Chapter 5

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Percy P.O.V

I sigh as I walk over to Rachel's cave. I walk through the trees and soon i see her cave. Its more like a tree house actually, just made out of rock.

Sighing again I raise my hand and knock on her door. I hear some rustling then a big crash before a redhead opens the door with a big grin on her face. And paint. Lots and lots of paint.

"Percy! How are you? Come in!" and she ushers me inside.

Inside i see paint all over the place and i hear faint rock music. On the wall there is a big painting and as i look closer i see the dam i met her at. My eyes widen as I realize that she painted everything that has happened from when i met her to now. i see paul's old blue car and i see blackjack, but my eyes linger on Annabeth. I hear Rachel walk up behind me.

"I wanted to remember everything." She said after a couple of minutes, "It changed my life." I look back at her and see her focused on the painting. I see her looking at the blue car where she basically told me she liked me. Looking back at the painting I put my hands through my hair as I think about Charles and how he saved everyone.

I hear Rachel walk to the back of the room and pull a chair out, and I cringe at the sound it makes. It almost reminds me of a Chewbacca roar.

"So, what are you hear for?" she asks me. I turn around and sigh as i walk over to a chair next to her remembering Annabeth and anyone that was in the first war.

"Well, earlier today..."

~~~~~~~~~TIMESKIP CUZ IM LAZY RN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh." she looks at me and when I look at her all I see is sympathy and pity. I hate that people pity me and I hate that people feel sympathetic of me. I maybe have a hard life but I've come to terms with it. Its what I'm here for.

To fix other people's problems

I shake the thought off and think, Oh gods, Don't be like Luke now.

Mentally cursing myself for thinking of Luke I face Rachel and say, "I also need a prophecy." She looks back at me and sighs.

"Okay... Look, Percy you dont-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Rachel don't say it. I dont need you to tell me anything that isn't true. I just need another prophecy so I can go saves this girl that's probably alone and scared! So, can i have another prophecy or not?" I interrupt, running my hand through my hair.

"Okay." She mumbles. She shakes her head and I instantly I feel bad, so I try to start apoligizing, "Rachel, I'm sor-"

"It's okay." She tells me. She walks over to the three-legged stool in the corner of the room and sits down. She takes a deep breath and soon green mist covers the entire room. She opens her bright eyes and says in a snake-like voice,

"The Water, the fire, the one retired,

All of which, are admired

will go to the north and find ,

a girl for she is one of a kind

You will be betrayed by another

to be thought of a brother " she paused to take a breath, and started talking again

"the revenge from a giant

for he is aliant

helped the daughter from great pitfall

in the end, she saved them all

from the destruction, havoc, and the downfall

but the instructions ignored by the loyal one

could make everything become undone"

And with that she falls forward. Just before she hits the ground i catch her and sit her back up. She groans while i sit back down trying to compensate what that prophecy meant.

The revenge from a giant, for he is aliant.

Does that mean B-

"Percy! Are you okay? what did I say?" Rachel interrupts, looking into my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." And with that I walk out of the cave. Thinking of the last lines of the prophecy.


Samantha p.o.v.

I'm currently runnigng away from a cyclops who apparently says I smell like really good bread. I turn into an alleyway and conceal myself under a cardboard box just before he runs in. 

He looks around in confusion saying, " Where are you little girl? I will eat you for lunch! Like good bread, yes.. Good good bread." And he sniffs around coming closer and closer to me.

I jump out saying "SUPRISE!" and swiftly stab him in his heart using my vibranium and celestrial bronze dagger. His eyes widen and he starts crumbling to the ground into golden dust. He looks up and me and i look into his eyes. He opens his mouth and it's almost as if hes telling me I will get you back. I start walking away but just before I'm gone he pulls the dagger out of his chest and stabs me in the leg.

I scream and fall to the ground, groaning in pain. It felt like a thousand fires burning my leg from inside out. My leg feels like its being stabbed over and over again. I hardly ever get taken out from a wound like that. Usually I shake it off and get right back up to murder the person that did it to me.

Usually you don't get stabbed by vibranium and celestial bronze.

Groaning and tellinmy self to be more optimistic I   shut my eyes and try blocking the pain but soon it becomes unbearable.

Opening my eyes, i see blood all around me. My blood.

Don't freak out, it'll only get worse, I tell myself over and over again.

I rip part of my shirt of and try wrapping it around my leg. Screaming as I tighten it around my leg I almost black out from the pain. I pull an extra pair of paints around my bag and quickly try and change into them so my wound is less noticeable.

I get up from what felt like hours of pain but must've been only a couple of minutes, I try looking for a store or somewhere where there is a bathroom.

Spotting a gas station just up the street I limp up there, trying to be as oblivious as possible. I make it to the door without that much stares, take a deep breath, and push open the door.

Walking in I don't see anybody but a grumpy bald looking man at the register. He doesn't creep me out because I've seen much worse than cranky cashiers. He raises an eyebrow but I shrug it off and limp my way to the bathrooms.

I find a sign saying 'RESTROOMS' pointing to a hallway. I go in there and find a door saying women. I go to turn the nob but find it unlocked.

Who locks gas station bathrooms? Hmm. Most likely security problems.

Chuckling at the thought I turn around to go ask for the keys but scream as I see the cashier right behind me holding the keys up in his hands.

"Looking for these?" He asks creepily grinning, and swinging them in the air. I shakily reach my hand out to grab them still shocked but as soon as I'm about to grab them he roughly grab on my arm, slamming me into the wall. He grabs both of my arms and holds them above my head with one arm and his other arm on my waist.

"Listen here girl," he snarls. I cringe as I smell the stinky alcohol in his breath. "I've been havin' a real bad day today an' I have a feeling yer gonna make a lil be'er." He laughs and starts reaching towards my leg.

My head swimming with all of the things he could do to me and my body pumping with adrenaline I slip my hand from his hold and quickly punch him in his face as hard as I can sending him sprawling to the floor.

He groans and holds his bloody nose in his hands and whimpers.


And with that i spit on his face and walk out of the hallway and into the store. Before I head out I grab some gauze, painkillers, a couple bags of chips, and a kit-kat because, really, who wouldn't?

I walk out of the store and check for my dagger, to see if it is still on my thigh and a sense ofrelief comes over me as I feel the hilt of it. I sigh, thinking of what has happened so far and what is to come.



Its me!!!

Omg I finally updated?????

So, is it good or bad or what????

This chapter is kinda long cuz I feel bad for not updating in a while.
I'm not good at a/n
Thanks for reading????

Buh- byeeee

PS. 1476 words


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