Chapter 50: The End Draws Near

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The roar in my ears was both spiritual pressure and her cry. Ripped from my senses, I slammed into a wall of thrashing, wild emotions. They grabbed at me and held me tight as the Hollow took full control.

Dorangoháto glowed blue in her grasp. "You!"

"It's good to see you still remember. It would have been pathetic if you, who crows to be the most powerful, had actually been broken by-"

The foot Chiya sent into his gut silenced his words. With a crazed scream, she followed, swinging Dorangoháto in an arc. A compacted arc of spiritual pressure released from Dorangohato and sliced the ground where he'd just been. Chiya spun, deflecting his blade as he flash-stepped around us.

"Chiya, stop! We have to protect the others!" I screamed, trying desperately to fight off the black tendrils.

"No," she growled out-loud. "I'm going to destroy you for the pain you put me through. What you put Ikari through!"

I froze. Ikari? As in my Zanpakuto that was a giant black dragon Ikari? The sudden wave of emotions engulfed me. Anger, heart breaking grief, fear, terror, helplessness. And pain, so much pain, that it made my very bones ache.

I curled in a ball, shaking. The ring of blade on blade faded away. The sharp-tongue, brazen Hollow who acted like a bitch and cared for nought - the memory of her emotions had me crying angry tears at all she had suffered through.

The tendrils around me glowed neon blue. I lost sense of myself, merging with Chiya.

We hit the ground at a slide. Gin smirked, standing guard before Aizen. They were toying with us. The thought enraged us beyond belief. 

Powers surging with more strength than we'd ever displayed, our body became encased in a hollow bone armour similar to the one from fighting that Hollow in Kisuke's basement. Something tickled the back of our legs and when it swung into view, I realised that it was our now-startling blue hair. Something crawled across the skin of our face, just barely felt.

An animalistic instinct took hold. My thoughts merged with Chiya's. Dangerous, bloody thoughts that drowned out every human emotion. I could do nothing but succumb to them.

So long we'd been trapped. Ages upon ages, we'd lost track of time. Torn from our home by this very man. We wouldn't stop until he was dead at our feet. 

The blade in our hand heavy as we blocked Aizen's attacks. Our body twisted as we made space between Aizen only to be attacked by Gin on the other side.

"Fuck off," we growled, delivering a sharp kick to the ribs which sent him sailing. We moved faster than we ever have, skidding behind Aizen.

Dorangoháto glowed blue and we delivered another arc of power that split the ground in half. Before the attack was even finished, we followed in its wake. We burst from the dust, Aizen's face shocked for half a second.

A blade hit our hand and the sharp sting of pain made us release Dorangoháto. The rage in our soul flared around us in blue flames as we pivoted and raked our claws at Gin. Blood splashed our face and arms as we tore open the side of his body.

We growled. He'd managed to dodge enough to avoid the killing blow. We hit the ground on our hands and feet. Aizen and Gin stood at the ready ahead of us. Aizen smiled, a dark memory of staring up at that smile haunting us.

These people who had destroyed our life. These people who dared hurt the ones we loved. These people who deserved nothing more than to be slaughtered!

"I'm going to send you 6 feet under," we screamed. Crackling energy built in our throat and our jaw opened, the dance of sparks over our tongue.

The sudden, inexplicable panic was stronger than the instinct. Our eyesight split. I gasped for air, trying to gather the mix of thoughts in my head and what was happening.

What she was about to let loose was not Kido, was not any power I'd ever thought I'd see in my lifetime. A Cero. She was prepping a Cero blast and I couldn't let that come free.

"Don't do it, Chiya!" I hollered.

The crackling energy formed before our mouth as a sphere, pulsating larger and larger as she poured in her strength.

"No, Chiya, no!"

I can't let her do this! If she did, then that was it. She'd destroy more than just Aizen and Gin with a blast this size, this volatile. She'd also destroy us, condemning us both to death if we even survived this.

Suddenly, golden sparks fizzled around my vision, swirling faster and faster. They oozed power, drawing me to them. I had no idea what it was but it was there. A power to help me stop her. Before I could doubt the implications of a random power seemingly appearing when I need it, I grabbed it.

A hiss, an explosion of power through my veins. Enough to douse the dark emotions in fire and free myself. I grabbed Chiya's form by the ponytail and yanked her back violently.

The transition was so startling that my vision faded into white for half a second. When I came to, as me once again, it was to Gin's blade disappearing into my chest between my ribs. The Cero was gone.

The roar in my head blotted out all noise. 'YOU STUPID BITCH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!'

The armour shattered into a million pieces, the great strength of Chiya's returning back to my weakened state. I staggered, only staying upright by sheer defiance. Gin was gone but another had taken his place on my other side to finish the job.

I dared not turn my face, gritting my teeth against the sudden, paralyzing pain in my torso now.

"I'm going to kill you," I spat out.

"No you won't," he replied, stepping past me.

My knees collapsed and I fell backwards.


"Kera, stay with me!"

I faded back in to Orihime hovering over me. Her mouth moved but no sound came out. I watched orange form over me and Orihime's face turn pale and clammy past the barrier. My eyelids fluttered from the pain, the coldness blossoming through my body.

When my eyes opened next, Orihime still bent over me. Her concentration was admirable as her hair whipped about her face. Past her shoulder, I saw three pillars of light ascending towards a Garganta, three figures in their beams. It took me a minute to work out who they were: Aizen, Gine and Kaname. 

I lost the fight with consciousness. We'd lost the fight anyway so what was the point in staying awake anymore? I let myself drift away. 

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