Mr Negative Y/N

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Vortex:Welcome back readers for another tale of another dark Y/N and so shall we begin because today I will tell the tale of a boy lost it all because of one individual who wanted the perfect host

Vortex disappears has the red sphere appears but except the shadowy figure doesn't have red eyes this time is glowing white eyes has the orb exploded into red particles that started creating the environment has it opens up with verse city has it shows a building with title in front of it saying Feast

Inside this building you can find many types of individuals some regular humans with scratched up clothes and looking like they need help but there also faunus here heck you can even find fallen angels in this place but non are hostile to one another everyone is either talking or just enjoying themselves has in the kitchen a business man is seen checking on some boxes has unknown to him a group of people walk towards him

???:Big bro Y/N!

The man checking the boxes turns around towards the in coming group revealing himself to be

Y/N Li

Vortex:Y/N Li a kind young man who wants nothing but to help those who are in need of help and help those that are hurt both physically and mentally he is the boss of Feast but he likes to think of things has a team effort has the old saying goes "everyone needs help" he build this place to help everyone and so far his succeed in his task

Y/N:*smiles*What took you Izuku

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku:*gives him a hug*Yeah sorry for being late but we had a long fight today in class

Y/N:*Separates from the hug*its alright your just in time*pats his shoulder*

Izuku:Oh right before I help I have some friends present you too*laughs nervously*

Y/N:*chuckles*Whats this Izuku Midoriya the late bloomer actually bringing friends to his big bros work place if you've said that sooner I think I shed a tear

Izuku:*laughs*Oh stop it

Y/N:heheheh and who are this friends of yours seen you've talk about a lot of them

???:He's told you about us?

Y/N looks behind Izuku has he spotted six people five girls and two boys one of the girls had black hair with red tips but her eyes were silver, beside her was a girl with long blond hair, violet eyes and is wearing quite the revealing clothing has beside her were two people Y/N was familiar with beside them was a girl with black hair with a stray of red and was wearing a sailors outfit and at the end there was the boy with dark blue hair and red eyes


Ryuko Matoi

Ichika Orimura

Y/N:Hmm I'm pretty sure you talked about more than six people

Izuku:Yeah some of them couldn't come because they were busy with something

Y/N:Understandable now!*walks up in front of Izuku's friends*names Y/N Li nice to meet you all

Ruby:Hi! names Ruby Rose

Ryuko:Hey*waves*name Ryuko

Ichika:Ichika Orimura nice to meet you Mister Li

Y/N:Nice to meet you too Ichika*turns to Yang*

Yang:Hey there handsome~names Yang Xion Long*winks at Y/N*

Y/N:*turns to Izuku*I'm surprise that your friend with a very flirtatious girl Izuku


Y/N:*chuckles*And is quite interesting*turns to Weiss*to see a Schnee in a place like this more interestingly to see the daughter of Jacques here so let me ask miss Schnee what brings you here

Weiss:I........came to see what it was like in here and I'm surprised to see everything to be so peaceful

Y/N:We'll that what hard work and dedication gets you to but you know my little brother told me that you plan to right you families y unforgiven actions is this true


Y/N:*smiles*Then I hope you succeed in this task

Weiss:*smiles*Thank you I'll......try my best

Y/N:*nods and then turns to Blake*And lastly we have


Y/N:Belladonna right?

Blake:How do you know my last name?

Y/N:Your parents and I are good friends plus you wouldn't believe how much they talked about there cute daughter and I will say they were right

Blake:*blushes*Oh aaaaaa thank you for that

Yang:Blake~are you blushing

Blake:*blush*What no! I'm not!

Yang:Yes you are~

Has Yang was teasing Blake the others looked at them with a sweat drop

Ichika:Aaaaaa mister Li

Y/N:*turns to Ichika*Yes Ichika

Ichika:Why did Izuku call you big brother I mean you guys don't look a like

Ruby:Maybe there like me and Yang haft brothers

Y/N:Interesting assumption there Ruby but sadly it is not that like that

Izuku:Y/N was always there for me when I was young we used to play together a lot and he help me with things so I started calling him big brother


But before they could continue there conversation the sound of doors could be heard a woman that had same features has Izuku walk down with a check list in her hand

Y/N:Alright she's here Izuku distract her while we finish up

Izuku:Got it*walks away*

Y/N:*turns to his friends*How fast can you guys make a small party

Ryuko:Well what do we have to do?

