22 | everything I will ever do

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The solitary form Tony found merely unsettling about Elle's childhood home was that he had grown too attached. Maybe because it was the kind of country he would like to retire to when he was fed up with everything or the company he shared yet every time when it came up at his agenda to leave, his heart would feel heavy. It was browbeating to come to accept that you had come to love this place as your own even when he considered himself a realist. A cynic okay with nowhere to belong. Neoteric. He never thought he could feel so attributed towards anything but Iron Man, the course of events had proven him wrong. He hadn't felt the glaring twitch that would grow between his fingertips when he didn't keep his mind occupied - a stress upshot - even without a wrench between his hands, he'd been able to breathe. Elle had made him feel wildly conflicted with his decisions and bringing in her family in the process of it raised the stakes. 

So when he soaked in his surroundings like every other time he was here, in this woodsy house in the smack dab in the middle of the fallow land, he had forced himself out of the affluence. The usual rush of adrenaline was out of grip, the only handle he had was onto reality. When the warm afternoon air warped around the creaking veranda swing he was seated in with the rolled-up newspaper beside him and a piping cup of freshly brewed tea - he almost broke out into a laugh as he imagined himself exactly like this forty years down the road. 

"Now when I remember spring, all the joys that love can bring, I will be remembering..." Elle softly sang under her breath, eyes unfocused at the paper stacks in front of her.

Tony sighed. Yep, this was it. This was what told him all of this shit was worth it.

"The shadow of your smile," she hummed off, distracted.

He had never appreciated the cosiness of the estate. In the last six months, he had not been vigilant of his surroundings and the only place that acted as his retreat. To be near Elle when everything transpired around had managed to dampen the nerves, arresting his ever-moody self in the past. He tried to keep to himself and forced his mind to stay focused on his part. With the mire of dysfunctions that transpired when Elle was knocked out, he started to realize the importance of having a shoulder to lay on. And the random visits to this place had managed to keep him up and running. For Mrs Preece, he was forever grateful for letting him crash in on those unexpected nights and disappearing without warning.

Tony reminisced how peaceful she looked when she was asleep. It reminded him of so many sleep phenomena, trying to correlate one to another as he watched her and convinced himself that she was indeed asleep. She was almost dead if it weren't for the slow beeping from the monitor. He remembered the day Steve Rogers had visited the safehouse he often slipped to, finding out about Elle and her present condition. He sympathized at that moment, letting go of their current-time indifferences and there to support him as a friend. He had mentioned to him about her in his last message, telling him if anything - he would be there if he needed him. Or she did. 

And he never lost hope.

It was the last week before she woke up when the doctor had decided that it was a waste to harbour her, letting her rest forever. The amount of emotion Tony felt when he watched them slowly snip off every lifeline they had run for her was immense. His hands had shaken and he couldn't look, rushing out the room before anyone saw him breakdown. Tears were on the ledge, Elle's mother bracing herself to the wall beside him and letting loose a few sobs herself. Her daughter, the little girl she had nurtured for so many years, was going to leave her and there was nothing they could do but watch.

Please stop them, she had cried into his shoulder. Stop them, dear, that's my baby. And Tony really didn't know how to respond to that, holding her side as she let out wailing sobs into his chest. They heard the continuous beep, lips trembling and gasps of coming shock. Once the monitors and wires were off, they would have to wait for her heart to stop. Look at her each day until her body ran cold from the lack of intravenous support and finally rob her of her life.

He did not have the heart to call and see if she had passed. And when the phone call did come, his mind had shut down. From the shock, obviously and how two words had seemed to come eddying into entropy. She's awake.

At that moment, Tony felt so vulnerable. Not knowing how to feel to carry such an open weakness. A flaw he never thought would arrive in the figure of Elle Preece. To him, she was always a plus. A diamond in the rough—no. Just a diamond. She had dazzle to her that no one could take away. Even when she slept for days until the end, he could feel her lofty enthusiasm.

'You locked horns with the Captain America?' 

