The Newbies [4]

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Bonnie POV

It was just a room. It could have been considered any usual room in a building, but Max supposedly had a surprise for me in this room.

Max-Okay guys! Come on out!

Just then, the doors were shoved forward and 7 people stood in front of us.

Me-Who are they?

Max-Oh, the far left girl is Iris. The Green haired guy is Cilan. The red-head girl is Misty. The brunette next to her is May and Misty's best friend, Dawn.

Me-Oh. Well hi everyone, I am Bonnie. And this is dedenne.


"Hey Bonnie!"

Dawn- What happened?

Me- Um...Kalos is dead?

Misty- I've heard of cites being destroyed, but a FRICKIN REGION DYING?!

May- Calm down, she has an explanation...

Me- Darkrai and the Kalos legendary, yveltal have put everyone in literal darkness. My brother is dead, Serena and Ash are in their dark state.

Cilan- WHAT

Me-You heard me.

'Cilan, I came over cause you texted.....what is happening?'

Cilan- Bonnie here just got out of Kalos...alive. Bonnie, this is Brock.

Me- Hay Brock.

Brock- Hello to you too, Bonnie. So Kalos died.

Me- Yeah the darkness is expanding, luckily I learned from my brother on how to craft immunities to darkness.

Brock- Really?!

Me- Yeah, but we need time...Estor is far from any region, we should stay there until we go take back the world.

Iris-Wait...the WORLD?!

Me- It will take awhile, so possibly many other regions will be gone...

Brock-Well, Tihs.

Me- Language!

Brock- Sorry...

Me- I was joking, probably went over your head anyways...


Dawn- *being weird Dawn* feeeel the burrrn....

A/N This went cringy. So, next chapter will be in Estor... A world map will be made...


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