Chapter 12: Ling Yao

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You held the suitcase tightly in your hands, hugging Izumi and Sid while thanking them for letting you stay in their home.

"Oh it was no trouble at all," Izumi smiled, closing her eyes gently, "Please come visit whenever you have the chance."

"You're always welcome in our home," Sid told you. After Ed and Al said their goodbyes all three of you made your way to the train station, Sid escorting you.

After a couple of minutes you could see the train coming into the loading area, letting out steam and a loud whistle noise as it came to a stop. You all walked to the train entrance, giving the man at the door your tickets and getting on the train. You found a seat in the second car and sat down, Ed sitting next to you and Al across from both of you.

You yawned, resting your head lightly on Ed's shoulder. He was a bit confused, pink tinting his cheeks, but he didn't mind. He liked the way the warmth of your body helped him stay warm.

You mumbled softly, "Say Al, how long is this ride?" you asked.

"Hm, let's see." He thought about it for a second, "I would say about an hour or so."

You grinned and nuzzled Ed's shoulder, closing your eyes, "In that case I'll take a small nap. You don't mind do you?" You looked up to Edward.

He was avoiding eye contact with you, blushing slightly, "Oh yeah that's fine with me. I'll probably join you." Soon after you fell asleep, barely being able to grasp the conversation that Al and Ed were having.

"Al, do you remember when you were in the other room with those chimeras?" Ed asked. Al nodded to his brother. "Well when I was hurt bad and (Y/n) came in it felt like she had the anger of a thousand soldiers, she couldn't control her rage and she was incredibly strong."

"What are you thinking brother?" Al asked the boy, a bit concerned.

Ed looked down to your innocent face of slumber, "I'm not sure. It looked as if she was stronger than teacher or Sid."

Al looked to him surprised, raising his voice, "What?! No way!"

Ed quickly shushed him, looking to you a bit disturbed in your sleep, "Be quiet Al, you'll wake her."

The metal boy calmed down a bit, lowering his voice into a whisper, "Do you think it has anything to d with the past and what she won't tell us?"

Ed nodded slightly, running ideas through his head. Nothing really made sense to him about you, you were always so calm and funny and nice and well, beautiful. The way you acted wasn't like you, it wasn't rational. He sighed and looked up to his brother, "Maybe one day she'll tell us the truth."

"You mean she'll convince her love for you?" he asked sarcastically, joking.

Ed blushed and grumbled, "If hitting you worked I would do it."

///time skip///

You slowly opened your eyes as you were shook gently. You looked up at Ed who was trying to wake you. You suddenly felt the heat and wished you hadn't woken.

"Hey sleepy head, we're almost at our stop," you heard him whisper to you softly, making you smile a bit.

You stretched out and looked to Al, noticing he wasn't paying much attention to anything. You guessed he was just deep in thought and waited for the train to come to a halt. Eventually, it did and you stood up along with the Elrics, grabbing your bag.

"Al, you said Winry told you where she was staying and working right?" Ed asked his brother.

"Yeah, she lives in town luckily. You two can get some food maybe," He laughed.

"Before we eat I want to look around a bit, to see if it's as weird as I think," you explained. They both nodded, Al leading the way to Winry's current working place. After arriving you were introduced to the engineer who ran the place, him being a bit creepy. You sat down for a moment so that Ed could meet with Winry once she got back.

You turned to the feminine man, "So Mr. Garfiel, Winry's a good engineer isn't she?" you asked, sarcastically since you had already known she was beyond amazing with her work.

He nodded quickly, "Oh yes she's been a great help around the shop, everyone here loves her."

You smiled just as Winry entered the shop, looking to Ed, Al, and you in surprise. "Woah, you guys came to visit?" her expression grew sour, "You didn't break your automail did you Ed?" she turned to the boy who was trying to hide his arm. She grabbed it and pulled it close to her, making him blush slightly. Irritated, you pushed it away knowing it was only work anyways. "I can fix you up but I don't have all the parts yet I'll have to go get some. Why don't you guys look around town and try to stay out of trouble." She sighed.

Ed smiled, thinking he had avoided being hit when he was suddenly hit when something metal and hard. You cringed as he bled a bit. All he could do was grit his teeth and hold back any major pain. "You know Winry, one of these days you're going to leave him brain damaged," you scolded, slightly joking.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever." She grabbed a few things and left the shop, leaving you three to explore the town.

