the curry after that.

The curry was done, she switched off the gas and looked at her left to find the omegas laughing and giggling with the beast who laughed with them. She smiled at the adorable sight as after all, her plan worked. She did everything to make the omegas realise that their King wasn't but misunderstood and he hold a heart of gold. She felt that the omegas now realised a bit if not fully and her next target is to make the town realise that the man they have feared for years wasn't the Dark King but a man in misfortune and loneliness. Nonetheless it's for some other day as now she would just enjoy this pleasing sight of the King laughing with the omegas of his castle.
"My Lord, chop like this, it would be easy than!!!! " said omega 39 to the beast.
"Like this!!!! Ok!!! " he agreed and sharanya couldn't help but chuckle as it was the first time she had seen him agreeing to an omega.
"The Lunch is Done, if you assemble the salad than we can head towards the dining hall!! " sharanya reminded them.
"My Lord you need to work faster!!! " said omega 34 as she quickly chopped the tomato. The beast nodded and sharanya admired the scene.

The food was laid on the table and sharanya and the beast sat together to have their meal.
"It's so tasty!!! " she said as she ate the a disfigured roti which he made for her. Although the bread was out of shape but his love for her just made it more tasty.
"Really, Is it??? " he asked as his eyes twinkled. She nodded.
"Am I a good cook???? " he asked innocently, she nodded.
"Ofcourse and I'm thinking that we should prepare the dinner too, what say??? " she asked and he was more excited to agree.
"Yeah, we will!!!! " he grinned and she chuckled at his innocence.
                                    To be continued..

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