Chapter 9

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"I'm glad you're awake Y/N. It's been awful lonely without you."

"Dark...what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice shaking.

He walked towards me smiling. He looked graceful, as if nothing could disrupt him. "I had to see you..."

"How did you even get in!? The doctors would never let you in!"

"Persuasion is amazing darling." 

"Dark, if you don't mind Jack and I were busy talking to Y/N. It would be very nice if you left the room." Mark was glaring at Dark.

"Oh? What's been said to her, surely, it can be said to me. Right?"

"Shouldn't you be watching Anti? What if comes by and starts wooing your lass?"

"Anti problem at the moment."

My eyes widened and I heard Jack and Mark inhale sharply. I tried to move back only to wince at the pain in my leg. Confused, I removed the blanket and look to see that my leg was wrapped in a bandage. I looked at Mark who rubbed the back of his neck, blushing lightly. He didn't look at me. Instead, he looked at Jack who was staring at the ground. I growled and glared at him, wanting for someone to tell me what happened. I felt my hospital bed sink a bit and looked to see Dark sitting on the edge. 

"Someone tell me what happened to my leg right now."

" see...uhm..."

"I...I-I'm sorry Y/N."

" from the bowl cut you pretty deep. We're sorry..."

"Why should you and Jack be sorry when it was clearly Anti and Dark's fault?" I glared at Dark, "Get out of my hospital room right now. I don't care what you have to say. You said you wouldn't hurt me, yet here I am in a god damn hospital bed. So just get out!"

He looked at me with pain in his eyes. Surely that wasn't for me. He hurt me. He doesn't care about me. That's obvious. He stood up slowly and opened his mouth to speak then closed it. I looked away from him as he walked out of my hospital room with tears in his eyes.

***Dark's POV***

'I'm going to kill Anti...' I thought in my head. I was going to kill him slowly and painfully, torture him until he begs for forgiveness. He cost me the girl of my dreams. He cost me my happiness. He doesn't deserve to live. He doesn't deserve to die an easy death. I was shaking, all my sadness turning into a murder inducing fury. I walked painfully slow back to my place. Back to where Anti rested in the guest room. He had no idea what was coming to him. I could feel people staring at me and I shot every one of them a glare. They averted their eyes and walked faster to their destination. 'Wise move...' I thought. When I reached my place I stormed into it. I wanted to find him and end him. As soon as I walked into the hall I was greeted with neon green eyes and green smoke.

"Welcome back laddy. Where's your little girlfriend? Did she give up on you?" He laughed as the green smoke wrapped around me.

I growled and watched as his eyes went wide. More than likely because my eyes were glowing a vibrant blood red. He chose the wrong time to mess with me. Red smoke filled the air, quickly overcoming his green smoke. The red smoke wrapped around his neck and quickly turned solid, making a blood red collar. He was lifted into the air, the collar slowly tightening, choking him. His green smoke seemed to be frozen in place, he was panicking. I smiled and he seemed to snap out of it. His smoke quickly wrapped around my leg and yanked, making me fall to the ground. I groaned and my red smoke vanished. He fell to the ground coughing but his smoke was still there, a light green weaving it's way through the furniture to grab my ankle. It threw me across the room so I landed on my back and the next thing I knew Anti was on top of me.

"You can't get rid of me that easily laddy. I'm stronger than you when you're pissed off. I have better control of my powers when I can feed off your anger."

As he talked his smoke wrapped itself around my neck, getting tighter and tighter, cutting off my breathing. I started to panic. My red smoke returned, brighter than ever and I tried to make it wrap itself around his torso but it went straight through him. My anger shot through the roof and my smoke became solid, grabbing Anti's arm and twisting it behind his back. However, his green smoke just got brighter, making mine duller. What was happening? Did he really feed off my anger? I tried to calm down and focus on my energy. My red smoke got brighter. Anti's smoke grew duller and became less solid. I sighed a relief as my smoke grabbed Anti and held him in the air. His smoke disappeared completely. No longer feeding off of me. I was able to breathe again and I stood up, watching as my smoke tightened around Anti's neck. For some reason he had a smug grin on his face. I heard someone clear their throat and I froze.

"What the hell is happening?!" Y/N yelled.

I dropped Anti immediately and she ran over to him to make sure he was alright. She even gave him a hug and I growled. Anti looked at me over her shoulder and smirked. Was that his plan? Make me seem like the bad guy? I started to shake in fury and was about to go over and grab her when I felt two pairs of hands holding me back. I looked to see Jack and Mark holding me back.

"Leave her be Dark..." Mark warned.

"Don't even think about hurting her lad." Jack glared at me.

'What just happened...' I thought.


Sorry for the long chapter. I wrote this in school and I'm publishing it in school. I haven't had time to update lately because I've been busy at home. So enjoy this long chapter. I wonder what'll happen next. Your guess is as good as mine. Enjoy <3 It's like 1000+ words minus the Author note :)

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