Y/N:Just put up a few things think you guys can help?

Ruby:Of course! what can we do to help

Y/N:*smiles*Follow me

Has Izuku talk to the woman Y/N,the staff and Izuku's friends work on some small decorations has a sign was being put up saying "Thank you" Blake was helping with it but Y/N lend her hand abs together they move up the sign they stare at each other has Y/N smiles at her she smiles back with a nervous laugh and blush in her face has he then helps to move the cake towards the duo

Izuku:—I wished there were more people like you in the world

Y/N:He's right

The woman with Izuku turns around revealing herself to be

Inko Midoriya

Y/N:*moves beside the wheel table that has the cake*Five years ago you walked in here and told me that you were inspired by my mission to help others*looks has his staff and then back at Inko*now it's you who inspires me......thank you Inko for everything

Inko:*puts her hands on her mouth with teary eyes* Oh my I'm-I'm so honored

Y/N:*nods*And here's to many more years of service*starts clapping*

Y/N clap and then the others did two has Izuku comfort his mother who's crying tears of joy has things get calm people eat some of the cake has in this time Y/N got to know a little bit about his little brothers friends and his life in Union has things change to see Weiss grab a piece of the cake has she walks to her table Y/N stand in front a of picture staring at it has Izuku approaches him

Izuku:Hey thanks big bro for doing this

Y/N:No problem Inko is like a mother to me after*stops and then looks down*

Izuku:*looks worried*Hey you okay?

Y/N:Yeah yeah*fake smile*I'm fine

Izuku was about to ask but his phone ringed has he pick it up he saw it was and emergency but he wasn't the only one has his friends also got the text and they quickly got up and began to leave

Izuku:Hey sorry that I have to leave but duty calls

Y/N:It's alright you take care of yourself out there got it

Izuku:Yeah don't worry I will*runs towards his friends*

Y/N looks at Izuku leave but his smiles changes to serious look has he sees him run out the building with his friends has Y/N walks the other way out the mess hall

Vortex:Even the most nicest of individuals have a dark side in them many have said that Y/N Li is in capable of harming anyone that he only attack if he was threaten by someone but while things seem peaceful in Verse City they began to be chaotic has a group called the demons began to attack [shows the demons robbing a bank then they are seen holding people hostages and then they are seen fighting the league of villains with a man in a white suit walking up to a defeated Shigaraki] heroes started investigation about this demons but non have found anything about there boss even though the boss prefers to reveal himself

A crowd of people is seen has they watch the stage where five people stood there three which were a female Taimanin, a Huntsman and a male hero has they stood there one person was in front of the microphone that individual being one of the headmasters of Union


Ozpin:*smiles*Welcome everyone I'm here proudly to present the world next three protectors!!

The audience began to cheer at the three new heroes who just smile and wave at them with a bit of flexing being presented by the male hero has he shows muscles has the huntsman and the Taimanin ninja roll there eyes

Ozpin:*chuckles*Quite the energy he has doesn't he? now let me introduce you to—

Ozpin began introducing the new heroes but unknown to him the man beside him holding medals started glowing grey has his entire body began to glow grey has he drops the medals and reveals that he has C-4 strapped on him this gets the attention of everyone has citizens begin to run away Ozpin sees this and jumps back has the three heroes tried to stop the explosion but couldn't has the C-4 exploded killing the three heroes and destroying Ozpin Aura has he falls to the ground

Ozpin:*groans and grunts*what*moves his upper body to see everything in chaos*could have done this

Has then black van's came in has there doors opened has men wearing weird looking mask came out of them has they all hold guns


Demon henchman:Erica o kensaku shite mitsukemasu Ozpin(translation:search the area and find Ozpin)

The other eight nod has they were going to spread out and look for Ozpin who here's this and decided to remain on the ground but the men were stop

???:Don't he's already been found

Sweat started appearing on Ozpin has he could hear footsteps approaching him and while he heard them closer he was going to take action but someone placed there foot down at his chest stoping Ozpin who opens his eyes and they go wide seeing who it was

???:After all this years you still look the same Ozpin

Ozpin:*surprise*It can't be

Mister Negative

Mr Negative:Oh so you do remember after all how can you forget about me you and Irondick created this alternate persona of mine*aims his sword at his neck*stay still so I can end your existence.....completely

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mister Negative was going to stab Ozpin right there but he feels someone heading towards him has Mr Negative blocks the blade of someone has they then jump over him and land a few feet away from him

Mr Negative:It is quite a surprise to see you here king of knights

Artoria Pendragon/Class:Saber

Artoria:*aims Excalibur at him*Unhand the headmaster this instant!!