His attention averted. Obviously, it was entertaining to see his quirky counterpart trying to keep up with the real world in every comical way possible. He couldn't help but stare in awe, tying down every instinct that pushed him to pinch himself and wake him up. Elle's russet hair was trimmed back into the neat bangs which he had come to adore. He loved when it fell into her eyes and she'd blow out the hair by directing the flow from her mouth to her eyes. Now, she was doing just that and her vibrant azure eyes absorbing every piece of information that he had laid out for herself. She was near his feet, her legs folded underneath her on the small blanket she spread out. She didn't even have to try to get his attention; why attain something she already had?

'In my defence,' he started to argue when she looked up with a notorious glance. 'He was being a world-renowned ass.'

He watched her scour through the organized chaos on the coffee table, the multiple issues of newspapers through the months and magazines—even gossip-related—and gasping when she found what she was looking for. She straightened it out over the mess, scoffing in disbelief.

'Everyone is an arse except you,' she said with an uncivil snort. It took everything in his effort to not nod along in acceptance. Besides, he knew Elle had a thing for Steve Rogers. Blonde, built and beautiful—who wouldn't? 

'That's not an excuse,' she finished.

'Let me get this straight.' He grabbed the newspaper from between her fingers and kept folding it into squares as he spoke. 'Everything I've done, I do and I will do is to protect this world—our world. It's a responsibility I took upon myself when I put my armour on. And Cap is not gonna waltz in and dance to his preference. Period.'

Elle stayed silent, staring back at him with a blank expression. She politely took the folded paper from his hands, heading back to whatever she was doing. He had rendered her speechless, something that he never thought he would do in a million years. But this was a vote of silence that disturbed him. She was tossing him furtive glimpses as she continued to type away—overthinking.

'Look at me,' he coerced in the softest voice he could muster. 'Elle, hey.'

She did and when she did, it was from beneath her lashes. How was he supposed to speak with a clear mind when she looked like that? He swallowed hard, forcing himself to continue. He erected his elbows at his knees, leaning forward to make his point. Elle had pushed herself forward, staring on.

'What's on your mind?'

Her breaths faltered for a moment, his first sign to take note of when she felt disturbed. She rubbed a hand over her face, taking a gulp of air. 

'I don't understand,' she whispered, 'how I woke up.'

He blinked. That was a great question and one he was yet to find an answer to. With all her life support snatched away, she had managed to spur herself awake good as new. Reaching over, he tugged down the collar of her shirt and spot the annular scar that they had come to share.

'I think it's an electromagnetic contrivance of sorts,' he theorized verbally. 'For instance, the pulse that I sent out, kind of, upped your immunity. The life support was only curbing the privilege of your extensive healing.'

 She nodded, nipping the edge of her lip. 'I feel... different?'

He moved closer to understand clearly. 'Like, out of place?'

'New,' she muttered. 'Modish and complex.'

He reassuringly chucked her chin, touching her lips. 'I'll figure it out when we get back. A few tests should be good enough.'

She looked away. 'Tony, I'm afraid.'

'Afraid of what, baby?' He combed his fingers through her hair. 'Trust me, the worst-case scenario has passed. You opened your eyes. You're safe.'

Once again, her breaths started to hitch. She still had questions, maybe even requests. He saw her eyes build up a shade, darken when she looked up with a sigh. He felt an exhale get robbed when she did.

'I want to,' she drawled out to compile her words into a string. 'I mean, I know you are holding Zeke in those Raft prison units.'

She wasn't wrong but he still couldn't figure out what it had to with Cap. He tossed her a confused glance. 'So?'

'I want to see him.'

Fury was evident on his face and he did not try to shroud it. Elle was either doing this on purpose or trying to prove her forsaken point to show herself worthy. And whatever it was, it was setting him off.  He scoffed darkly in response and she sighed. 

'Are you kidding me? Don't answer that—'


 '—uh, absolutely not risking it—'


'—and so ridiculous of you to—'

'Tony,' she said softly, squeezing his hand. 'I know it's an off-putting request. I need closure on this matter. You need to respect that.'

'He plays with minds,' he stressed, obviously worried and he didn't bother to conceal his agitation. She needed to understand how irresponsible of an attempt it was to get closure. 'If you go there, I can't vouch for your safety.'

'I don't need it,' she said with hints of a smile on her face. 'There'll be two tonnes of steel between us so I will be perfectly protected. He can't and won't hurt me, I guarantee that. I want consent from you, is all.'


