And I Love You

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One day Jihoon fell sick and whole people got panicked. The illness caused him to have a high fever and falling asleep all the time. Jinyoung and Daehwi are immune from the plague because they have been sick and also recover from the plague. The survivors of the disease will become immune to this disease, but for those who are not strong enough to survive, they will not awaken from their sleep.

Jinyoung stared at Guanlin who almost never left from Jihoon's side. Behind his cold expression, he knew that the vampire prince was scared to death. He is also the first whose find Jihoon infected by this disease. Jisung sat next to the bed. His hand keep holding on Jihoon's hand, he is really worried with the boy whose he raised since baby.

"How to cure it? We've used various ways but Jihoon is still sick."

"I will look for the medicine, for now please make sure to keep compressing on Jihoon's forehead, his body temperature shouldn't be too high, and Jisung hyung please make the food that I asked and cook it for Jihoon 3 times a day."

Jinyoung immediately took his coat and sword until Guanlin stood in front of him,

"Where do you want to go to find the medicine?"

"Woojin said that the medicine supply was sent from a human village in the west, I will going to the village and it would take two days."

"Do you need a vampire to accompany you? You know that humans are more easily killed than vampires."

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, Guanlin had a strange way of showing his concern.

"No, I'll be fine Lai Guanlin."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm just worried if you don't go home safely then who will find a cure for Jihoon."

Jinyoung sighed heavily, talking to these arrogant vampire is really difficult. He doesn't understand why Jihoon can stand him. Jinyoung waved and hurried away, unaware that Guanlin staying still in his place until Jinyoung disappeared from the corner.

Jinyoung's journey is not an easy journey either. The steep hill and bad weather blocked him, and Jinyoung fell for many times. Jinyoung rested by the tree, he could see the village, but he is exhausted. All of his supplies are gone and his whole body is aching.

Jinyoung feels like so close to giving up, but the laughter of Jihoon and Daehwi continues to playing in his head and heart as well. He can't let Jihoon die. And if he really died on the way there, he couldn't imagine what would happen to Daehwi. Jinyoung got up and went on his way. He managed to find the medicine for Jihoon and collect some supplies.

Jinyoung finally arrives at the castle and immediately breaks through Jihoon's room. Guanlin, Daehwi, and Jisung are there. Guanlin embrace Jihoon whose still sleeping peacefully and his breathing up and down very slowly. Her cheeks flushed with fever. Jinyoung's eyes met with Guanlin and Jinyoung smiling, showing him the medicine bag that he is carrying. Jisung sighed and run to hug Jinyoung.

"Give this medicine to Jihoon 4 times in one day hyung, Jihoon will be fine."

Jisung's eyes filled with tears as he took the medicine from Jinyoung. He hugged JInyoung tightly and whispered his thanks and ran back to Jihoon's bed. Guanlin, Jinyoung, and Daehwi were there when Jisung woke Jihoon and fed the medicine gently. Daehwi hugged JInyoung with tears in his eyes. He is really happy that Jinyoung returns safely, while taking medicine for Jihoon. He leaves Jihoon's room, saying he will prepare food and water for Jinyoung. Then Guanlin walked out and moments later Jinyoung decided to go back to his room. He accidentally saw Guanlin at the end of the hall, and he was shocked to see some burns on Guanlin's arm and chest.

"Guanlin, you .."

Guanlin looked surprised to see Jinyoung but soon covered his burns,

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

"You can watching over Jihoon without hug him, for example you can sit next to him."

Guanlin paused before saying,

"I hugged him because I wanted to make sure his heart is still beating, I'm afraid if Jihoon is asleep and he won't wake up anymore."

Jinyoung got speechless and for the first time the vampire prince looked embarrassed. Jinyoung pulled Guanlin's hand and said,

"Come here, I'll treat your wound."

There is good thing that Jinyoung studying the medication for human and vampire, Daehwi even admitted that Jinyoung is really talented. Jinyoung gasped when he saw the pretty bad burns on Guanlin's body, and he is amazed how Guanlin calmly endured the pain whenever Jinyoung applied the ointment. Vampire's body temperature is much lower than human. The phrase that said vampire is a cold-blooded creature is true. Too high temperatures can hurt the vampire is also true. Jinyoung knew the vampire prince had endured the horrible pain as he embraced Jihoon all night.

"In a few days your burns will heal, you'll be fine Lai Guanlin."

"Thank you Bae Jinyoung, I owe you."

Jinyoung waved and laughed,

"No need, it's just a small wound."

"Not for my wounds, but thank you for brought back the medicine for Jihoon."

Jinyoung is stunned. For the first time Guanlin smiled sincerely at him and then left him. Jinyoung stood in his place. The vampire prince is not thankful for Jinyoung taking care of his wound, but he thankful him for saving Jihoon's lifee. And Jinyoung realized, there is no expression of love more deeper than this.