Mr Negative:Hmmm how about hmm no*fires a negative blast at her*

(A/N:Sorry the gif wasn't uploading so I had to use an image)

The negative blast is blocked by Artoria but the impact still sends her back has she crashed into a store has Mr Negative stare down at a surprise Ozpin has the he then kicks the headmaster in the face knocking him out he then places his sword on his back

Mr Negative:*turns to his men abs points at two of them*Kare o tsukande tsuressaru
(translation:grab him and take him away)

The two demons nod there heads has they grab Ozpin and take him towards one of the vans has Mr Negative turns around and sees Artoria dashing towards the two henchmen but Mr Negative gets in her way has he tackled her and they crash through a window

Landing inside the store Mr Negative pulls his right fist back and goes to punch Artoria in the face but she stops him with Exacalibur has it creates a small but strong shockwave that pushes him back

Artoria:*gets back up and goes in a fighting stance*Alright let us battle

Mr Negative:*gets up and takes out his sword*You know I've read about your legend and it said that you were quite the swords men back in the day*gets in fighting stance*let's see if that's true

Artoria:*glares*Are you underestimating me?

Mr Negative:Oh no no I wouldn't even dare underestimate you but I just want to know if a copy such has yourself can be has skilled has the original*smirks*

Artoria:*angry*How dare you!!*lunges towards him*

Both sword wielders clash there weapons has Mr Negative goes for a swing but Artoria blocks it has she sees and opening she goes to thrust her blade at him but he blocks it very quickly has they both went back in forth

Both of them clashed there swords has they moved back in forth both trying to find and opening on one another has Mr Negative who fights with one hand pushes back Artoria

With each swing Mister Negative makes the king of knights move ever so ever back has all she could do now was block each of his strikes has she then jumps to the side and then lunges straight towards the negative being

Artoria:I have you now!

Mr Negative:Not yet!*moves back a little has the sword passes in front of him inches away from cutting his face off*

Artoria sees that she missed has she then sees Mister Negative's blade going straight towards his face has she quickly matrix dodges his blade that was inches away from cutting her head cleaned off has she spun around while moving away from him has she turned to him she aim her blade at Mr Negative

Mr Negative:Phew! that was a close one

Artoria:*sigh*Indeed it was*mind*I can't be this reckless this man his very skilled with that blade I must be careful

Mr Negative:*turns to Artoria readying himself*Shall we continue this dual

Artoria doesn't respond has she only gets in her stands understanding that things will now get serious has he tightens his stance has his left hand begins to glow has he fires a blast at Artoria who quickly dodges this has she then sees Mister Negative charging straight at her has he dies a three stroke attack which Artoria was successful in dodging has she's and opening she takes it has she begins to attack but at a rapid pace has she goes for areas that Mister Negative blocks but is force to move backwards has he then prevent's another sword strike has he spun around and goes to slash her but she blocks his attack

Artoria:You fight quite well for terrorist!

Mr Negative:Terrorist Ha HA! hilarious me abs my groups actions are justified and with reason you heroes think that your making this world a better but on the contrary your making it worse!*powers up his sword has it burst a little*

Mister negative sends a point blank negative energy slash has it pushes Artoria back but she destroys the blast with the light of her sword has she glared back at Mister Negative who points his sword at her

Mr Negative:You and all those heroes in the world that have been working for ages are the problem!

Artoria:How do your actions define you better than us

Mr Negative:I may injure civilians but do I kill them no and does who remain in the battlefield shall be save from the chaos that is to come in this city

Artoria:I'll stop you before any of that happens*charges at him*

Mr Negative:Try it hero!*fires a negative energy slash*

She dodges the slash and then dodges the second one has she goes towards him and lands on a slash on his shoulder while it doesn't slice his arm of it makes him stumble back has he looks back at Artoria with an angry look has he charges at her has he slashed her twice but hard has it breaks her stance making in opening that he uses has he fires a point blank blast at her that sends her back but she blocked the attack with Excalibur which was glowing has the blast stop she stares back at mister Negative and fires her own energy slash at him but he sends his own but they get destroyed by Excalibur has it hit him sending him back but he gets back up and dashes towards Artoria who dashes back has they both collided there swords with both glowing brightly with there respected lights

Mr Negative:You heroes! and those villains! in all your battles there's always a dead body another innocent person who couldn't even finish there live completely!! and if that's why you guys are fighting for then I'll be the one to destroy you all!!!

