Chapter 19

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                        -All Restraint Gone-

Xander's POV

"Xander it's not what you think." She gets off the dude in her naked glory, not showing any sign of shame.

"Not a word," I instruct, shaking my head. "Simply do as I say."

"I can explain," she lets out and stares at her side as Charles picks up the brown-haired olive-skinned man.

"Oh really," I laugh hollowly, rubbing my jaw and silently praying I have enough restraint to hold in my anger as the rage flows through my veins.

"Yes." She nods, misreading my answer. "You see I had no idea you'll be back today and--"

"Wait is that supposed to be an excuse?" I snort, not believing my ears. "Just get out."

"You can't." She kneels at my feet, feigning tears. "You can't throw me out babe, I love you, we make mistakes and I'm sorry."

"Now listen and listen good," I start, her discarding her fingers from my thighs. "You can't tell me what I can and can't do."

"But what I can't do is to beat you into a pulp, like Charles my man is doing." I gesture in the direction of where my bestfriend is punching his fist into the poor guy. "Rather, what I can do is order my guards to haul your naked ass out of my house."

"Xander pleas--

"Not, another, word," I hiss, the disgust in my voice and anger in my eyes enough to make her shut up as I turn to Reed. "Go up to our room, pack every goddamn garbage she calls hers and get them down here."

Turning back to her weeping form, I remove my shirt to throw it in her face. "Cover yourself up, I'm tired of seeing you in your birthday suit. Heck, I got tired from the first time."

"And you," I swerve to the half-conscious man who is held by Billy as Charles messes him up. "Next time I see you? I'll kill you myself."

"Here it is boss," Reed speaks from the stairs and I look up, slightly surprised but happy at how soon he got it done.

"Good." I nod as he descends with the two large suitcases behind him. "Tony find the keys on that man. You are driving. Billy, drag him to his car, and Layla, please get out."

They do as I say and Layla gets up, puts on the shirt, offers me one last lingering gaze, and follows behind Billy and the groaning but still naked dude.

"Hold," I call, noting their clothes on the floor. I scrunch up my face, pick them up and hand it to Tony who bobs his head at me and departs.

Once I heed the car start in the driveway, and the boys' exit, I'm left alone with Charles. "Oh Lord help me."

"Are you okay?" Charles inquires at my groan as I drop my weight in one of the settees and peer at the used couch in contempt.

"If you mean to ask if I'm heartbroken then my answer to that is a no," I respond, aiming to prevent myself from throwing up.

"Stop staring at it, it'll make you sick," Charles advises running his fingers through his hair before grimacing at the fact he's smearing blood in it.

"I know," I grunt, wishing the furniture will just burn to ashes by my fiery gaze. "I can't believe I didn't see it coming."

"I thought you said you weren't heartbroken," he points out, peering down at me.

"I'm not," I defend. "I'm simply angry at my stupidity, I mean she was too clingy, too whiny, too everything."

"Well, I told you right from the start," he shrugs stating the obvious.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I guess I just wanted a steady and ready hoe to bang."

"Now look where that got you." he lifts a brow.

"Her pretense was almost real, though she was always slipping up on her makeup story, though she always had a ready answer to everything," I explain. "Do you know I caught her taking pictures of me whenever she feels I'm sleeping or don't notice?"

"The signs were there, bro," Charles speaks, not helping matters, and I resist the urge to glare at him.

"I need a drink," I say, feeling suffocated in this house. "I also want some sexual action."

Charles is silent for a while and simply gawks at me as if having an argument in his head. After a minute or two, he rolls his eyes and revises on the path of the stairs. "I'll go change, I can't go out looking like a zombie."

"I want you down in 10 minutes," I assert as he ascends.

"You are not the boss of me," he argues.

"I pay you, so technically I am," I contest while flipping him the bird. "Where's Ryan? We need to get this couch cleaned up, if not burn it."


Returning to the bar from the restroom, I see no sign of Charles in the perimeter as his stool is currently bare. I glimpse around the few people lounging around me, still no sign.

"He left with some gorgeous redhead," the kind bartender informs and I give him a glimpse of approval.

"Thank you," I state in gratitude and offer him a smile as I raise my empty shot glass. "More, please.

He feeds me more and I down each of them as they appear. I'm presently on my fifth shot for the night as I recall the events that took place an hour or two ago. I mean it's hard to believe that Layla could do such a thing.

Now, I'm back to the drawing board, I was so happy that finally, I've found someone who'll set me free from Azazel's shackles only for that hope to get shattered. I'm certain he'll be laughing wherever he is at my misfortune, that's if he wasn't there anyway because you never can tell with demons.

"Lord, I need your help," I groan in a whisper, suddenly feeling hopeless. I have only ten months left and I don't even know where to begin. Some might say ten months is a long time, people meet, fall in love, get married, and pregnant in a span of six months, rather for me that's a fact that'll never play out in my life.

Needing to rid of these thoughts, I down my 7th shot, and slam the glass back, motioning the bartender for another. As he pours the liquor into the crystal cup, I shift my gaze to peer at the numerous people dancing to the insanely loud music.

I begin to bob my head as the alcohol in my system starts to kick in. The glass slides to me and I snatch it up, swallowing the liquid in one gulp. Returning the glass without looking back, my irises spot a caramel-skinned lady in a lacy red top and thigh-high leather skirt.

How I'm able to spot her amid grinding bodies is lost to me and before I know it, I'm getting up as if entranced. I retrieve my credit card and offer it to the bartender who does his job and hands it back to me in less than a minute. My vision doesn't leave the brown sugar whose neck is exposed thus her braids are packed high atop her head.

Slowly, my eyes focused, and not wanting to lose sight of her, I weave in between couples and horny adults, at last reaching the middle of the dance floor where the female is dancing alone.
I sense a familiarity towards her but I put it as an effect of the drink and the events of the day.

Not pondering on that thought, the song changes to one I've not heard before. She seems to know the song as her body gets in tune with the slow tempo, her hips thrusting up and gyrating barely an inch from where my groin is positioned.

I'm captivated by the gradual and sensual movement of her hips and ass as the leather material on her legs rides up to where her butt stops.

"Fuck it," I grunt, all restraint gone as the blood rushes to my dick. Not thinking twice, my hand goes to grip her waist and press the back of her body to my front. My hard chest is slack on her bare neck and I hold her still for a second, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her hair.

My fingers clutch hard on her skin, the nails nearly dipping into the flesh as I growl in approval. I smirk as I notice her legs go weak at the raw groan and press her body to mine harder if that's possible.

She happens to get the silent memo as she bends, her back arching so I can feel the hardness of my masculinity press into the softness of her ass cheeks through our clothes. I inhale at the sensation, more so as she begins to move her behind up and down, now fully grinding on me.

I let my left hand slide to her hip and clench firmly, increasing the friction between our bodies as I have the urge to rip her clothes off and take her right here, not caring who's watching.

Who do you think Xander is dancing with?🌚

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