---- TDW ----

Jinyoung likes the first snow whose falling at night. No, he actually loved the beautiful scenery in front of the castle. The East of Cassylum's main castle is on the plateau, in the border of summer and winter, so the air is always cool, suited to vampires who are not strong enought with heat. Tonight it's snowfall and Jinyoung opened the window, enjoying the cold feeling from the snow in front of him.

He overheard Jihoon's laughter and turns his head to the terrace. He sees Jihoon running out, trying to catch the snow. A week has passed since Jihoon recovered from his illness and Jinyoung is grateful to see Jihoon's happiness. Not far behind him, Guanlin waited with worry eyes while carrying a thick coat for JIhoon. He is afraid that his favorite human would fall ill again. Guanlin looked up and his eyes met with Jinyoung's eyes. Jinyoung nodded at him and Guanlin waved back at him. Guanlin and Jinyoung's relationship has improved since Jinyoung went to the far village to find a cure for Jihoon. Seongwoo gave new sword and new armor for Jinyoung and he loved it. Seongwoo also said that it was a gift from Guanlin to Jinyoung, as a thank you. Guanlin also asked their best vampire doctor, Jung Sewoon to teach medicine and medication to JInyoung. So far everything went well for Jinyoung. Jinyoung stared at them, for some reason he liked to see the interaction between Guanlin and Jihoon.

The famous and cruel vampire prince, but he give all his heart to a small human boy. And the human boy take care the vampire's heart, and give him the power that he need.

Jinyoung recalled the night before, when he accidentally passed through Guanlin's room. He saw how Guanlin fell asleep and leaned his head against Jihoon's chest. His hands are embracing Jihoon's waist, as if he didn't want to let this human go even in his sleep. Jihoon stroked the vampire's head, and looked at him with a gentle eyes. Jihoon sees Jinyoung, and smiles as he puts his forefinger in front of his own lips. Jinyoung nodded and looked at them before closing the door, seeing how Jihoon closed his eyes with a smile on his lips, hugged the vampire prince more closely as if to protect him from the world.

Jihoon drags Guanlin to dance with him. At first Guanlin don't want to but apparently he lost with Jihoon's laugh. They started laughing and dancing together. Jihoon reached his hand out and pouted at how the snow melts in his hand. Guanlin smiled and held out his hand, making Jihoon amazed to see how the snow don't melted in Guanlin's hands.

Jinyoung is always curious about their relationship. The vampire prince and his beloved human boy. Jinyoung knows there's no future for them, and they know it too. But they still choose to be together, appreciate and enjoy each other's presence for the time that they don't know until when.

Jihoon closed Guanlin's eyes with a black cloth and challenged Guanlin to find him. Guanlin wins because he always find Jihoon everywhere, making Jihoon protest at him while Guanlin laughs out loud.

Jinyoung trying his best to holding back his laugh at the scene, the idiot Jihoon, Guanlin is a vampire and he could smell Jihoon even within hundreds of meters. Guanlin obviously doesn't need a 'pair of eyes' to find where Jihoon is.

"Then you try this cloth and find me hyung."

Guanlin smiled seductively at Jihoon. He knows Jihoon will failed instantly. Ah, wrong move, because he just waking up the 'badass jihoon'. Jihoon grumbled and said,

"Do not underestimate me Lai Guanlin! Look at me, I'll find you and kicked your ass!"

Guanlin laughing out loud until his stomach hurts, oh dear, his beloved human is really funny. Guanlin tied a black cloth on Jihoon's eyes and smiled. He take a quite far distance from Jihoon. Jihoon began to grope everything, his hand stretched to the left and right and Guanlin desperately hold back his laughter. Jihoon takes the wrong direction and Guanlin bit his lip. Jihoon always looks adorable in his eyes.

But his smile slowly disappeared when suddenly Jihoon turned, with a slow pace and eyes closed with cloth, started walking toward him. Every second becomes a torture for Guanlin, and his pounding heart become a sweet and painful at the same time. Guanlin used all his patience to stay still on his place, though in his heart he wanted to walk towards Jihoon, and bring him into his arms. But one part of his heart also wants Jihoon to come and find him.

The falling snow become the witness on how Jihoon walked slow but surely headed for Guanlin, and he stopped right in front of Guanlin. Jihoon opens the black cloth and smiles at Guanlin. For a moment they looked at each other until Guanlin whispered in amazement,

"How did you find me?"

"I trust my heart, because my heart will lead me to find you."

Guanlin's eyes were teary, he pulled Jihoon into his arms. He hugged Jihoon tightly, kissing Jihoon's hair and Jihoon hugging the vampire prince's waist with a smile on his lips. Guanlin can't say anything, he only can hug Jihoon more tightly. Praying for all the time being so he can have Jihoon staying by his side forever...

