Chapter 24

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***Google's POV***

The tiniest, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.

One. Two. Three breaths in. 

One through thirty compressions on her heart. 




Check her pulse. Nothing.

Repeat. Repeat.

Pulse? A faint heartbeat. That's all I need.

I enter her mind, my smoke travelling into her. If Antisepticeye were to control her and make her his demon she would follow his will. Forgetting everyone she ever loved and only loving him. If Darkiplier had succeeded then she would only love him but remember everyone. I am not entirely sure what Darkiplier's goal was but it could only lead to trouble. However, if a neutral being such as myself were to make her into a demon then not only would she be healed but she would have an entirely neutral background, unobservant of those around her and mostly robotic movements. She will be her own person and have her own emotions and memories but she would use more intelligent language and her overall attitude and personality issues would be condensed into a singular aspect of her overall state of mind.  With her being unconscious the process ends fast. My gray smoke surrounds her and enters her orifices and she turns to a grayish color. The process completes itself in a matter of minutes and I leave her mind.

She starts coughing and opens her eyes, looking up at me. "Googleplier. What happened?"

Her eyes are grey now and her skin has a gray tint. Her hair has the occasional streak of grey and the overall tips are entirely grey. I smile. My job is complete. 

"It is rather complicated to explain but seeing as you are now a demon like me you should be able to comprehend it faster than the average human would have been able to. Your mind and body was in a war against staying human or becoming a demon. Your conscious state of mind did not want to become a demon like the one Antisepticeye is because that would mean ridding your memories of anyone except the demon himself. For some reason your body knew of Darkiplier's true intentions and fought him off as well to the point that your mind, body, and soul accepted death and defeat. However, one does not simply make a friend to lose said friend so I resuscitated you and turned you into a demon such as myself. Your brain should think faster than the average demon and you should use more intelligent language and any overall personality issues or disorders have been extinguished because of this exchange that occurred."

"I memories are still intact as well. You perform good work Googleplier. I commend you for a job well done. However, was it necessary for those two to perform such harsh actions against me? Did neither think to stop and reconsider their actions?"

"It is said that Darkiplier was too in love to let you forget him. Seeing as you have foregone death and came back to life any marks that was given to you are now erased and you are free to choose anyone. No longer are you bound to Darkiplier."

"I still love him. That much I'm aware of and I still intend to go through with the marriage ceremony but in this circumstance I believe it should be postponed so that I can further get to understand some of their true intentions. I can feel that there are some underlying tones within these engagements."

I heard a bang come from outside the door and I shook my head.

"It seems the process was successful. However, I believe it is time we reunite with the others."

***Y/N POV***

I can feel the difference within my body. The intelligence I have is far beyond normal human capacity. I can see everything better, understand Googleplier entirely, answer any question in the world, and can even hear slightly better. I touch my ears to find them pointed. That would explain my increased hearing. My emotions...I still feel anger at Antisepticeye, love for Darkiplier, and an overwhelming sense of revenge for Wilford Warfstache. Among all those overwhelming feelings, there's affection for Mark and Jack. I sigh and hear the banging as well.

"I suppose that would be the most beneficial thing to do."

Googleplier stepped out first and I could hear screaming.

"You all only get in my way! And now she's gone!!" I could hear someone screaming and immediately recognized it as Darkiplier. I stepped out into the room and everything grew silent.

***Dark's POV***

"Y/N? Y-you're...alive?"

She nods calmly and walks towards me. I drop Mark and Jack and stare at her. Pointy ears. Grey tips and grey streaks. One bright grey eye and one E/C eye. I can feel the amount of intelligence radiating from her. Her posture was better and her eyes were darting everywhere, observing everything necessary to understand.



814 words without A/N. Thank you all for the support over these past couple of years. I'm going to try to keep to a schedule. I no longer work Thursdays because of ArtSpeak so I should be able to update once a week. I appreciate everything you guys have done for me. Therefore, I'd like to start something up. If it is your birthday anytime soon send me a message and I'll give you a shoutout here. Even if it's not for a chapter. Anyway, there will be a Q&A within the next two weeks so put any questions in the comments below. Anything is allowed so be creative! If there are no questions or a low amount then I'll just take some off the internet! Comments are Appreciated. Thank you all so much!

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