Part 1: A Friend's Worries

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Olivia's POV

       I was having a date with this guy and he was handsome, yes, but was so boring as he talked about random topics that did not catch my interest. 

       "You see, that's how I know how to make a much more useful weapon for the use of the republic. Are you listening?" I looked at him and smiled sweetly even though I was angry, well not angry but pissed off, that he was wasting my time for being here and have a date with him.

       "Yes, I am listening. Sorry about zoning out like that." He nodded and continued talking but I was so bored that I looked out of the window of the quaint cafe that we both were in. At the window, my friend Irene Summers was waving at me from the outside of the cafe and I widen my eyes in surprise. She pointed at the boy that I was dating and was groaning. I rolled my eyes and mentioned to her to get me out of here and she grinned. She nodded her head at me and started acting weirdly by waving at me and doing some funny movements until she banged her hand on the glass screaming bloody murder. The guy was frightened out of his mind as I laughed and tried to run out of the door when he turned to me and held my hand tightly.

 (Yup Irene Summers is the daughter of the vice-chief of the police force in Crystalbay Police Department, Alexander Summers. She is kind of like a friend and younger sister in a way to Olivia as her birthday is on July 31, three months later than Olivia's. Olivia always helps Irene when Irene needs her help and when she needs Irene's help, Irene always helps her and because of that sparks the two's unique friendship and sisterhood.)

       "You told her to do that didn't you?" I stared into his eyes steely as he said that and tried to shake his hand off my hand.

       "You were too boring. Also, have you ever wonder why girls don't like to talk to you?" He tried to suppress a groan as he glanced at me.

       "What are you implying?" I grinned savagely at him and smirked.

       "Try to find your answer to that question. Have a nice day Mr. Walker. I expect your answer by Sunday evening if you still want me. Plus......" I placed my lips near his right ear. ".....I am a policewoman and even if I am not, I would not like it if you gripped my hand like that just now, Mr. Walker." Leaving a shocked Eric Walker, I immediately ran out of the cafe and met Irene, grinning like crazy as I did so.

       "Finally. I was so bored talking to that hell of a man. He was just soooooo boring! I wonder why any woman would be smitten by him." She just laughed as I said so while shaking her head. 

       "Dude, you know dad's going to kill you if he ever finds out that you had rejected that man outright. He had been trying to find a perfect boyfriend for you." I shook my head.

       "Sometimes I swear that he really has a bad taste for men to be introduced to me. Like seriously, he did introduce me to a really boring rich man and I rejected his advance because I do not like that kind of hobbies and stuff of rich people." Irene just smiled at me and nodded.

       "Honestly though, you look like the type of person who wants to just have an adventure in her lifetime." I nodded.

     "Hey, you're right......" I looked to the right and saw a young boy selling newspapers and went forward to hear the words the boy said properly.

      "News about the assassination of Justice Gabelman 19 years ago for five coleris! News about the assassination of Justice Gabelman 19 years ago for five coleris!" I saw Irene looking at me worriedly but I just brushed her worries to the side of my mind.

       "I'm fine, Irene. It's been 19 years since the death of my real father. I'm fine." I reassured her and went to the boy.

       "Here, five coleris." I gave the boy five of the bronze coins that I carried in my purse and he smiled thankfully.

       "Thank you. Have a good day." I smiled back at him.

       "You too." I waved goodbye at him as I walked home together with Irene.

------back at the Summers's house at night-----

       "Hey Dad, I'm home," I said as I went inside and Alexander smiled and touched his pointer finger on his lips in greeting.

       "How was your date?" I frowned at him.

       "It was boring so I ended it early." He frowned at me and sighed.

       "How was it boring? Did he say anything that annoyed you that made you feel that you need to end the date?" I shook my head.

       "Nope, he did quite the opposite actually. Instead, he just went on and on about his work and honestly, IT. WAS. DAMN. BORING." I emphasized the back part and dad just frowned.

       "Olivia, this was the fifth man that I had introduced to you and you still downright rejected him? I expected you to at least hear what he needs to say." I looked at dad in disbelief and tried to keep that expression off my face but he did see it and if he was disappointed he did not let it show on his face.

       "Olivia, I know that you do not trust that many people except for your friends, me, Irene's mum, and my daughter Irene but please let that boy a chance. You are 20 now and you need to at least have a boyfriend before you are at age 30. Think about it before you sleep. You could go to your room now. Goodnight sweetheart." I nodded my head limply before I went to my room.

-----Olivia's study-----

       I went to my desk and took out the newspaper that I had hidden from dad's sight as I sat on the chair in front of my desk. I began to read the newspaper but after a while, I gave up and started to crumble the newspaper to a ball before throwing it angrily into the dustbin as the news about my father was rubbish.

       It's been 19 years, but I still remember when my biological father was dead like yesterday. I could still remember the scream of my biological mother as she saw father slumping on the dining table not moving and I could hear the cries of my younger biological sister and me as we both hugged father while crying. I still remember that mother had called the police force and that father was pronounced dead. I could still remember the time of the funeral and that time I hugged my younger sister and mother while silent tears fell from my cheek. I still remember the time when I was taken in by my aunt and uncle. I still remember that time when I was sold into slavery. I still remember the time when I was adopted by Dad and became fast friends with Irene. I still remember my training in the police academy, my time studying in the local university for law and politics and I still remember everything since then.

       I stared in front, deep in thought as I remembered how people used to say that my father was a hero and that when I asked a question, they didn't explain it to me properly, making me confused. I quickly took a glance at the door to see if anyone was coming in and sighed in relief as I saw that no one was in the hallway. I slowly strolled towards the board where it was hidden from sight by the curtains and threw open the curtains. There on the board were newspaper snipping, articles cut out from magazines, and many more that were related to my father. There were also sticky notes that I had put up that reminded me about the questions that hadn't been answered. I stared at the board and murmured:

"I miss you, father."

So hey guys. This is the first part of my new book called The Daughter of Light. In the Republic of Knightfalls, 1 Solaires is 100 Gilorya and 1 Gilorya is 1000 Coleris and if you have about 5000 Solaires then you are considered very rich as people don't normally get paid by Solaires mostly by Gilorya and the lowest amount anyone gets paid is 1 Gilorya per month which is 1000 Coleris which is already good as the poor gets 100 Coleris or lower. The highest pay anyone can get is 100 Solaires per month and it is only if you are one of the top dogs in the military, police department, or own a famous business either family or not. Solaires, Gilorya, and Coleris look the same but the difference is the color of the coins. Golden colored one is Solaires, silver is Gilorya and bronze is Coleris. For the social class, there are four classes. The top is the premier or what we call President or Prime Minister. The second is the rich which consists of famous businessmen, politicians, advisors, chief and vice chief of the police department, General of the military personnel, General of the police force, and those people who get positions in both the military and the police force. The third is the working class which consists of shop owners, ordinary policemen, lawyers, bankers, and many more. The last is poor people which consists of factory workers, slaves, housemaids, and many more who could only pay for their basic needs. I hope this explanation helps you understand the structure of the world.

                                                                                                                                      -Angeline Chin Rue Ying

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