Their eyes met and Guanlin looked down to kiss Jihoon. Guanlin's lips and body always feel cold for Jihoon. Of course, because he is human and Guanlin is a vampire. But it didn't stop the fact that only this vampire who could make his heart pounding. Only this vampire whose able to make him feel warmth in his heart. Only Guanlin whose able to make him feel loved and happy. Guanlin is his everything.

"And I will hold you in my heart, until I can't hold you in my arms .."

Jihoon's tears falling and Guanlin wiped them gently. He kisses Jihoon's tears and once again kisses him, bringing him closer into his arms and his heart. Then Jihoon said,

"I'm not asking you to love me forever, I just ask you to love me right now, every minute, every second, and every moment I spend with you."

"You idiot, I've done it with all my heart, even before you asked for it, and even before I realize it."

The love confession made Jihoon's heart devastated. His heart screaming with the same question. Why he is not a vampire? Why Guanlin is not a human? Why are they so different? Is it wrong what Guanlin and Jihoon feel toward each other? Love never choose to come to whom, but when it comes no ones strong enough to reject it.

Jihoon bit his lip and Guanlin touched Jihoon's lips gently. He looked straight into Jihoon's eyes, holding Jihoon's face with both hands as he said,

"Don't listen to those who said we have no future. Don't listen to those who said we are different. Don't listen to those who said you are not worthy for me. Don't listen to those who said we can't be together. But listen to your heart, because your heart will always brings you back to me, Lai Guanlin, who will love you endlessly and unconditionally. "

Guanlin takes Jihoon deeper into his arms. And he looked to the sky where snow falls. To be honest Guanlin is afraid of the future. Because he keeps wondering is there any place for him and Jihoon in the future? But for the sake of Jihoon, Guanlin get rid of his fear. He will do anything to make sure Jihoon stays by his side. He sighed for a moment before continuing gently but firmly,

"And Lai Guanlin's heart is all yours, Park Jihoon, forever yours."

Jihoon closed his eyes and his arms wrapped around Guanlin's neck. He pulled Guanlin into his arms. Jihoon kisses Guanlin's neck with tears flowing. He loves this vampire, for any reasons his heart is screaming the name of this vampire. Jihoon closed his eyes and put his head on Guanlin's shoulder. While Guanlin whispered the words of love in his ears, stroked his hair gently, and hugged him as if he will never let him go.

Jinyoung decided to close the window and go inside. He don't want to disturb their privacy. For the first time Jinyoung's eyes teared up. He never see a love that is so strong, so beautiful and so sad at the same time between a human and a vampire, whom he prayed could move the universe and shake the heaven. Suddenly he felt a hand wipe his tears away, and as he turned he saw Daehwi. He smiled, but his eyes saddened. Daehwi understand him without Jinyoung need to explain everything. Without a words Daehwi pulled Jinyoung into his arms. Jinyoung hugged Daehwi tightly and cried in Daehwi's arms. Cried for Jihoon and Guanlin. And also grateful that he has Daehwi by his side...

On the other side of the castle, there are someone who have also noticed the interaction of Guanlin and Jihoon from the beginning. Lai Gai Woo standing near the window. Looking at them with sad eyes.

"Seeing them remind me of the past, I never thought that history will repeated again."

Jaehwan suddenly appears out from nowhere next to Lai Gai Woo and opens the conversation,

"I also never thought their feelings for each other will be this strong, I can't even do anything about it."

"They can have a different ending you know."

Jaehwan said softly and Lai Gai Woo turned to him,

"I mean a happy ending."

Hearing that Lai Gai Woo shook his head,

"You mean by making Jihoon realize his true identity? I promised his late mother to protect him in any cost from his past."

"And that's won't be fair to Jihoon, you can't stop him from his own destiny."

"I don't want to drag Jihoon into all of these mess, this problem is too complicated and dangerous."

"Who said our live is never in danger? You can't hide this, sooner or later Jihoon will know who he really is, and those guys will know that Jihoon is alive. You know they're still trying to find Jihoon."

"And then triggered another war again? We've managed to stop the war nineteen years ago, with a VERY EXPENSIVE price, Jaehwan."

Lai Gai Woo puts emphasis on some of his words. His eyes implies pain and anger. Jaehwan decided to be quiet, he didn't want to bring up Lai Gai Woo's old wounds and himself. Lai Gai Woo sighs and says,

"What do you really want to say Jaehwan?"

Jaehwan tried to be careful with his words and said,

"I swear that I want the best for him Gai Woo, and I'm just like you, I've sworn to his mother to protect him with my own life, with any cost, but I got the information that those people started to wake up, they started moving."

Jaehwan became agitated after saying this, and Gai Woo's eyes narrowed sharply and his expression hardened,

"I'll find some information about them, I'll do anything to protect Jihoon from them."

Jaehwan tapped Gai Woo's shoulder with a smile and said,

"On that way we are the same."

To Be Continued

~ An author, a reader, and a friend,leenaeunreal, at your service~

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