'I won't do anything that would upset without asking you,' she said, matter-of-factly. 'I know this would mean a lot to me but you'll always come first.'

At that moment, Tony felt like the atoms he was comprised of would rip themselves apart if he didn't accept her stance. He was so moved about her asking for permission and knowing it would upset him if she didn't. Just like that, his temper was withdrawn. All that he wanted was reciprocating love and the need to keep her protected. If Elle needed to get that closure and dispose of the misplaced guilt, then she would get it. She needed to heal and the first step towards to that was forgiveness - and he was more than happy to give it to her. 

'Fine. I can't go against you on that.'

Her eyes lit up. 'Really?'

His hands clasp her cheek to bring her close, stroking her hair as he placed a kiss over her forehead. He hoped his actions were considered as acceptance and satisfied when he spotted the smile on her face.

'Have ever told you I love you?' she whispered. Like a reminder, looking up at him with a fierceness in her eyes and any longer, she would break out into an inspirational-romance talk. 

'Oh no,' he murmured, rolling his lips to contain laughter. This moment between them was one of the most memorable in his entire life; he loved that this happened every time they reminded each other about the love they shared.

'No, no. Not this one. Ellie.'

'Well, I do,' she grinned, the smile where her entire face changed demeanour. She knew him just as well. 'So much. You better love me back the same.'

'No doubts on that, with six-month amplification,' he said simply, pulling back and sinking into the swing. In return, he felt like it was his duty to assure her of the problem that had faced formerly. 'And about the Cap issue, I handled it. A little bit of this and that but yeah - we're in the clear.'

She patted her thighs in a reluctant gesture. 'I don't know. It's all very apocalyptic to me. The Avengers falling apart seems like the first step towards it.'

'Trust me, I'd know if it were the end of the world,' he said, absolutely. 'This is not it.'

'You can't Marty McFly this one,' she rolled her eyes and causing Tony to laugh at her try at American sarcasm. 'You put yourself between the world and deadly threats every day and believe me, I'm so proud. But you inevitably give me a fright.'

'Are you listening to yourself?' He muttered out with incredulity as soon as she was done, holding his head one side. 'Honey, I'm the one behind the eightball. I go out there and I do my job. I protect you,' he shared, pointing at her. He was surprised at this conversation had taken an exceeding shift. 'I'll do whatever it takes to keep you here. I will. But, you were —for a second, your heart stopped beating, Elle. And my goddamned life just flashed before my eyes.'

An exhale left her mouth in hysteria. As if she was hearing it for the first time and someone had missed out on this particular piece of information. 'Good lord, Tony —'

'Let me finish,' he stated, staring her down. She sunk back to the floor. 'It didn't end there. I beat myself up, you know, like a loser. I thought: what if I didn't push that pulse? Things would've been so much simpler. Yet difficult. But decisions define who you are—my choice was to put the world before you. That still irks me.'

No one spoke for a moment. Elle let out what felt like the world's longest sigh and broke the pregnant silence, her features contorting into tiredness. She looked older than usual for a second, her hands pushing under the hair in her forehead and palming her eyes. 

'Anthony Stark, how the fuck am I going to make you understand?'

He shrugged indignantly. 

'I don't want to be a weakness,' she responded, placing her hands back on the table. She faced him this time with a steadfast stare, proving her point at hand. Her blue eyes burned with intent. 'You saved thousands of lives that day. First responders, evacs, civilians—that's what you signed up for, isn't it?  People have to make sacrifices, love and it's okay. You can't save everyone. It's the rule of thumb.'

It was Tony's turn to be tongue-tied. There was so much that bubbled to his throat, so much he wanted to argue back with and tell her off. But if he did, he feared that it might end up in a dispute over a matter that shouldn't have been brought up. So he let her have her moment how much ever it sucked to be the bigger person, twitching his lips into a small smile and nodding. He stuck to a simple agreement, 'Understood.'

'Here,' she said softly, getting up on her feet to quickly seat herself next to him on the elongated swing. He was more than happy to share the space with her, watching her drape her legs across his lap and fit her cheek over his shoulder. Her warmness was tempting, and he fell for it by smiling away and play with a few strands at the side of her face.

