Chapter 1

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"I don't see the need for a new dress," Alexius said. She had been standing for over an hour while the taylor measured her and asked questions. "Princess, if I may speak freely, it's for your birthday celebration, you must look stunning!" He explained. Alexius rolled her eyes, she had planned on wearing one that she already had so she wouldn't have to deal with this, but her mother insited on it since it would be her seventeenth birthday. "I'm all done your higness, I'll get it done by tomorrow," The taylor dipped his head and exited the room. "Finally," said cheerfully, she could finally stretch her arms. Alexius went to grab her sword from where it normally was, but when she saw a regular knight's sword, she remembered that she had retired her old one for it was far to small for her now. Picking up the sword, she brought it with her to go get into riding clothes, she felt like riding Dawn since she hadn't been able to in a while.

On her way down to the stables, she made sure to lay low, she didn't want to get caught up with something, but since everyone was so busy with the preparations of Alexius's party, no one noticed her walking by, but they would notice when she hadn't shown up for the next thing to fo on the long list her mother had assigned her. Alexius was originally supposed to go get her portrait done, but she was not in the mood for standing still for another five hours! "Hey Dawn, how's my big golden boy?" Alexius asked as she walked up to Dawn. She gave him a good scratch on the neck, which was something Dawn always liked. She saddled Dawn and rode to outside the walls of Drylliad. Once she did reach outside the walls, she slowed Dawn's gallop into a trot and enjoyed the scenery of Carthya. The lands of her country were always a sight and known for it's beauty.

She rode Dawn along the trails until she came upon two people who looked like they had lost their horse who was hauling their wagon. "Would you like some assistance?" Alexius asked, dismounting Dawn. "Please, I left my son tie up our horse last night when we stopped to rest, but he didn't tie it well enough and our horse escaped," The older man, who seemed to be the head of the group, explained as he shot his son a scornful glare. The old man had a mix of light grey and brunette hair while the son and short and scruffy brunette hair, they both had brown eyes too. Alexius attached Dawn to the wagon and turned to ask the man where they were heading. "Were going to the mountains that are along the border of Gelyn and Carthya," he said. Alexius stared at the man for a moment, she couldn't help them go all the way up there, it was at least a three day journey and even then you still had to get to the mountains themself. "I can't go all the way there, but I'll gladly help you for at least some ways," Alexius said with a smile, maybe she could buy a horse off of someone. 

"May I ask what you're going to the mountains for?" Alexius asked. "There's a market around there that as all sorts of stuff there!" the boy piped up after being quite for quite some time. "Oh really? I never knew that," Alexius muttered. "Of course you wouldn't, it's a place people go to get money when they're on the point of not being able to make ends meet!" The older man growled. Alexius guessed that he had realized that she came from great wealth based on what she was wearing. Alexius gave him an awkward smile before turning away from him. They rode for quite some time before Alexius heard the sound of other horse hooves approaching. Although it was most likely bypasseser, Alexius still kept her guard up. 

They continued on until Alexius looked back and she could now see who was approaching them. Alexius saw her family's crest on one of the horses browband. "The devils just love to annoy me! they sent my father to come looking for me!" Alexius hissed under her breathe. She dismounted Dawn and immediately started to untie him from the way. "Hey! What are you doing?" the old man asked. "I have to go," reaching into a pouch on Dawns saddle, she pulled out a bag of coins and tossed it to the old man, "that should be enough to buy you a knew horse, please don't tell anyone that I was here." The old man and the boy both nodded. Alexius mounted Dawn a rode away quickly as she heard Mott call out. Alexius immediatley made Dawn halt, why was Mott here?

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