Chapter 2

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Two years later
As sabby and prime and spartan and Luna (manlgo) was still upset about their lost of their friend cal. They didn't know what to do without him he was the leader of the group.

Sabby's pov
I was in cal's room as I saw a picture of him and I together as I picked it up and sit down on his bed as I looked at the picture of cal and I. Cal I don't know what to do without you, your the leader of the group but you're not here with us said sabby as she started to cry as Luna (manlgo) walked into the room as she sit down on the bed besides sabby as she looked at the picture. You know he's one with the force sis said Luna (manlgo) I know he is said sabby as she put the picture away. What are we going to do sabby said prime as he was with spartan. We will make sure cal will be remembered said sabby.

Later at a place where death Vader was at as he walked into a room with droids with someone locked up. Is he ready? Said Vader, yes my lord said the med droid as Vader walked up to someone and said to him "dearth raven can you hear me? Said Vader, yes my master, the person said, good said Vader as he let the person down as he wanted down to his knees. What is my mission my master said raven. Your mission is to find and being back the Strike Force alive for me and so I can kill them all said Vader. Yes my lord said raven as Vader said here's your lightsaber said Vader as raven took the lightsaber.

Later at a rebel base where the strike force is.

Prime and spartan was walking around lothal with Luna and sabby as they heard a rebel trooper say "your the strike force right?" Yes we are said sabby. Will kanan and hera sent me to get you guys said the rebel trooper. What do they want? Said prime. We think a Student of vader is looking for you guys said the rebel trooper. A student of Vader's? Looking for us? Said sabby. Yes said kanan as he walked up to the strike force with hera. So how do we fight him? Said sabby. You don't you have to run and hide from him said hera. Why do we have to hide? We're Jedi's like you are kanan said prime, prime is right we can fight him said spartan. Guys really I think kanan and hera is right about this said Luna (manlgo) they all looked at sabby as sabby said what are you looking at me for? Said sabby. Your now the leader of the team sabby it's your call said prime. Sigh okay fine we stay and fight vaders new student said sabby. Are you sure? Said prime. That's crazy sabby! Said spartan. Guys sabby is right we have to fight with the rebels, said Luna (manlgo) okay fine if I die it's on you sabby said spartan.

The next day as a ship landed down on lothal as a lot of stormtroopers ran out of the ship as then did Vader's student did too, raven walked out of the ship as he saw the strike force's ship. There he said. My lord what are our olders? Said a stormtrooper sgt said. Kill the rebels, leave the Jedi's to me he said as the stormtroopers ran at the base as the opened fired at the base as tie fighters shot at the base as their was AT-TA walkers too as raven walked to the strike force ship as he saw them the strike force. He turn on his red lightsaber. Prime and spartan was there but not with sabby and Luna (manlgo). They where helping kanan and Ezra Sabine and hera and zeb fight against the stormtroopers.

Prime and spartan saw raven as the got scared and ran to find sabby and Luna (manlgo) HE'S HERE SABBY!!! Said prime as sabby turned around to see raven kill rebel troopers as sabby grabbed her lightsaber and turned it on. Let's go said sabby as prime and spartan and Luna (manlgo) turned on their lightsabers too as they all ran to raven. Raven saw them running to him as he used the force to stop prime and spartan and Luna (manlgo) from fighting against him but one was still running to him it was sabby she tried to hit him with her lightsaber but didn't sabby felt cold and Hate at the sometime and something she remembered. She looked at raven as she said "no it can't be? Cal's dead" said sabby. Raven turned on his lightsaber as he was going to kill sabby but sabby turned on he lightsaber as they both got into a saber lock. You will die jedi!!! Said raven. As sabby still felt like raven was cal. Raven grabbed sabby by her hand as she hit raven with her other hand but raven made her drop her lightsaber as he looked into scared eyes. Sabby fell down onto her knees as raven used the force to grab his lightsaber as he said "you die jedi" as he put his lightsaber into the air as he was going to kill sabby but sabby said "cal please save me" said sabby as raven stopped what he was going to do. Agh! Said raven as he looked at sabby. Raven then got hit from behind as he let sabby go as kanan and the strike force was there to save sabby. More Jedi said raven as he grabbed sabby by the force as he though her to the strike force as Luna (manlgo) grabbed her sister. Then raven grabbed a other lightsaber as he turned it on. My master will be happy for me to bring you all alive he said. Will that's not going to happen said kanan as he attacked raven as they got into a lightsaber fight as raven and kanan got into a saber lock. Then did prime as sabby joined in. You die! Said sabby as she grabbed her blaster but raven used the force to push all of them away from him. HAHA!!! Do you really think that can happen said raven. Then raven saw Luna with something. The Jedi holocarm he was there for. He used the force to grab it but zeb jumped onto raven as he put raven down onto the ground. Oh no you don't said zeb. You really think you can stop me said raven as he used the force to get zeb off of him as raven got back up. He then turned back on his both red lightsabers as he used the force to make the top of t he well off but sabby jumped over as she saw raven again. You think you can ran without fighting me? Said sabby as she turned on her lightsaber as raven said you will truly die jedi said raven as they both got into a saber lock. As sabby kicks ravens knee as he fell down on the ground as he got mad as he got back up as he used the force to grab her lightsaber. He grabbed sabby's lightsaber as raven used the force again as he push sabby to a wall as she was stuck and couldn't move. Kill me if you're master sent you here for said sabby. I'm not here to kill you jedi he said as he let sabby go. Go before I do kill you he said too sabby. Sabby ran away as raven turned around and walked to Hera. He turned on his red lightsaber as he then heard sabby yell out NOOOO!!!!!!! Raven turned around as sabby hit raven with her lightsaber by his helmet as it cut off part of the helmet off as sabby fell down onto the ground. SABBY! COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO! Said prime. Sabby tried to get up but heard a voice saying her name "sabby" she knew theatre voice as her eyes wided (looks like this)

She turned around as she looked at the person (looks like this)

Then raven turned his head at sabby and again said her name "sabby" (looks like this)

Sabby couldn't believe it, cal was alive she got back up as so did raven.

Too be continued........
And remember the force will always be with you.

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