'You know,' he murmured. 'I could stay here.'

He saw a smile come alive on her lips despite her eyes being set on the dirt road that curved into the woods beyond. 'Like this?'

'Mhmm,' he hummed, watching the dark strands of hair part between his fingers. Without any hesitation, he started to speak his mind. 'You and me. Two kids driving us crazy. Take up farming.'

She snickered into his neck. 'Your futurist judgments are acting up.'

'They always are,' he smirked. 'And in about three seconds, your mom's gonna peep out of that window.'

As if on cue, Elle turned her gaze to the window to catch a discrete glace. He heard gasp out a tiny laugh, looking up at Tony who shrugged, draping a hand over her strewn legs to showcase the ending of the on-the-rocks their relationship was indulged into.

'She worries,' Elle conveyed softly, easily forgetting about her sneaky mother. 'About me. After Zeke, everything went awry.'

'Or so I've heard,' he commented, deep in thought. 'Maybe I was sent to save you. Meant to be, you know? Fate playing one of its games.'

She cast him a dirty look. 'Six months and you've become someone else.'

'Oh, grow up.'

'Fate? Kids?' She snorted. 'Does not sound like the Tony I knew.'

'Well,' he placed a hand over her head to ruffle her tresses, 'you have changed me for the better, future Mrs Stark.'

'Elle Stark,' she mouthed, making an unimpressed face and testing it on her tongue. 'It doesn't have that wow-factor I thought it would.'

'I love it,' he grinned. 'I think Elle Stark sounds imposing as much as it sounds sexy.'

'Honestly?' A smirk adorned her lips, angling forward to tease his lips with hers. A soft brush of her pillow-like lips was enough to bring heaven on earth. 'Then, why don't you give her a kiss and find out?'

'Ooh, gladly,' he said, his words morphing into a mellow chuckle.

Tony, more than happy to comply, found himself regarding her eyes that he had missed too goddamn much. For Elle, her eyes were the window to her soul. The dark pupil, surrounded by a ring of jagged silver and swallowed by an icy blue. You could name a crayon after that colour—sharp, yet full of emotion. 

His lips moved with hers and the world itself started to fall away. It was soft, comforting and everything he had associated with Elle. Having a drive of the supernal, he easily wanted more and acted for by resting his hand underneath her ear and pushing into her. Her mouth cracked with a low moan to which he had a delightful chuckle. It obliterated every thought he had, taking the kiss as a promise of more to come.

'Needy, needy,' he told, still having no wish for this kiss to end. A hand traversed from her thigh to her back and Elle hesitantly pulled back to rest her forehead against his.

'If my mum weren't here, I would've dragged you up to my room, and we could've christened that new sofa,' she breathed out, her last words ending a desiring growl. Tony swallowed hard, forcing words out of his mouth.

'Sure,' he bit his lip. 'Just a little...'

'Horny?' She whispered, dragging a thumb over his lips. 

'Your mom's still looking.'

She laughed right into his cheek. 'I'll come first this time.'

'Keep it in your pants, missus.'

'Huh? I'll be on top then, sir.'

'Elle, stop.'

An instant smile lit her face and he knew it was worth it. She opened her mouth to speak, probably a witty retort, but another clearing throat of a voice beat her to it. Both of them shot their gazes ahead to the porch steps, a surprised gasp leaving Elle. Tony rolled his eyes when he spotted the visitant, falling back into the cushioned swings. 

Of course, someone had to trample over his moment.

'I had to see that!' He shouted at them with a glare.

'No one asked you to!' Tony shouted back

'Come in, Colonel,' Elle greeted Rhodey with an exuberant laugh, shooting to her feet in a spritely motion and rushing down the porch steps. 

Rhodey stood tall, grinning from ear to ear when he saw his good friend up and going with no comatose drawbacks whatsoever. She broke into a sprint, a skip to her step and he scooped her into a bear hug.

'Welcome home!'

'How're you feeling, Elle?' He asked gently as his face buckled into a mix of joy and grief. He let her go when he composed his features, shooting Tony a warning glance when he held back laughter at his wondrous looks. Tony spared himself a second of insanity to wonder when did the big old James Rhodes get all touchy-feely. 