After a few minutes of walking something caught Al's eyes, he couldn't help but run over. Ed sighed, "Is this another cat, Al? We don't have any way to take care of any cats so just leave it."

Al seemed a bit worried in his voice, "No brother, not this time." He leaned to the side so you both could see the foreign man who was passed out on the floor, making you and Ed panic a bit.

///mini time skip///

The young man gobbled up his 26th plate of food, smiling. You stood behind Ed next to al, leaning your head on his chair.

"Thanks, you guys are life savers," the man sighed of relief. "You treat right?"

Ed looked irritated, "When did I say I was paying?"

He laughed, "Let's not argue over something so small."

That word pissed Ed off you so held him back, "Who're you calling small?!"

The man teared up happily, "How lucky I am to have found such hospitality, so far from home."

"Far from home?" Al asked, "You mean you're not from here?"

He smiled, "That's right, I came from Xing."

Ed looked a bit surprised, "You mean the country east of the desert?"

"That's right," he confirmed. "And crossing that desert was rough let me tell you."

"Why the hell would you take that route? Isn't there another way?" you butted in.

He shrugged, "I wanted to visit the ruins of Xerxes that route goes by them." You remembered hearing about Xerxes through a couple of books.

"The Xerxes ruins? I heard there was next to nothing out there," Ed argued.

"I wanted to see for myself. Anyways I came here to do some Alkahestry research," he changed the subject.

"Alkahestry?" you all asked in unison.

He nodded, "Yes, I believe in this country you call it Alchemy. In Xing It's called Alkahestry, it's mainly used for medical professions"

"Huh, different countries different customs I guess," Ed told no one in particular. "Here Alchemy is used mainly for military purposes." He listed off a few main reasons why.

"I have to say I'm interested in Alkahestry, an Alchemy that's used for medical purposes?" Al interrupted. Ed agreed.

"By any chance," the man began, "are you guys Alchemists?"

"Yeah, I'm Edward Elric, a state alchemist." Ed explained.

"And I'm Alphonse Elric, his younger brother."

You smirked, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I don't do Alchemy like these freaks." Ed rolled his eyes.

"I'm Ling Yao, pleased to meet you." Everyone shook hands.

"So Ling, what else can you tell us about Alkahestry?" Edward asked a bit excited.

"Nothing. Yeah sorry but I'm not actually an Alkahestrist." He replied, making Ed and Al's faces reek of disappointment.

Ed became irritated, "If you don't practice it then why did you come all this way to research it?!"

"Well see I'm looking for something," Ling replied, becoming serious, "It's possible you two have heard of it before." He paused, "The Philosopher stone."

The three of you grew panicked expressions, Ed quickly trying to throw him off the trail, "Sorry, we don't know anything and we can't help you." The three of you started to walk away.

Ling smirked, "You wouldn't be lying to me would you?" he snapped his fingers and you were suddenly next to Ed, both of you with a knife across your neck. Al was in a similar situation. "So, do you have something to tell me?"

Ed was a bit frightened but quickly adjusted, "Why the interest in the Philosopher stone?"

Ling's grin became even bigger, "I want to achieve immortality."

"Immortality? Please what a bunch of nonsense," Ed told him, glaring. "Besides I don't like your way of asking questions," He pushed away the knife and went to kick the black figure, "Kind of rude don't you think?"

The figure quickly dodged his attack by jumping up and stomping on his stomach, making you instantly feel a number of emotions. "E-Ed!" You glared to the girl and went to attack her, just as Al was doing with the old man involuntarily. You were quickly pulled back by Ling.

"Ah ah ah, (Y/n). They won't get hurt but I need to speak with you," he whispered, the two already fighting with the warriors. You wanted to go after them but he kept holding you back. They left on a trail of rock that was formed by Ed. "Off they go," he laughed.

"What the hell was so important that I can't go help them?" you asked him, annoyed.

"I'm testing their skills, you see I'm a prince and I figure if they're good they'll know more about the Philosopher stone."

You rolled your eyes, "They're not going to tell you anything."

He cut you off, pulling you close and grossing you out a bit, "How about you come back to Xing and become my queen, (Y/n)."

You scoffed, "So first you sick your dogs on my friends and then ask me to go back to Xing with you? F*** off." You sat across from him.

"Suit yourself," he sighed.

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