Chapter 2: Meeting the Military

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Edward and Al were ahead of you, Al's armor clanging with every step. You followed them ignoring all the stares and comments on how you were in relationships with the boys. They were your family, relationships would be too weird.

You were deep in thought when you suddenly heard a knock. It was Edward, and you could hear a muffled, "come in" through the door.

Ed and Al proceeded to open it, pulling you in as well. "Ack! Let go of me I can walk on my own," you pestered the two, getting out of their grip.

"Colonel, this is (Y/n) (L/n). She's been staying with us for a while and I thought it would be best to introduce her," Al explained to Mustang.

The man looked up at you, examining every inch of you, "nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Colonel Roy Mustang, also known as the flame alchemist. I'm quite popular, I'm sure the boys have told you all about me," he stated proudly.

You were confused, "Sorry? Never heard of you."

He got a bit shocked and a bit upset, then glared over at the Elrics.

"No, (Y/n), you're mistaken we have told you about him," Edward scolded. Mustang was a bit relieved with this and exhaled. "He's the pain in the ass I was telling you about," he finished.

You snickered, "Now I remember."

Roy ignored the two and looked over to Al, "how the hell do you put up with those two?"

"I honestly don't know," Al said pathetically.

Breaking up the laughter, Roy began explaining the mission, "We haven't found many more leads on the philosopher stone..."

What?! The stone?!

"...however, we have heard that there is a man who's using a mystical power from the gods, in the flash of an eye he can make a statue from a rock. Sounds suspicious doesn't it?" Everyone nodded in agreement, "the town is known as Liore, it's quite a travel so this mission might take a while. Are you planning on taking the girl with you?" Mustang pointed to you.

"Well, they don't really have a choice," you smirked, the two brothers rolling their eyes.

"We could easily ditch you on the train," Ed smirked, feeling your scowl. "What do I get out of this?" he asked innocently.

Glaring at him you responded, "You forget, I cook the meals."

He sighed, "Fine, but Al and I don't want you in any trouble. Try anything and you're on the next train out."

Pouting you crossed your arms, "Wasn't planning on anything."

Roy looked up from his paperwork, "You should get going, there's a train leaving at 8 pm, then you'll need to walk there. Pack water, it's in the desert. The rest of the details are in the file," he tossed the Al the file. Both brothers ran out, and you were about to walk to them when Mustang told you, "Keep them safe (Y/n)." You smiled and nodded, running after them.

After running for a few minutes you were out of breath, still no signs of the two boys. "Where could they have gone...?" You sat down on a bench located outside. Before being able to rest a man ran up to you. He looked around 30, and he was really excited.

"Uh, hello?" you greeted the man quite confused.

He gripped your hand and shook it, you tried pulling away extremely disturbed by the man's actions. "Sorry miss, you looked new," the man smiled. "My name is Maes Hughes, and you are?"

You remember the boys talking about a Hughes, "Ah, Hughes I've heard of you. I'm just a friend of the Elrics, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). Pleased to meet you." You had heard that he was very boastful about his family, a polar opposite of yourself.

"Oh! So you're (Y/n)? I've heard a lot about you."

You blushed of embarrassment, "Really? They talk about me?" He nodded. You paused, "Say Hughes, do you know where the boys are?"

He nodded, "I believe I saw them at the front desk."

You thanked him and ran toward the entrance, 'Must be looking for train tickets and times.'

You were still new to the building so you got lost a couple times, but eventually made your way to the front. You saw a big hunk of metal heading out the front door. Alphonse. "Hey guys! You can't leave without these," You yelled at them still running, jangling the keys. You approached the boys, Ed looked embarrassed and a bit pissed off. "What happened, shrimp?" you teased.

He stared at you still red in the face and scowling at you. He walked out and you turned to Al, "What happened while I was gone?"

He laughed under his breath, "Nothing important." Damn those boys keeping secrets.

"Fine,' you said a pissed, but quickly let it go smiling. It wasn't a big deal. "I'll meet you in the car, Ed should be there and I don't trust him alone with a car." Al nodded in agreement.

///While you were gone///

Ed and Al where trying to get tickets for the train to Liore, when suddenly a mysterious girl walked in. She had a coat on with a hood over her head, hiding her face. She wore a long skirt and claimed to be able to tell your future. She referred to herself as a fortune teller.

"Brother, I wonder if we could see if I get my body back with her powers," Al laughed, mostly joking but still thinking about how cool it would be if she could actually tell the future.

"Oh please, that's so unscientific," Ed stated, staring at the girl. The girl pulled off her hood, revealing her friendly face.

"I'll show you," she told him, bringing him and Alphonse into a dark room close by.

Ed and Al were both skeptical, also keeping their guard up just in case she attacked them. She grabbed both of Edward's hands, quickly letting go of his metal one. "Sorry, I can't read anything that isn't flesh and blood," she stated, Al getting a bit upset. "If you get out of the armor I can tell you your future," Al shook his head.

"I'm fine," he stated nervously. She shrugged and continued messing around with Edward's hand, amiking him a bit uncomfortable.

She closed her eyes and began reading his future, "I see...a girl. She has (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes with soft (s/c) skin. It's her birthday, and she insists on her present being a kiss on the cheek, and the-" she was cut off by Ed quickly pulling away, turning very red. Al laughed at his brother.

"(Y-Y/n) is just a friend! Keep your pervy fantasies to yourself," he scolded, running out of the room.

"Sorry about him, he gets teased a lot about that," Al told the girl.

She smiled, "I can only see important memories, so that must have been important to him. I also saw a few other memories including her. I want you to be careful around that girl. She's dangerous."

He laughed brushing off the warning, "Sure, sure. Thanks," and with that he ran.

///present time///

You sat in the car, driving the boys and yourself home. You looked beside you at Ed in the passenger seat, who was staring out the window. "You still upset that I called you shrimp?" You snickered.

"When's your birthday?" he asked in a mumble, ignoring her question. Al looked up a bit confused.

"Uh, in a couple months. Why?" you answered, utterly confused.

He had a sigh of relief and perked up considering how far away it was. You grinned, "I already know what I want."

Edward blushed furiously, Al trying to keep his laughs in from the back seat. They echoed throughout the armor so it was no use hiding it.

"W-What?!" you yelled. "I just wanted a new pair of boots and sword, calm down." You continued driving until you made it back home. Edward sighed of relief once again, confusing you even more. What where those stupid boys hiding?

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