'All good? No heaviness, no discomfort—'

'—and no third eye,' she joked as she led him back to the house. Tony felt obliged to greet him as well, rising from his stature with a biting smirk. 'I'm fine, thanks. But Christ, Rhodey what happened to your leg?'

'Ah, aerial accidents. Not very uncommon,' he sighed as she knelt down to run a finger down the tech-savvy harness that moulded to his leg as his support. She looked up at the tough commander with harsh eyes. 'It's a long story.'

First things first, Tony decided as he reached his best friend. He stuck out his hand, gesturing to Rhodey as if to say hand-it-over. Rhodey rolled his eyes, sifting through his pockets to produce a fifty-dollar greenback and slap into Tony's waiting palm. 

When the duo faced her with sheepish looks on their faces, Elle opted to ignore it and raised her hands in surrender. 'I don't care.'

'You're on next time, asshole,' Rhodey threatened his best friend.

'Try me,' Tony teased.

Rhodey fisted his hands into his pockets, as if ready to kick up his feet and relax. 

'So, what's next? Are you both packed and ready? Tony called in his jet for tonight. Even bought out Four Seasons at Bora Bora for a whole week...' Then sighed. 'Which I now realize was a surprise. Dammit.'

'Bigmouth,' Tony muttered.

Rhodey groaned. 'Okay, well, lose-lose. Here we go: I was going to take you to Disneyland.'

'Aw, Rhodey, thank you,' Elle sang out. She glanced at Tony with a grin. 'All that for me?'

Tony made a so-so expression. 'I was jittery on the way here. You might want to watch out for a three-foot bouquet of Juliet roses sometime soon. And a Matisse. And a lot more... stuff.'

Rhodey blew a raspberry. 'Flashy bastard.'

She laughed, a little fired up now, holding Tony's chin to press a deep kiss. 'Thank you very much, my love.'

He winked at Rhodey from the midst of his favoured kiss. 'Worth every penny.'

'I wish I could arrive early, lads,' Elle expressed her disappointment. 'Unfortunately, there's been a change of plans.'

'There has?' Tony asked, confused. He had got to start paying attention, he mentally scratched down. And remember to take up Rhodey's offer of shuttling on the Quinjet. Another trip in his suit halfway across the world and he might suffer a cranial concussion. 

Elle raised her eyebrows at Tony, hinting at their previous conversation concerning a certain visitation right she proclaimed. 

'Right,' he nodded and then faced Rhodey with a borderline cheeky expression to which he blinked. 'You might want to sit down for this.'




When the steel safeguard gateways divided to allow Eleanor in, she looked behind her and taking that quick shortcut back to the chopper. She realized she was sweating bullets when the stern-looking soldiers who manned the inside structure of the prison unit. A penitentiary for caching in madmen, she'd coined it. The place was fortified structure underwater and she had to keep her senses levelled, quenching her hurried thoughts about chief security. She tugged her dark coat closer, watching Rhodey's hesitant steps as he entered the low-lit chamber first. She followed his steps after drawing in deep exhale as if entering the ocean, trying not to think about the devil inside.

There were multiple, empty prison units—except for one—around the semicircular hall and four burly officers standing stiffly against the entrance. Every unit must have been seven feet by four, diminutive enough to set off the claustrophobe in her. The place was suffocatingly silent, the only sounds were Rhodey's whirring metal-support on his leg and Elle's stuttering breaths. She was quick enough to spot the hunched-over figure in the one-way-in cell, raising his chin to see the incoming visitors. She turned her back to him on instinct when she spotted the dark smile creep up on his brazen face. 

'Colonel Rhodes,' Zeke thundered, his voice echoing through the hollow white cube they called a jail. 'You've brought me a gift, have you?'

She heard a set of footfalls near her, gently rubbing a hand over her slackened shoulder. She faced him with heavyset eyes, not managing to conceal the stranded look to her. Rhodey tilted his head with a pitiful gaze, parting his lips to speak up. 'You don't have to.'

She was quick to oppose. 'I have to. I can.'

'Elle, I'll stay—'

'Alone, Rhodey,' she reminded, her timid expression changing stern in an instant. 'You promised.'

