Chapter 14: Burnt

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(I'm sooooo sorry about not updating, a close family friend died so I've been trying to juggle that and school work. If updates are slow I'm very sorry, anyways, onto the story)

When you awoke you noticed that Ed had left, he was probably talking with Al and Winry. You got up and threw on some clean clothes, peering out the window at the bright and warm sun. Spring was coming, and your birthday wasn't that far off either. You put your boots on over your sock, making you feel warmer. You freshened up a bit and walked out to Ed and Al's room.

You knocked lightly on the wooden door and cracked it open slowly, greeting everyone. You saw the tears in Winry's eyes as she wiped them away with her arm. You walked in and remembered the tragedy that had just been brought upon everyone. You sat down on the couch as they finished up their conversation. Ed looked over to you, trying to lighten up the mood, "Sleep well (Y/n)?"

You nodded and smiled lightly, looking to the other two in the room. Winry looked broken, and with Al you couldn't tell. Ed seemed to be trying to hide his emotions, but you could tell what he was really feeling.

Winry sighed and got up, leaving the room to go to hers.

///time skip///

You curled up with your warm drink, watching Ed work on uncovering more on the stone. You didn't like seeing this but you wanted to spend some time with him in this upsetting time. As you took a sip a giant suit of armor swung open the door, yelling for his brother. It startled you into dropping the warm cup and making Ed almost whimper in shock.

"Don't scare us like that," Ed scolded Al.

Al ignored him, handing a news clipping to him, "The newspaper Ed, read the front page!"

You got up and sat next to Ed to read it along with him, "What is it now?" Edward asked annoyed. The both of you skimmed across the words, gasping. "What?!"

You read it aloud in disbelief, your voice shaking slightly, "Second Lieutenant Maria Ross found guilty for the murder of Brigadier General Hughes' murder?!"

You all ran for the main area of central, feeling uneasy. "I can't believe this," Al told you both.

"Maybe the colonel will know something about this," Ed told him, hoping he would be right.

"What about Winry?" Al asked.

You decided to join in, "We'll explain it to her later." Finally you all made it to his office, but there was no one in. "Maybe he's outside on a walk, we might as well go look." The two shrugged and walked out.

The air was cold and you looked around, when you sensed someone nearby. "Al, Ed, I feel someone near." They nodded and looked around. Once you walked out of the alley you noticed Lt. Ross, Ling, and the armored guy which you could have sworn you had already caught.

"Lieutenant Ross?" Ed questioned.

She was in shock, "Ed, Al, (Y/n), what are you doing here?!" It didn't take long for everyone to see who was who, baffled by the coincidences.

"Maria, please tell us about Hughes," you pleaded, only for Barry to jump in front of you and hold up his butcher knife. She was shocked but continued to run. "Aren't you forgetting last time? I beat you in less than five seconds." You went to attack him, but you stopped at the sight of the explosion nearby.

"Looks like they got her," he sighed. Edward pushed everyone aside and ran toward it, you following to keep him safe. As you ran you could hear him calling for you two to come back, but you kept running with Ed. Eventually you arrived to a figure silhouetted by the light, barely able to make out that it was the Colonel. You peered down to see a burned corpse, and stopped in shock. Ed did too, he must have figured it out along with you.

He was shaking and his fists were clenched tightly. Roy looked back to the both of you, "Hey there you two." He sounded a bit annoyed.

"What happened here?" you asked, very upset.

Ed's eyes turned into sheer anger, "Answer her." He raised his voice, "Tell me what happened." He was filled with rage. He quickly looked defeated, still angry though, "Why colonel? Why was Hughes murdered?" He ran to him and held him by the collar of his shirt, "And why didn't you say anything?!" You pulled him back but that didn't stop the fist that quickly met his cheek. The force of it pushed you back, so he landed on you and unharmed from the ground.

"You dare threaten a superior officer? Don't forget your place," Roy lectured, still annoyed.

You got up and were angry now, "You're not in any place to keep hurting people like this, you just murdered a woman and now you're hitting a child? I don't care who the hell you are but you can't just mess around with people like that!" You weren't sure if your words were the right ones to say, but it felt like the only thing you could say. You raced to attack him, only for Al to pull you back. "Let me go! This bastard just murdered Lieutenant Ross!"

Ed got up, wanting to punch the colonel too. Al gasped slightly at the news and looked down to the burnt corpse below. If he could cry, he would be. "How could you do this colonel?" Al's voice shook.

Roy looked unfazed, "Our orders where to shoot on sight to kill. That is all."

"That's all you have to say?!" Al yelled to him.

"About Hughes' death," Mustang interrupted, "I'm sorry for hiding it from you. But you do not disobey orders or ask for explanations." He turned away and began to walk, "You just follow them. That's what it means to be a soldier."

///time skip///

You rested your eyes when you heard a knock at the door. Ed got up and answered it, only to be punched by the Major instantly.

"What the hell was that for?!" Ed whimpered out.

"Listen up Edward Elric," He scolded, making Edward gulp. You opened your eyes and were about to argue about Armstrong's attack, when his tone of voice changed. He picked him up and wiggled his arm a bit, "Hm this is no good, no good at all, your automail seems to be broken."

"Uh, okay," he agreed in fear.

"This is a serious situation indeed, we will have to repair it as once. Allow me to escort you to Resembool, along with (Y/n) who will help protect you since you can no longer fight in this condition."

"What's going on Major?" Ed asked a bit worried and unsure of the situation.

You whimpered out, "Why am I coming?"

"You're going back home?" Al asked.

Edward waved his hand, "I have no idea what he's talking about."

Armstrong peered to the suit of armor, "And you Alphonse Elric, you stay here in Central since you would stand out too much."

"O-Okay," Al agreed, still confused.

The major grabbed you both by the back of the shirt and dragged you along, "We need to make arrangements for transportation right away, come along Edward and (Y/n)." You didn't have much of a choice. You looked to each other in fear of what the Major was planning.

Ed whined out loudly as Armstrong carried you both like cargo, "Come on Major, put us down."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," he explained, "These are my orders." He paused slightly, "From him." He finally brought you to a train and set you both down on the seats next to each other, him across.

"Can you tell us what's going on?" you asked the Major, to him ignoring. You sighed, "Whatever, I'm getting some shut eye." You rested your head on Edward's shoulder and went to sleep, him gently resting his head on yours, annoyed with Armstrong just as much as you.

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