Chapter 13

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  Logan and Gray have been in Logan's room talking for a half-hour now. No one else knows what happened, so they were confused, but no one seemed to care that much. I sat on Roberts's lap and talked to him and his football friends like I've known them forever. They were surprisingly friendly, and they started calling me Riv, but I didn't correct them. Riv was almost like an alter ego who everyone liked. I wasn't afraid when I was her, and I had all the confidence in the world.

Robert was so sweet, and he didn't try to make any moves on me. Ella, Scarlet and Angie were almost getting annoyed at all the attention I was getting from the boys, I guess they just didn't like them as much as they enjoyed me.

Some cheerleaders and other popular girls and guys showed up, so hang out was turning more into a party.

"Let's play a game." Darek smiled and looked right at me.

"What kind of game?" I asked hesitantly.

"Spin the bottle, seven points in heaven version." he grinned.

"Sure!" Angie said, eagerly.

"I don't know guys," Robert looked at me and could tell I was extremely uncontrollable.

"Oh come on, Robby, everyone else wants to, right River?" Derek asked, and suddenly everyone looked at me.

"Um," I looked at Robbert, and he looked at me like I could say no if I wanted to, but when I looked around, I didn't seem like I had a choice. "Ya, I'll play." I shrugged.

"Fantastic." Derek chugged the remainder of his beer and then threw it on the floor. Everyone gathered around, and I got off if Robber's lap so it would be clear when the bottle spun around. "How many closets do you have down here?" Derek asked me.

"Um, two, plus the bathroom and the boiler room," I said as I counted in my head.

"Perfect, we can have four games going at once." I could tell Derek wanted to get into a closet with me, which only made my heart beat faster. I didn't want to kiss anyone, nevermind make out for seven minutes.

"I'll go first!" Angie quickly raced to the bottle and spun it. It landed on Mateo Galarza, a tall and cute junior who just moved here from Puerto Rico.

"Looks like we have our first pair." Derek laughed.

"No. No way." Mateo shook his head and ended the happy expression on Angie's face.

"You have to dude; it's the rules." Derek grinned.

"Whatever," Mateo muttered and then stood by Angie.

"Who wants to go next?" Derek looked right at me, but I quickly looked away. My only way of getting out of this was to just wait for the game out until Logan came downstairs and put an end to it.

"I'll go." Mikey Martin shrugged and spun. It landed in some sophomore who I didn't know too well; her name is Emma, I think. They seemed pleased and stood by each other.

"I'll go next," Derek said and winked at me. He spun the bottle and seemed confident with it until he landed on Robert. "I think it's more towards Riv." He tried to say, but the bottle was pointing at Robert.

"I don't think so," I told him to smuggle. "Looks like you two are going in the closet." Everyone laughed, and a wave of relief went over me.

"How about you just spin again," Robert suggested.

"Ya, good thinking." Derek spun, and the bottle landed on the girl next to me. She seemed happy, but Derek had a massive pout on his face.

"Riv, how about you go?" Simon nudged at me.

"Oh, um." My heart was beating so fast I could hear it, and my palms become sweaty. "Well, there is only one more closet this round; I wouldn't want to take it," I said nervously. "How about you go." I pointed to some freshman who looked just as uncomfortable as me. He's the best kicker our school ever had, which is why he's on the varsity team, but that didn't mean he's not a short, scrawny little freshman. "Oh, ok." He slowly spins the bottle, and it made its way over to me and stopped. Everyone looked at me as my eyes almost popped out of their head as I looked at the bottle.

"Oh, it looks like Billy is getting some action with Riv!" One guy yelled.

I wanted to run away, but my legs decided to get up and walk over to him. I looked back at Robert, and I could tell he knew I wanted to do anything but this.

I followed Billy into the boiler room and shut the door behind us. We stood a reasonable distance apart for a few moments, both too awkward to say anything.

"Soooooo..." I hummed.

"Hey?" He waved and then blushed at his awkwardness.

"Look, we don't have to do this," I told him. "You could tell all your friends we kissed and stuff, but I could tell you don't want to, so let's just not."

A look of relief flew over him, and he smiled. "Oh, good. I've never actually kissed a girl before." He told me sheepishly, which made me feel a whole lot better.

"Well, I would never want to do anything your not comfortable with." I tried to make it seem like I was doing Billy a favor and not the other way around.

"So, what do we do for the next seven minutes?"

