Chapter 5: Lieutenants and Captains

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I woke to Yachiru screaming


I groaned, rolling out of bed heavily. I didn't realise I was such a lightweight when it came to alcohol until now. Hell, I think that sake was my first taste of alcohol. Head pounding and with a mouth that tasted like the blasted drink, I staggered to my feet and dressed sluggishly, hardly able to keep my eyes opened.


The increase in Yachiru's spiritual pressure was what made me move faster and I dashed out the door, searching for her. I followed the trail of pink spiritual pressure twisting in the air, finding her glaring at several people, some I knew and others that I didn't.

"Yachiru, be reasonable," Toshiro stated.

"No!" Yachiru shrieked, stamping her foot. The ground shook.

"Oh come on, Yachiru; you know the head captain won't allow it," a red head with a very large bust - Rangiku most likely - tried reasoning with her.

"I. DON'T. CARE!" she screamed and the ground rumbled violently.

"Yachiru," I snapped behind her, folding my arms.

Her spiritual pressure died away immediately as she turned and jumped on me. "Good morning!" she cried, hugging me tightly.

"What's going on?" I asked, glancing at the other soul reaper's in turn.

It seemed that besides Toshiro and Rangiku, Tetsuzaemon and Shuhei had also made an appearance, along with a man with spiky red hair and a short girl with the Squad 5 lieutenant badge on her arm. No one from Squad 11 were present I realised.

"Rangiku mentioned how strong you were when you were at the soul reaper academy," I flinched, but she continued on, "and that you are strong enough to be lieutenant but then I said that was my job. Then she mentioned that the Head Captain might allow you to be the second lieutenant for Squad 11," Yachiru babbled on.

I placed her on the ground. "And? Who said anything about me wanting to be lieutenant?" I replied snappishly. This headache is killing me.

"Exactly," Toshiro butted in before Yachiru could answer. "There has never been two lieutenants for a Squad before and there never will be. The Head Captain would not allow it."

"But Rangiku said-" Yachiru began, her bottom lip pouting outwards.

"Don't listen to Rangiku. Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth is word vomit from being drunk.

"Captain!" Rangiku exclaimed in indignation before assaulting him with an extremely interesting set of words.

Growling, massaging my temples, I glanced around and noticed that Squad 11 were actually present, only they stood a very long distance away. Kenpachi wasn't present.

"What the hell? You were watching the whole time?" I asked, throwing my hands in the air. They walked forward once they realised they had been seen. "Do you know that she could destroy the whole Seritei if she wanted to?" I said, pointing at Yachiru jumping on the red haired guy and tugging his hair.

"Being a bit dramatic, aren't you Kera?" Ikkaku commented.

I ignored his jab. "Where's the captain?"

"He's away at a special meeting," Yumichika answered.

"That's just great," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, I know!" Everyone's heads turned to Yachiru again. "Let's go see the Head Captain!" she cried, before grabbing a hold of my arm. "Come on, Kera!" she then proceeded to try and drag me.

"Yachiru, I don't see the point in this," I moaned but she kept trying to drag me. "Yachiru, cut it out!" I yelled, getting frustrated, and instantly her little face fell, her bottom lip pouting out. Only this time, it began to quiver.

Fat tears filled her eyes and I could almost imagine the screaming that would erupt from within her.

"No, wait, Yachiru. I'm sorry," I crooned, going down to her height. Her lip quivered some more and her eyes started to squint. "Okay, then!" I said loudly, before letting my head hang. "You win; let's go," I sighed, pretending to be defeated.

"Really?" she wiped her eyes.



"I'm sorry child, but I cannot allow another lieutenant for Squad 11," Head Captain Yamamoto said to Yachiru.

Yachiru was still and silent in her chair and I resisted the urge to hold her, for she looked so defeated. I frowned at the Head Captain and, even though it wasn't my idea in the first place, I felt like we needed an explanation.

"Why not, sir?"

"Because it goes against many traditions. A lieutenant is the next in line when a Captain is away or when they die. I created the Gotei 13 Captains and the Gotei 13 Lieutenants and never in the history of it all has there been two lieutenants within one squad," Yamamoto explained. "I am sorry but your appeal has been rejected."

"So you really can't make an exception?" Yachiru whimpered. She really did want me to become a lieutenant with her.

He only shook his head and we left, Yachiru perched on my shoulder. Both of us deflated, we slowly headed back to the Squad, where some of the men were fighting each other. Ikari quivered at my waist, humming.