Artoria:Sacrifices for greater good!! this is war against evil many will fall in our battles and while we may be the cause of there deaths! we still do this to protect them!

Mr Negative:Like to see you say that to all your victims of not just the present but the past too!!

Both began to increase the energy in there blades has behind Mister Negative the environment behind him began to turn into his colors has he begins to move and overpower Artoria

Artoria:*mind*I need more energy and I can't use my noble phantasm who knows how many civilians are above me and in front of me*gets push to one knee*

Having enough a shockwave was created by there clash that sends both warriors flying back has with Artoria she slowly opened her eyes has she started getting up

Artoria:*cough cough waves the smoke of her*Did that finish him?

Sadly it didn't has she sees Mister Negative getting up and then quickly dashing towards her has she goes to swing Excalibur the next thing that happens surprises her has Mister Negative then cuts Artoria's right hand off

Artoria:*sees Excalibur and her right hand fall to the ground has blood comes out*Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!

Mister Negative doesn't stop has he roundhouse kicks her in the face making her fall down has he slowly walks over to her has he grabs her by her hair and pulls her up

Mr Negative:You were summon by the wrong side so for that I forgive know with my powers I can control whoever I want but for some reason it can't seem to work on servants so I can't find any use for you*grabs his sword and stabs her straight in the chest*

(A/N:Music stops here)

Artoria's eyes widen has she slowly looks down and sees the negative sword stabbed on her chest has Mister Negative takes his sword out of her abs begins to walk away from her has she falls to the ground and she disappeared into gold particles

Vortex:Mister Negative a.k.a Y/N Li the leader of the demons he created this group to destroy the corruption of the world and most importantly kill the one who took everything away from him and this wasn't the boy attack his decided to make his appearance on there have been other confrontations with opponents [shows Mister Negative facing Esdeath has he fires a blast at her and she counters with and ice wall and then it shows Mister Negative clashing blades with Cinder]  that have come close to beating him [shows him getting up has in front of him floating in the air was Vali in his balance breaker and then it shows him facing Kage] but have failed non the less [shows Vali on the ground defeated has his skin then turns grey and then it shows a decapitated Asagi has he headless body is limp on the ground has Mister Negative walks away and then it shows Esdeath and Cinder glowing grey has they stand beside Mister Negative] but while he forced others to join his side there are some he wishes they could just join him like the one he loves

The scene changes from a burning and destroyed ceremony to and abandoned warehouse has someone is seen walking in inside has the individual is revealed to be

Winter Schnee

Vortex:Winter Schnee the daughter of that bastard Jacques and While plus the older sister of Weiss and that little sh—I mean Whitley she is also Ironwood right hand well for now not much is known of her past has people think she lived a life of a rich girl yet she's done so much on her own and without the help of her good for nothing father but what some don't know is that she and Y/N are childhood friends but after the accident they stop seeing each other

Winter:*walks in closer to the center with her right hand holding the hilt of her sword*Y/N?

Silence no one spoke has Winter look around the warehouse seeing the dark corners but she doesn't spot anything

Winter:*sigh and mind*Did he lie to me no he wouldn't would he?

Mr negative:*walking out a dark corner*I'm surprise.........after all this years you still look so beautiful Winter

Winter:*blushes a little*Y/N

Both individuals walk to one another has Y/N and Winter stand two feet away from one another non of them do anything has both just stare at each other with a serious look but that look then changes to a happy one has they hugged each other

Y/N:You have no idea how much I missed you

Winter:*giggles*I could say the same*separates from the hug*

Y/N:So tell me how have you been

Winter:*sigh*Stressful with how many attacks your group caused the general is making us work without sleep

Y/N:Hmph! why doesn't that bastards just look for me himself after all he created*raises his right hand that glows with negative energy*this

There's a bit of silence with that has all they do is stare at each other has he then places his negative hand on her left cheek has places both her hands on his

