Chapter 28

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-Don't Waste It-

Xander's POV

"Good timing as always," I scoff, pouring myself a drink.

"Oh come on, don't sound so harsh," the blue-veined demon chuckles and comes to stand in my view.

"Who said I am?" I query lifting a brow before throwing my head back and gulping the liquid in the shot glass.

"Your body language," he shrugs, smirking. "You knew what you were getting into when you made that deal, Xander."

"And you knew I was going to fail didn't you Azazel?" I snort in query, swallowing more ethanol and scrunching my face for a moment.

"Mm, more or less," he admits, rubbing his jaw, the black long-sleeved shirt he's donning the same shade as his slacks and sandals.

"Then why did you let me?" I inquired, cocking my head to the side.

"You don't know much about me do you?" He queries, cackling.

"Enlighten me," I urge, bobbing my head as I push the glass to the side and decide to drink from the bottle of four cousins directly.

"What's the easiest way to put it," he hums, pretending to think. "Ah, I get it. 'I always love a chase."

"So you accepted it so you could watch me fail?" I shake my head, eyebrows raised. "Dude that's harsh."

"It's always fun to see humans think they can be smarter," he answers. "It's entertaining to watch."

I merely nod at this and drink straight from the bottle, my throat burning as I don't stop till it feels like I can't breathe.

"Don't act so gloomy," he smirks. "It makes the job boring."

"Why won't I?" I quiz blinking as I feel the liquor go to my head and make me dizzy for a second. "Your appearance here only solidifies that my doom is near."

"Still, you should cheer up." He winks behaving as if he isn't here to remind me of my stupidity. "We don't like grim souls in hell and who knows, you might make a fair demon."

"Why are you here Azazel?" I sigh and question, not in the mood for his games.

"Simply to see how my favorite human is doing," he smiles wickedly.

"You already knew how I was doing Azazel, you are a demon who monitors my every movement, showing up wasn't necessary," I argue, staring into his hollow eyes.

"You caught me there," he snickers. "I just wanted to see how you'd react to my presence."

"Well, now you've seen that, it'd be best you vanish into thin air," I growl, not caring that he could use his powers on me at my dismissive words.

"Sure sure," he grins instead. "It'll be nice if you don't give up so easily Xander."

"Why is that?" I implore.

"It makes the game more interesting," he sneers. "How do you humans say it? 'Once there's life there's hope.' You've got months of it left, don't waste it."

I'm left dumbfounded at his words and rather observe his movements as he begins to walk towards the kitchen behind me. Once he reaches my side he says, "Lest I forget, your friend's here, and I must warn you, I can feel his angry energy."

After I hear those words, I sense his presence become insignificant before headlights and a loud horn blast through the front windows. I heed voices and footsteps and soon the door is slamming on the wall as my bestfriend steps into the room.

His eyes are bloodshot and Azazel was right, he comes off as angry which turns to rage as he sights the half-drunk bottle in my hand. Silently he stomps to me and rips the glass from my hand, taking a gulp.

"What the fuck did you do man?" He thunders in query while I gaze at him. "You can't just walk out on your party like that."

"I already did and it wasn't my party," I respond dryly and point at the four cousins in his hand. "Can I have that back please?"

"Hell no," he utters and takes another swig. "And it was the reopening ceremony of your club so yes it was your freaking party."

"Charles..." I drawl.

"Don't fucking Charles me dude." He blinks. "You couldn't even wait to shake your colleagues as they did you when you got off stage."


"You already broke one rule by showing up late, the least you could do is be the last person to leave!" He exclaims.

"I felt suffocated so I had to," I murmur, rubbing my forehead in irritation.

"And then you came home to get drunk?" He queries. "So help me God I would deck you if you utter any more stupid statements."

"Good," he lets out when I keep silent. "Do you know the impacts of this on your career? The tabloids are going to be sleazy tomorrow, heck social media is already buzzing with your shenanigans."

"You of all people should know about this life and how to be careful to prevent blogs from making up stupid innuendos," he reminds me as I bite my lip.

"Of course I do," I admit. "I know all about this life, a life I bought off my soul."

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" He interrogates, eying me. "Xander where did that come from, what has that even got to with this?"

"Look Charles I had a hectic day, I'll need to go rest," I blurt, rising from the stool.

"Xander, what has gotten into you?" He seems to lower his voice and ask.

"Nothing dear Charles, I'm fine," I aim to assure and push the stool to its former position.

"Is it about that lady? Or Layla's appearance?" He interrogates.

"No, it's not," I shake my head, my answer partly true.

"I have to ask because I haven't known you to be so careless with your career," he goes on to say.

"Maybe in a few months I won't have a career anymore," I say turning around.

"You aren't making sense Xander," he lets out, sounding defeated.

"I am bestfriend," I turn to give a sad smile. "And don't worry about my career, tomorrow I'll fix things up."

Sorry for the delay in upload guys. School and malaria dealth with me this past week

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