Chapter 9

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Alexius examined the rock she was holding in her hand. Her patience was running out, and she felt like if she didn't find something else to do, she was going to throw a tantrum. Alexius threw the rock at the wall, and it cracked into two pieces. Alexius hadn't been paying much attention to the vigils since they stayed silent and never spoke a word, but for once, they started a conversation. 

"Have you heard the news? They say the prince has returned home today!"

"Woah, really? I thought he would be gone longer. They say he was spying on Carthya."

"I'm pretty sure he was, but I believe that was a stupid idea."

"How come? He knows all of Carthya like the back of his hand!"

"People say that the prince looks a lot like Carthya's own prince Darius, you know the one that died around six years ago. In my opinion, if he was ever seen, it would draw attention to him. " 

Alexius' attention was now fully focused on their conversation. Who was this 'prince'? Why was he so obsessed with me, and why do they say he looks close to Darius. Then the idea came to her mind, the impossible one, could Darius be alive? Alexius shook her head, "No, he's dead! I found him dead and held him in my arms. I watched as he was buried!" 

"Are you saying that you believe that the prince is Darius?"

"I mean he could be?"

"No, it can't be him. They look different and are completely different ages. It couldn't be the prince. Even if he was, why would he want to overthrow his own kingdom?"

Then they fell silent once footstep were heard. "LET GO OF ME!" Cyrus yelled. Cyrus! So Cyrus was here, and he was indeed still alive, but where were they taking him. Alexius rushed to the door to see through the bars, but the vigils blocked her view. Alexius stomped her foot on the ground, infuriated. Even if she tried to yell to him, he most likely wouldn't be able to hear her, or she would be rewarded with pain for yelling. Alexius slumped back to the corner of the room. She hated being stuck in here, but the vigils made it impossible to get out. All she hoped was that her father and Cyrus were both okay.

After some time, one of her vigils opened the door and cuffed Alexius up in the chain. They pulled her out and started walking down the hall. "Where are you taking me?" Alexius asked, but her vigil stayed quiet. Alexius hated what she was about to do. While walking, she stumbled to the ground and tried to make one of those 'damsel in distress' faces. "Please, I'm scared. Where are we going?" Alexius asked in a pitiful voice. The vigil, who now looked very awkward, rubbed the back of his neck and said, "they want to get information about Carthya from you. The prince ordered it, and your father will be there too." Alexius smirked and stood up and let her vigil lead the way again. 

So they wanted any vital information about Carthya for when they want to raid it. Obviously, Jaron and Alexius weren't going to give it up easily, so they were most likely going to have to use force or torture on them. The halls were very dark and cold as they walked along, Alexius wondered how anyone could live here! Everything was basically made out of solid stone with a few wooden beams for structure. It sort of looked like a mine tunnel. As they rounded the corner, Alexius's vigils led her towards a metal door and when he opened it for her, a man sat in a chair across the table and Alexius was ordered to sit in the chair in front of her. Once Alexius was chained to the floor, the vigil left the room, and Alexius and the man were left alone.

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