You want to fight? I thought and he hummed in approval.

"Yachiru, if you go into my room and look under my bed, you'll find a stash of candy under there," I said to her as I placed her on the ground. "Go ahead and eat it."

"Really?" Her cheeks started to go rosy again and a twinkle appeared in her eye.

I ruffled her hair as approval and she bounded off happily. I, on the other hand, drew my zanpakuto and stalked towards the men.

Most of the men stopped their own fights as they saw me approach, turning to me with fear in their eyes. "What?" I was confused by their behavior. "What's wrong?" They exchanged wary looks and retreated from me.

"They're afraid of you. They misjudged you when you first arrived; they didn't expect me to get walloped by a girl," Ikkaku explained, sidling up alongside me. "They're also afraid of you because you managed to stop the captain's blade with a bare hand. Only those of great strength can do that."

"So they don't want to get beaten, that's what you're saying?" I turned on him.

"A guess it could be that as well," he grinned.

"What type of an excuse is that?" I asked angrily, stomping my foot. All I wanted was a fight.

"One that is keeping them away from you and your sword."

"Fraidy cats!" I shouted at them.

"Who are you calling a fraidy cat?" Kenpachi asked and all heads turned to see him perched on the roof.

"Your men," I scowled. "No one wants to fight me because they're too goddamn afraid. Ridiculous."

"So you're looking for a fight?" I nodded. "They why don't you fight me?" Kenpachi's famous smirk appeared at the end of that sentence.

Grinning, I tightened my grip on my sword hilt. "Why don't you get off the roof, then, and prepare yourself?"

Laughing, he jumped down, bring his sword round and planting the tip into the ground so that it stood up all by itself. "Since I'm in a mood, I'll let you strike first. And I won't even defend myself."

"With pleasure," I snarled, ignoring the fact that his gesture was intended to mock me.

I drew my sword to the side, before flash- stepping forward. The diagonal slash I aimed at his chest drew enough blood that it splattered all on the ground and on my arms. I moved away quickly.

He just laughed. "That's the best you can do?" he crowed, rolling his wrist before plucking his sword from the ground.

"Who said I was trying? I want a proper fight, not this," I waved my free hand up and down at him. "Show me a true fight."

Our swords met in a clash of sparks and screeching metal as we both attacked at the same time. I broke contact first, before lunging again. I repeated this technique several times, testing his strengths, finding his weaknesses.

I deduced that his attacks were of pure strength, lacking finesse or any fluidity. But it was his strength that gave me cause to doubt. An attack from him sent me automatically into defense, just as I was now. His sword, much longer than mine, also made it harder to dodge him at times because of the longer reach it had. All this made it very hard to find a weak point.

My arms shook from blocking his attacks; I had been on the defense for too long and his attacks were wearing me down. Sweat dripped down my forehead and I swiped it away quickly, eyes on Kenpachi. I struggled to come up with a plan on how to turn it all around. He didn't seem fazed or tired at all as he continued to bash me.

"What's wrong, Kera? Getting tired?" he asked when our swords interlocked again.

"Nah," I replied, breaking contact. "I'm just getting started."

Calling on Ikari, I increased my spiritual pressure, searching our little battlefield. There! Grinning at Kenpachi, I drew back before stepping back into the shadow of the building roof.

Appearing behind Kenpachi, he hastily brought his sword to block my attack as I brought my sword down on his back. The minute my foot hit the shadow again, I was gone, shadow jumping to the side now. He dodged a little too slow for this attack, my sword slicing up his right arm before he managed to block it.

"What's wrong, Kenpachi? Getting slow?" I sneered.

He laughed before swinging a backhand at me. Back and forth we continued the dance again. From attack to defense and back again, as the sun began to descend on the Seireitei. Panting, covered in slashes, I drew away for a breath. Kenpachi calmly stood there, head tilted to the side. His own wounds bled profusely but he didn't seem to mind them.

"What's wrong, Kera?"

I was almost bent over double trying to breath. Damn, what the hell? He doesn't even look tired and here I am panting like a bloody dog.

I was beginning to have my doubts that maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew. "Come on, Kera. I thought you wanted a real battle."

"I did," I said through gritted teeth, standing up tall.

My lungs felt like they were being crushed, each heavy breath burning my throat. My limbs shook with exhaustion as I raised my sword up; but I wouldn't give up, even if the possibility of me winning was dwindling.

"This isn't real," he stated, bored. "I haven't even begun to fight to my true power. You're too weak."

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