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A few minutes after everyone finishes their food, Liam helps Mr. Matthews clean up the dishes and the kitchen as they discuss school together. Chase accompanies me to the clean, white couches in the living room where he makes some small talk with me before his mother walks in to join us.

"So, Michelle..." she starts as soon as the conversation between Chase and me falls silent. "I don't mean to overstep here, but may I ask what your ethnicities are? Your hair is so thick and beautiful!"

I smile awkwardly. I can tell she means well, but it always amazes me how white people are so fascinated with ethnic hair—even my sad excuse for African curls. Still, I answer her openly, with a more genuine smile on my face.

"Oh, I'm just black and white," I tell her. "There's not a lot to me."

"I'm sure there's a lot more to you!" She smiles cheerfully, nudging me as if she were one of my mom's old friends catching up with me about school or teasing me about boys. Again, I know she means well, and is just trying to compliment me; it's awfully sweet of her, really. But I am literally just black and white; physically, there is truly nothing more to me.

Still, though, I smile and nod. Better to be polite than to be so critical of others—something I've been working on since it's proven to be such an issue between Chase and me.

"And Chase," Mrs. Matthews suddenly says, craning her head to look at her son as he sits calmly on the other side of me. "Why aren't you dressed up or something? Your lovely girlfriend put effort into how she presents herself. You should too."

I glance down at my outfit, a cream-colored crochet sweater paired with one of my nicer pairs of jeans. Beside my makeup, I really didn't try that hard, but I definitely tried harder than Chase, that's for sure.

"I live here, Mom," Chase debates with an exasperated expression.

"And you look like you don't live anywhere," she teases.

It takes everything in me not to absolutely crack up at her out-of-pocket joke. I didn't realize until now just how similar Chase is to the rest of his family, especially when it comes to his mother and her equally witty—and admittedly funny—jokes. They're just as quick as Chase's, and dare I say, much better in general.

When I look at Chase, he's shaking his head and rolling his eyes—a behavior that would look immensely disrespectful had he not been smiling the entire time. It's a common trick, really: smile when you want to roll your eyes at your parents so that you don't get punished for it. Chase does it so well I'm almost fully convinced that man could get away with murder simply by pure charisma.

"I'll be back," Chase says suddenly as he stands up from the couch. Both his mother and I watch him dart into the hallway until he disappears into some room without another word. That's when Mrs. Matthews turns to me with a sneaky grin.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I hear her whisper into my ear, making me jump with shock. I didn't realize how close she leaned in until she was already there. Although, when she doesn't say anything about startling me, I nod for her to continue.

"I think you're a great girlfriend for him."

"You do?" I try not to sound too shocked. This is supposed to be real, after all.

"Yeah." She smiles warmly. "Ever since he started dating you, he's been changing little by little. He's a lot happier, you know?"

Happier? Because of me? Yeah, right. The only thing about me that would make Chase Matthews happier than he was two weeks ago is the fact that I freely allow him to kiss me now.

"I just want to thank you. Poor guy's been in a slump for so many months—I think you bring out the light in him."

Something in my chest jumps when she says that last part. Something about how she speaks so softly about him and how he supposedly feels about me is so sweet. Especially that line.

"Thanks," I tell her, not really sure how else to respond. But at least this time, the smile on my face isn't forced or awkward or polite—it's real.

That's when Chase walks back into the room and his mother scoots herself away from me as if she wasn't just whispering how amazing I am into my ear two seconds ago. I watch Chase's eyebrows furrow in suspicion at the sight of his mischievous mother, but the moment I think he's going to say something, he shakes his head ever so slightly.

"Michelle," he says with determination, meeting my eyes instantly. "Let me show you my room."

My face falls confused but I still comply. He takes my hand for a moment to drag me down the hallway until I rip my wrist away from him when we make it to his bedroom. He throws his arms open as he twirls slowly, his voice in a low, grumbling facade as he says, "Welcome to my sleeping chamber."

I nod while struggling to hide my grin from him. My eyes fixate on the most memorable parts of his bedroom—the dozens of basketball trophies lined up on a couple of wall shelves, the blue bean bag chair sitting quietly in the corner opposite his nightstand. Suddenly, I find myself staring at a lone photo standing solemnly atop the nightstand beside his bed. It's a picture of two young boys hugging a massive German Shepherd with a children's jungle gym hiding behind them.

"Is this your dog?" I ask, showing Chase the picture as I struggle to recall ever seeing a dog in the hour or so that I've been at his house already.

"He was," he answers quickly, slowly making his way over to meet me and grab the photo from my hand. "He died a few years ago. His name was Duke, courtesy of my father."

I try to analyze his face—maybe there's something hiding behind there other than confidence and arrogance. "He must've meant a lot to you."

"He did. I mean, he was my best friend," he recalls, running his thumb across the picture frame. "My only friend, sometimes."

I keep staring at him, watching how his eyebrows furrow when he thinks about Duke. I glance down at his pursed lips trying everything in their power not to frown too hard. For a moment, I do see a different side of Chase. I watch with a full bird's-eye view just how hurt he feels from losing someone that meant so much to him, and it's refreshing to see him so vulnerable, so raw. So real.

Then he catches me staring. I feel my cheeks start to heat up when he glances down at my lips and I force myself to look away before I do something I'll regret.

"I'm allergic to dogs," I tell him truthfully, trying to change the subject as I take a seat on his bean bag chair. It's surprisingly comfortable, which makes it easier to look at Chase again without my face feeling hot.

"You've been missing out," he says, standing in front of me with a boastful grin slapped onto his face. There's the Chase I know and loathe.

I groan. "Can you sit down, please? I already have to spend all my time looking up at you; it would be nice if I could get a break for once."

He shakes his head with a pathetic smirk but lowers himself in front of me anyway. The way he stares into my eyes when we're finally level with each other for once makes my breath hitch, but I ignore it completely. He is a good-looking guy, after all. Any girl would fawn over him if he looked at them like that.

"How long do you plan on staying?" Chase asks suddenly, bringing me back to the moment instead of wherever I lost myself in those eyes.

"Why?" I smirk. "Trying to get rid of me already?"

He chuckles. "No, not at all. Actually, being around you is like a breath of fresh air, honestly."

My eyebrow twitches up, knowing there's a second part to that deceptive compliment.

"A breath of freshly polluted air, of course." There it is.

"You seem to forget what my hands can do," I tell him, starting to crack my knuckles playfully, though I make sure my face only reads as threatening.

But as always, I should never underestimate Chase and his stupid sense of humor. "I'm sure those hands are wildly talented, Michelle."

The slight quirk of one of the corners of his mouth makes me fall silent and for once, I can't think of another comeback. All I can think about is how Chase actually sounds kind of attractive when he talks like that, and how difficult it is for me to keep my eyes on his instead of those gray sweatpants right now.

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