He breathed out when he saw the determination in her, convincing himself that she could handle it. Hell, she had dealt with this psychopath's bullshit for longer than he had. Eight years of this piece of shit. And that was all he needed to nod at her, confiding in her and walking away. With that, Elle was left to fend for herself in the unit with her neurotic ex.

She walked forward after granting herself a split second of regret, squaring her shoulders and tucking her trembling hands into her coat. She was dressed modestly as if meeting a client - her hazelnut hair tucked into a professional updo, cotton shirt with dress-pants adorning her body. Some would say she had been hanging out with Tony for too long to adapt his very dressing sense. The thought eased her misery for a bit.

Even with the reduced temperature to the room, wetness accumulated over her exposed neck when she saw Zeke tied down to a wheelchair, and his deadbeat legs corded down with heavy-link contraptions. He was looking gaunt than usual, his skin stretching thinly over his features yet managing to look more deranged than ever. She took another faltering step forward into the light overhead, letting him see her wholly. Letting him see that she wasn't going to cower in front of him anymore and that wasn't as soft as he had pointed her out to be.

'You're still quite the vision, my love,' he said, his voice scratchy from not being used for a long period. 'Beauty that belongs to me.'

'Belonged,' she corrected, her voice surprisingly sophisticated. She didn't want to overstep her boundaries and taunt him, she was taunting him enough by being on the vivid side of the bars. 'No longer yours.'

He used his arms to wheel himself closer to the horizontal set of bars, a biting smirk on his lips. His usual straight features had gotten scrawny which meant that had not been feeding him properly. Serves him right, she decided. 

'I missed you,' he breathed out. 'I thought you were dead—'

'I don't care anymore, Zeke,' she piqued up swiftly, not ready to fall for his mind games. She tautly carried herself further, ignoring the bewildered gaze that he was giving her and sharpening her own. 'I came here to tell you that this is the last time you will ever see me.'

He leaned back into his chair, amused. 'Is that right?'

'So take a good look,' she continued. 'At the woman, you called yours and ended up driving a sword right through your spine. I only wished it were instead, the machine that you call a heart. I missed.'

His face fell with the force of her words. And Elle's heart bloomed with satisfaction: her talk had hit home. 

'I have always wanted to see you like this,' Elle continued, gracing a wicked smile that she had dreamed of confronting him with. She had never gotten a chance until this golden moment. And it was better than what she had anticipated. 'Lonely. Soaking in your own vileness for the rest of your life.'

'And your sorry bitch of a companion?' Zeke lashed out, showing his teeth with the oncoming fury. His ego had been too wounded to opt for such a flabby comeback. 'How's he doing with his distraught industry?'

'Let this be your last warning,' Elle threatened with an incompassionate look, defences up once again. 'Tony is mine. Another word against him and I will make this purgatory worse than it already is.'

After what seemed like an eternity later, Zeke mumbled out weak words that struck her with the force of a fleeting feather. She knew this was coming and she could only shrug it off with a scoff. 'He could never love you like me.'

'That's right,' she agreed with a simple purse of her lips. 'And it is such a relief that he doesn't.'

Zeke flinched like he had been hit. If she were her usual self, she would have scrambled to correct her erred words but now, all she was feeling was contempt. Years of being let down and suppressed for having a voice, defeated by the darkness in her mind - it had all led to this. To see the disappointment in his eyes and that he had given up on her. It was now up to him to live with the guilt of his failure, the weight of her words and the sins of his father. That was when the bell rung at the back of her head; her job here was done.

'Take care, Ezekiel.'

To her utter astonishment, he said nothing more. 

She turned her back to him again, walking straight ahead with buoyancy to her gait. The resilience that had washed over her, light and felicitous. She let hints of a smile grace her face as she strolled past the guards, hanging her head down with the new prestige of her peace. Elle's darkest hour was truly over when the gates slammed shut behind her and it was ironic that the same barriers were locking her past away. Soon sinking into the depths of the ocean, sealed and inescapable. With her remission, she had the liberty to feel again and heal the mind, body, and soul with whatever was left for her.

All she had to do was wait; for the dawn to rise and symbolize the finality of it all. She would be renewed.

[ epilogue left! hope i made justice with the ending, i mean, she did get her closure :) ]

[ update (18.01.2020): wohoooooo edited and rewritten! ]

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