"Um, I dunno." I sat down on a storage bin, and Bill did the same. "How is it that you haven't kissed anyone yet? I mean, your the only freshman on the varsity football team; all the freshman girls must be swarming around you."

"Not really." He shrugged. "I guess there are some girls that tried to flirt, but I don't have time for that kind of thing. My dad loves soccer and couched me up until seventh grade, that's when I found out I was a pretty good football kicker and begged him to let me play. But I'm still on the soccer team, so balancing both sports is a lot."

"Well, at least you found something that your good at." It must be nice. I think to myself and then remembered the days that I tried to play soccer. And dance, gymnastics, karate, softball, track, cross-country, and tennis. And how I failed at all of them.

"I mean, I guess." He shrugged. "So, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"No, boyfriends? No interests?"

"No." I laughed. "My love life is pretty non-existent."

"Really?" For the first time, someone seemed shocked when you told them I was single. "Even with all those guys after you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Most of the guys out there would love to be with you." Billy pointed out like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Your wrong," I tell him

"I'm not." He tells me back. "Robert, Derek, Criss, Mikey, Mateo, Alex, Hunter, and like every other guy.

"They all want to be with you."

"No," I said flatly. "They all want to be with Riv."

Billy looked at me puzzled, as he rightfully should be. "Isn't that who you are?"

That one question has been circling through my head all night. Did I want to be River, a quiet bookworm who is only known for being Logan's twin, or Riv, a fun party girl who everyone loves?

Before I could answer, we both heard footsteps coming out way. We shot up and looked at each other in a panic. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I rubbed off some of my lipstick with my finger and put it on his lips.

When the door opened, we pushed each other away and stood awkwardly as Chris - a tall olive-skinned running back - looked at us in amusement. "Looks like you two were having fun, but time is up." Chris laughed.

I quickly hurried out of the boiler room, with Billy trailing behind. When I entered the main area where everyone was still gathered around, there were a few whistles and hoots from the guys.

My brother came up from behind me and spun me around. "Are you playing seven minutes in heaven?" He asked me.

"Um, ya, kinda. Not really." I muttered to him. "I'll explain later." I turned around to reclaim my seat next to Robert, and that's when I saw him. Gray Anderson standing in a corner, looking at me, then Billy, then back to me. He looked hurt like I just cheated on him or something. I couldn't believe I felt guilty, but I did. I tried to ignore him as I sat down next to Robert, and he wrapped his arms around me.

I saw Gray's eyes go wide, and his face goes red. I guess it must suck when one of your best friends cuddles up next to the girl you like. Robert tried to talk to me, but I couldn't hold a conversation for more than a sentence or two. I kept looking back at Gray, wondering what he was thinking, wanting to tell him that nothing happened between Billy and me or me and Robert for that matter. But before I knew it, Eva spun the bottle, and it landed on Gray! I didn't even realize they started another round, but sure enough, they did, and Gray was walking into a closet with another girl. It didn't even matter that it was Eva. Any girl that wasn't me was a problem.

I know how ridiculous that sounds. I know that I was currently sitting next to Robbers, cuddled in his arms, and I played the same game, but still. In some odd way, it felt as if Gray was mine. I loved how he wanted me, told me I was the only girl he's ever really wanted to be with; I loved how he got down on two knees and begged for me. How could he do this to me?

For the seven minutes, Gray was locked away in a closet with Eva, doing who knows what, I tried to take my mind off of it by talking to Robert. I focused on his large muscles and gorgeous brown eyes and thick black curly hair. We talked about movies we recently saw and the places we've been to. He was a great guy, too good for me, considering I was still thinking about Gray, still thinking about his green eyes and his blond hair.

When the longest seven minutes of my life we're over, Gray walked out of the closet with a freaking hickey on his neck! I was surprised not made at Eva, just Gray. How could he let a slut like Eva do that to him? I wondered if Gray gave Eva any hickeys, just the thought made me sick.

Gray looked at me and shrugged with a little smirk on his face. He was enjoying my jealousy and frustration; he was happy with himself for making me feel this was. So through mixed feelings of anger, sadness, confusion, and raw want for revenge, I turned and locked my eyes with Robert and I..........

A/N : Sorry I left this chapter with such a cliff hanger, you will just have to read the next chapter to find out what happens! Thank you so much for reading and thanks to my new editor for making this chapter, and all the rest to come, as perfect as they could be! tell me what you guys thought of the chapter in the comments and have a fantastic day!

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