Chapter 8: Master vs Apprentice

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Darth Vader

"You know it's a shame that it has to end like this Lord Vader, up until now I had held you in high regard" The Emperor said not moving as he stared straight at Vader, as if he was daring the man in the machine to strike first. "Let's not play dumb, we both know you were planning to replace me after my failure on Mustafar" Vader said letting his anger build up in preparation for the clash of sabers that would commence any second. "I guess now, we will see how well I have taught you" Sidious said as he charged at the Dark Lord.

Darth Sidious

Sidious charged straight at Vader only to be blocked by the Sith's own crimson red lightsaber. Sidious drew his blade back and repeatedly tried to stab his now former apprentice whenever he could but had no success until their sabers locked with each other. "It looks as though you have taught me well" Vader said as he used all his might to try and overcome his former master. "I may have taught you well but I haven't you taught you everything" Sidious snarled as he got the upper hand and pushed Vader back a few feet allowing himself to regain balance and then call upon the force to send a blast to Vader that sent the mostly mechanical man backwards on to the bridge between the entrance and the meditation seats.

Darth Vader

Vader regained his footing to late as he saw Sidious extend his hands and fingers that shot out Sith lightning towards him and sent his whole body in a spaz as his mechanical limbs and respirator system went hay-wire. As painful as this was, Vader knew that not even Sidious could keep this up for to long or he would lose power so all Vader had to do was wait for the opening to force grab his lightsaber and charge on his former master. His opening came sooner than expected and he leapt to his feet despite the pain and used the force to grab his saber and made a mad dash to the Sith Lord. Clearly he had caught Sidious by surprise and was almost able to strike a blow to his chest only to be stooped by the older Sith's powerful saber. The only sound that could be heard other then the grinding of the red lightsabers was the wheezing of Vader's broken respirator. "Face it Vader, you don't stand a chance against me" Sidious said trying to distract Vader. "Your tricks won't work on me anymore old man, your doomed" Vader said as they both forced push each other back. "And how is that so?" Sidious asked standing up straight trying to look in power. "Because he's not alone" said a voice that made both Sith Lords look in the direction they heard it only to see an unmasked Kylo Ren standing there with his cross-guard lightsaber activated. "This will be fun" Sidious said

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