Part 4: The Truth

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Olivia's POV

       I was just filling up the temporary leave application form as I had missed the dinner with the General five days ago and sighed as I saw how many files I had to go through on my desk. I stared at the clock on the wall, deep in thought while remembering the times that I had with my cousins, aunt, and uncle, and realized I had missed them so much but they were taken from me. It had been two days since the funeral of my cousin, uncle, and aunt and it hurts and left an emotional scar on me. Whenever I heard some of my colleagues saying that they will take some time off to visit their family members, I felt my heart broke into two because I don't have anyone left and it had affected my work a lot. My bosses told me to get some rest and take a couple of days of leave but I refused, saying that the people need me and I still have to work. They agreed and left me to work on my own but they caught my heartbroken look each time with a worried look as they knew that I needed time to heal. But, time can't heal all wounds and no matter how much I tried to forget that my family members are dead, I just can't forget it. I stared at the clock with the same heartbroken look again until someone gently and hesitantly touched my arm.

       "Hey Oli, you need some rest. I've just filled in the leave application for your leave for 10 days. I'll take your shift for you during that time and is that okay for you?" I turned around to see Chris looking at me with a worried expression while saying it but I shook my head.

       "Oli, you had been putting all your soul into work and you even worked past your shift, and with all the extra stress since that time your cousins, aunt, and uncle's death, it is not good for your health. You do really need to get some rest." After Chris and I argued back and forth and even Irene had to be involved, I finally agreed, saying it was only for 10 days. No more, no less. I quickly packed up my things and waved goodbye to my friends before going to my foster parent's house. 

-----the Summer's house-----

       "Oh hey, Miss Olivia. You're back early." the head housemaid, Sophie, curtsied and greeted me as I greeted her. I smiled and nodded.

       "Yep. Apparently, my friend, Chris, had applied for leave for me for 10 days......"Sophie looked at me in surprise as I explained what had happened and she just nodded solemnly when I told her that my aunt, uncle, and cousin had died in the fire.

       "I am so sorry for your loss, Miss Olivia." I just shot her an irritated look when she said the word 'Miss Olivia'.

       "Call me Olivia Sophie and thank you. Sophie, could you tell Mike that I would be in my study when lunch is ready?" Sophie nodded and went to tell the head cook, Mike, while I went to my study.

-----Olivia's Study-----

       I took out the files of my work that I had taken with me before I left the office. I did a quick run-through and stared at the second stack of documents in the file blankly. Written in detail was the train incident that had occurred three days ago and many people had died except for a little girl about 12 years old who had lost her family members in that incident and a few others. I checked the third stack of documents in the same file and read through it. It had details of how the train had derailed. I stared at it for a few moments before sighing, wiping the palm of my hand on my face tiredly as I read through the whole case again. After a few minutes, I heard knocking on the door and opened it. I saw Sophie in front of the door and she curtsied.

       "Miss Olivia? Lunch is ready." I nodded at Sophie and went to the dining area for lunch. After lunch, I went back into the study and went through the file again but first I need to fulfill my promise.

-----General's Office-----

       "Olivia! Nice to see you and all but why did you come to see me? You were supposed to stay at home and get some rest. After all, I changed the date for our dinner to today at seven." I shook my head at Max's rambling and silenced him with a lazy wave of my hand.

       "Uncle Max, the reason I came here is to fulfill my promise to you years ago." Max stared at me confused at first before his lips curled into a smile.

       "So I see. You really became a detective with the rank of private just now didn't you?"  I nodded 

       "Yup, I got the notification about it just before I go to see you." Max grinned in happiness as he heard it.

       "Finally my niece had grown up!! I can't wait for you to get your new badge, Olivia." I nodded and smiled in happiness. Max immediately twirled me around before lifting me just like how he held me before when I was little.

       "Uncle!" I laughed as he did that and he put me down.

       "Olivia, remember to meet me for dinner alright?" I nodded and exited the General's room leaving the General in there, looking worried at me.

-----during dinner-----

       "Olivia?" My uncle said trying to catch my attention.

       "Hmm?" I looked up from my dessert and stared at my uncle in a questioning stare.

       "Can I tell you something?" My uncle asked. I saw him visibly shaking in nervousness as he asked me. I frowned, thinking if he is nervous for asking me this, that means that the thing he wanted to tell me was serious.

       "Go on." I encouraged him and he took a deep breath before continuing.

       "Iknowwhohadkilledyourfamilymembers." I look confused as he spoke too rapidly.

       "Can you repeat it?" I asked and my uncle took another deep breath before nodding.

       "I know who had killed your family members." I stared at him in shock as he said that.

       "Look, I know that it is hard for you to understand how I know this but please believe me." I nodded and encouraged him to continue.

       "You see, ever since we had won the war, the premier had been worried that your father may be so strong that if he goes to the enemy's side, the balance between the light and dark will tip to one side and it won't be good for the Republic." I frowned.

       "But the premier could have just told my dad the truth and dad won't go to the other side." the General nodded but sighed after a while.

       "True but the premier was too stupid to realize that this is the best method of course so he asked the other magicians to cast a spell to limit the number of spells your father can use. You see, when he was still the General of the Police Force, he was so strong that he could use so many advanced magic spells which are chanting types and non-chanting types, and even worse, he could use legendary magic spells which were so dangerous even the most powerful mage in the world could not use them. Hell your father could even be the next leader with that strength and because of this, the primier killed your father by letting him unable to detect poison in his food and you get the idea." I nodded, mad at the premier for killing my dad.

       " But what about my mum and sister?" The General leaned onto his elbows which were on the table and in a soft voice told me about the murder of my mum and younger sister.

       "He didn't want any witness to know about the death of your father but he didn't know we, some of your father's old friends, went to save your mom, your sister and you only to find that you were the only one that survived that blaze. We took you to your aunt and prayed to the gods above that you are safe and you are, growing under the care of your aunt and uncle until that year you were sold for slavery. That was the time that I began to tell Irene's father, Alexander, to find evidence about the slave business that had you. He managed to find the evidence a few years later by a tip off from one of the residents and managed to save you. I pleaded him to adopt you and he agreed, making you a family member of the Summers to avoid raised suspicions that you are Justice Gabelman's daughter. But now that your power had been discovered, it will not be long before the premier finds out that you are indeed Justice's daughter making it harder for me to protect you like what is promised to your father, Justice." I frowned at that point and glared at the General, who was Uncle Max.

       "You don't need to protect me, Uncle! I can protect myself just fine!" I  shouted at Uncle Max but he shook his head.

       "Listen to yourself, Olivia! You might get hurt! Even worse, if the premier sees you plotting revenge against him, he will deport you and you won't see me again." He retorted but I shook my head and spoke softly.

       "I don't want to see anyone of my family get hurt, Uncle, especially you. You already lost your best friend and it hurts because you cared about him. So do I. Which is why I wanted to do this. I don't want you to be alone in this. I know you want revenge for him and so do I but I don't want you to be involved. I really want to do this so please, let me go." Tears leaked from my eyes as I said so and Uncle Max looked down to his hands before he lifted his head up and looked at me in determination.

       "Olivia, I am going with you whether you like it or not. We go together. I will ask your father's friends or the remainder of them and see if we can come to a solution to help you get revenge for your family. After all, I am one of them and I have their contacts." I smiled gratefully at Uncle Max and he nodded before we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I immediately grinned as Lativa said that she will push me for training later and rushed home, hoping that Irene won't finish the last of the cookies which her mum baked because I heard from Irene's dad that they will be having freshly baked cookies for dessert and late night snack and plus point, they are delicious!

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