Telling Scootalo I'm Pregnant (Part 1)

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Rainbows P.O.V.
Good my friends are happy for me and they don't hate me. Now I just gotta tell scoots, I hope she doesn't feel some type of way.

"Hey Aj! do you know where AppleBloom, Babs Seed, Sweetie bell and Scootalo are at?" I ask.

While we were catching up Aj told me that Babs Seed came back from Manehatten to stay with them for a while.

"Well their at their treehouse sugarcube," Aj says.

I was about to tell my friends that I'll see them later but the Rarity holds me back with her magic.

"Hey what's the big deal?!?!?!" I question,

Rarity then replied with,"Oh I'm sorry darling but you can't just simply go out there all alone! What if you run into Soarin and he tries to hurt you again?!!?!?".

"Y-Yeah Rainbow.. she's right.." Fluttershy says with her calm,soft voice.

Well they were right ,but if they saw what I did to him they would've let me go.. a few seconds passed and then Applejack agrees that she would come with me

"*sigh* Fine!" I say and me and Aj go off to the CMCs treehouse.

While Applejack and I were walking I started to get hungry and we were by SugerCube Corner

"Hey Aj...Can we stop for a sec and get something to eat?" I ask her.

She nods her head and we walk into Sugarcube Corner. Once we got in, Mr and Mrs.Cake greet us, congratulate me and proceed to take our orders. Applejack ordered an apple cupcake and I ordered a rainbow cupcake,

"Now that will be 4 bits," Mrs.Cake said.

Applejack and I split the money and we left, as we ate our cupcakes we bumped into somepony by accident. She had a light pink coat,light pink hair and she had a knife and a phone as her cutie mark.

"Well ain't that now a strange cutie mark?" Applejack whispers in my ear

"Yeah I know right?" I whisper back.

The strange unicorn looked at us with a death glare and scoffs at us and starts to walk into the Everfree Forest. I tried to shake off the fact that mare had a knife and a phone as a cutie mark but I just couldn't! Who is she? And why the fuck is she going into the Everfree Forest? That place is literally like a death sentence if you're not careful enough!

"Uhhh sugarcube are you alright?" Applejack questioned with a worried expression on her face

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it," I replied back reassuring her that there's nothing to worry about.

~Timeskip to when Rainbow Dash and Applejack reach the CMCs treehouse~

After a long exhausting walk,we finally reach the treehouse and we hear the girls giggling about something.

I whisper into Applejack's ear,"Should we listen to what their talking about?"

Aj then whispered back,"If yah want"

We quietly creep up on the four girls and listen to their conversation....

"Soooo Sweetie Bell soooo you had a crush on a very special somepony?"Applebloom said while having a little smirk on her face

"*Blushes* W-Well you's pretty embarassing on who it is,"Sweetie Bell says as she's trying to hide her blush

"Oh c'mon!"Babs Seed shouts

"Just tell us already Bell!"Scootalo says impatiently

Sweetie Bell takes a deep breath and closes her eyes,"It's Button Mash"

Applebloom,Scootalo and Babs Seed gasp with suprise and their mouths wide open.

"I KNEW IT!!!!"Babs yells out with pride

"Y-You did!?!?!"Sweetie questions while trying to hide the blush now forming on her face

"Eyup!"Babs says while trying to mimic Applebloom's older brother Big Machintosh

"WE SHOULD THINK OF A SHIP NAME!"Applebloom said fangirling

"HECK YAH!"Babs Seed says agreeing with her cousin

"Hmmm...let's call it...BUTTONBELL!" Applebloom states

As the two country girls were fangirling their hoofs off,Scootalo and Sweetie Bell just put their hoofs on their heads and just sighed and wondered why are they friends with them.

Rainbow snickered,"Your sister and cousin are funny"

Aj just rolled her eyes saying"Nah, their just being fangirls"

After the young fillies finished talking, they left their tree house. The last one that was out was Scoots so I flew back down on the ground gently and Applejack jumped back down.

I took a deep breath and asked,"Hey Aj do you think you can wait for me at Sweet Apple Acres until I'm done talking to Scootaloo please? I just don't want her friends to listen in"

Applejack then replied with,"Sure thing! Anything for you sugarcube!"

Applejack then goes off with Applebloom,Babs Seed and Sweetie Bell to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once Scootalo saw me her tears were welling up with joy as she runs down the stairs

"RAINBOW YOUR BACK!"Scootalo says happliy

She runs up to me but then stops with a concerned look on her face. I bring my little sister in(Metaphorically speaking) for a hug and I look down at her

"Scoots...we have to talk,"I say while still not trying to tear up

"R-Rainbow?" Scootalo said as she looks at my belly

"Yeah little sis?" I say to her

"A-Are you pregnant?" She said as her voice cracked a bit

I stare into Scoots grayish purple eyes and sat down besides her....

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