Winter:The warmth in your hand has changed you know that right

Y/N:Really? how it feel now

Winter:It's cold very cold but it's a very warm and nice feeling*giggles*it's almost a pillow

Y/N:*chuckles*Now that's new maybe I stay negative to see how long I sleep

Both laugh has they stopped and they then looked at each other again but everything around them seemed quiet has everything seem to stop around them and the only ones that can move are this two has Y/N began to lean in closer to Winter who closes her eyes has there lips connected to one another has they kiss that lasted for about five minutes has they separated

Y/N:That was—


Both smile at each other but the moment was interrupted when lights are being shined in the warehouse abs a voice is heard

???:Y/N Li you are under arrest!! come out with you hands up and we won't have any problems!

Y/N:*looks at Winter shocked*Did you—

Winter:What!? no no no I never but how could they*eyes widen*my scroll

Y/N:*releases has he takes her scroll and throws on the air has he then blast it*Those bastards! tsk they don't even trust

Winter:But how could they have known about me and you 

Y/N:It was probably that monster Ironwood I do remember him watching us oddly close when we were together*sighs has he behind to transform*

Mr Negative:Stay here I'll handle this

Winter:No........I'm coming with you

Mr Negative:*turns to her*Are you sure?

Winter:Yes I will not work for someone who can't trust me it seems

Mister Negative nods has he and Winter began to walk out the warehouse with there weapons out has they take out there swords but the scene then changes to showing that there in a lab of some kind with Y/N looking a destroyed glass and a old operation sit

Vortex:A new partner has joined him many were surprised by Winter join meant to Mister Negative has together the duo succeeded even more taking down Atlas much faster and easier thanks to Winter but while his objective was to help others and destroy corruption Y/N's main goal was to kill Ozpin but why though

Six demons come in the room has they dragged in Ozpin has they through him in has Y/N turn to him sending Ozpin a glare but then hears something moving he looks down and sees a defeated

James Ironwood

The general raised his gun but Y/N kicks it away and turns to his men

Y/N:Kono gomi o dasu(translation:take this trash out)

Three of them nod has they grab Ironwood and took him out the big room has Y/N then looks at Ozpin who was bruised and bleeding a bit has Y/N walks towards him kneeling to his level

Y/N:Just know you brought this upon yourself

Ozpin:Y/N*cough cough*all I did was to help you! I'm sorry for you parents but necessary sacrifices had to be made!!

Y/N:Sacrifices huh?*looks at Ozpin before punching him in the face*sacrifices you say I'm pretty sure there have been many in your hands but while I will not forgive you for that but I cannot also forgive for the real reason you and the general made me into Mister Negative*stands up and looks away from Ozpin*

Ozpin:What are you?—

Y/N:Don't think I know who you really are......Ozma *sigh*you tried to make me into your next host after you lost used with the one you have now you tried to make the perfect host but you didn't thought I would fight back and now you only created your greatest enemy*turns to Ozpin who's just shocked*

Ozpin:*sighs*You must know that I'll that I do is for the sake of this world even if my actions aren't the right ones I had to do what I did to you to defeat Salem! she's the real villain Y/N!! you must know this!

Y/N:*disappointed sigh*Your disappointment Ozpin you truly are a failure*takes out his sword*but don't worry I'll take care of Salem*places his sword on Ozpin neck putting negative energy on it*

The negative energy of the sword started to burn through Ozpin neck has he begins to scream in pain has Y/N slowly begins to cut his head off in the most pain way has possible has he smiles like madman but he stops has he hears to metal door being hit has Y/N turns towards the door and he signals his men to watch over Ozpin has he walks towards it but then the doors gets blown out has a wave sends Y/N back

Y/N:*gets on one knee has he glares back at the door*I'm this close and you fakes get in my way!!

Multiple figures began to get in the room has Y/N gets angry has he begins to power up

Y/N:Your all dead!!

Both Y/N and the room go negative has a massive avatar with the face of one of the demons mask is seen has it gets in a monstrous fighting stance has the figures charge at the beast has everything goes black

Vortex:You have Y/N Li the kind man who will do anything to help someone and then you have Mister Negative a ruthless and powerful being who will do whatever it takes to complete his task and while both have one similarity which is there love for Winter they do there mission in two different ways but with the same hate for Ozpin

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