Chapter 25 Truce

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It took Ye An a minute before the fuzz on her mind cleared enough to register that the glint belonged to someone's eye.

"Ye An?" The person outside the medicine room whispered urgently. It appeared as if the person outside, whoever it was, couldn't quite adjust to the darkness in the medicine room as he squinted through the gap.

But Ye An recognized his voice. "Prince Adlai?" Her throat was so dry that it felt as though claws scraped its walls as she spoke.

Prince Adlai huffed in relief. "Thank goodness you're still alive. And please, just call me Adlai."

Ye An scrambled to her knees and scooted hastily to the gap in the wall. "Why are you here? Go back! What if they catch you here?" Her eyes were frantic through the fissure. If anyone else she knows loses their life.. Ye An shook her head roughly at the thought.

"Don't worry." Prince Adlai murmured. "No one's here. They are having a celebratory bonfire. And even dragged the remaining soldiers who surrendered to watch the celebration."

Indeed, as Ye An strained her ears, she could hear the muffled noises of festivity in a distance that she had missed while being lost in her thoughts. As if finally realizing where she was, Ye An jerked her head up, her glazed eyes finally sharpened. "Have you seen Yue Fei? The physician here at the barracks? And her family?"

"I- I don't know who's Yue Fei, but there weren't any physicians here when we arrived. Only soldiers. They might have fled when the soldiers saw us coming."

Ye An's body slumped. The tension in her body fading at Prince Adlai's words. She could only hope that the physician and her family were safe.

Prince Adlai strained to make out Ye An's outline in the dark room. "Let me get you out of here. It took me some trouble obtaining the keys to this room."

Ye An remained motionless on the floor and breathed dejectedly, "Leave it. Leave me."

Prince Adlai stalled.

"What is there for me to live for? I don't even know what I've been fighting for up until now. And because of me, so many people had- So many people had lost their lives. It's better that I'm dead." Ye An's voice was hollow, like the bleak wintry sight enveloping the lone medicine room.

Prince Adlai's lips pursed into a thin line, he leaned closer to the wooden wall as he spoke. "I heard from Khenbish. About Xi Chen."

Ye An closed her eyes and saw the scene unfold in front of her eyes once again. The scene at the mountain was now etched forever in her mind's eye.

Prince Adlai continued, his voice as still as a frozen lake. "You're going to throw away your life just like that? When he sacrificed himself so that you could keep yours?"

Ye An slammed into the wooden wall, her fingers gouging into the wooden panels so strongly that a nail chipped. "I NEVER ASKED HIM TO SACRIFICE!"

Prince Adlai's eyes softened. His voice was gentle when he spoke again. "I know. But he did. So could you at least try to honor his memory, his effort by staying alive?"

Ye An's hand slid down the wall but she didn't answer.

Prince Adlai continued quietly. "If you stay here, they're going to use you as an example. Just like how they did Ah Lin. I heard-" The Northern prince's throat bobbed. "I heard that they're planning to melt all of the steel in your armory before we disembark towards the capital tomorrow and pour the molten steel into your mouth in front of the remaining Middle Kingdom soldiers, burning you from the inside out."

Ye An winced at the image. She gazed at the hay strewn across the floor for a few heartbeats before standing up resolutely. "Get me out of here." Ye An knew that Prince Adlai was right. Despite her wish to not remain in the living realm, not when she was going to be all alone, it would be like spitting on Xi Chen's last act for her if she were to give her life up this easily. Not to mention, Xi Chen would probably be disappointed in her if he sees her this soon over the other side. Not that he would ever show it. But still.

As if he could read her mind, Prince Adlai smiled sadly. He then scurried to the door and unlocked the room to allow Ye An's escape.

Ye An stepped out on wobbly legs, shuddering at the sudden night breeze blowing towards them as Prince Adlai helped her out, a hand holding onto her arm while she crossed the threshold.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over both of them. It was Sze Chang.

Ye An's heart sank and Prince Adlai stiffened beside her.

"You can be at ease. I'm not here to-" Sze Chang paused, looking like he was at a loss for words for once. "Apprehend you. I'm here to help."

Despite the situation that they were in, Ye An couldn't help the scoff that escaped her mouth. She seethed. "How nice of you. I would be damned if I fall for your act again."

Sze Chang pressed his lips together until they were only narrow lines. "It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. I'm truly here to help you." He then turned to face Prince Adlai. "And you should be more discreet. If I could notice you slipping away from the crowd, who's to say no one else will."

Prince Adlai ignored Sze Chang's reprimand and asked tentatively, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Why? Why are you helping us? And why help now?"

That silenced Sze Chang. Both Ye An and Prince Adlai stared at him with hostility which broke Sze Chang's composure. His eyes were haunted when he answered. "Because I never wanted innocent lives to be lost."

Anger flared in Ye An like a fiery blast of a phoenix. "That's bullshit! Don't tell me you didn't know what you were getting into when you decided to get your hands dirty with General Shao and Leader Wakhia."

"I-" Sze Chang stuttered. "I just wanted what was my birthright. When General Shao told me about my father, I just wanted my father to be recognized for who he was. I didn't- I didn't know things would escalate to us working with the Northerners. And- And this." Sze Chang gestured wildly, but Ye An knew what he meant. However, she was past the stage of caring for this person whom she had thought of as a friend at one point. A friend who turned out to be a scorpion hidden in the sand.

"You." Ye An's voice simmered. "You don't get to play the victim here."

"I know." Sze Chang answered, his voice low as was his gaze. "When they murdered Captain Zhang.. I couldn't.."

Sze Chang rubbed at his face roughly. The way he carried himself was a contrast to the person he was earlier today when he confronted the soldiers with the truth. There were shadows not only on his jaw and chin, but also under his eyes. And his immaculate hair was now in disarray, as if he had run his hand through them multiple times since the last time Ye An saw him. As if to confirm this, Sze Chang ran his hand through his hair again, his eyes unfocused. "You need to leave."

Sze Chang focused his gaze on Ye An.

Prince Adlai looked at Sze Chang pointedly. "How can she trust you? After all the crap you did and caused."

Sze Chang turned to Prince Adlai, then back to Ye An. He let out an unsteady breath. "Then don't trust me. Trust in the monks at the Temple of Ninety-Nine Blessings."

Ye An's heart jolted. The breeze had picked up as the night deepened and lifted the tendrils of Ye An's loosened hair.

Sze Chang continued, this time more pressingly. "You and I both know that the temple has never been a part of any political disputes for centuries. If you go there, the Northerners and General Shao won't be able to reach you. I won't be able to reach you."

With suspicion still coloring her eyes, Ye An asked. "How would I know you won't go running straight to General Shao or Leader Wakhia when you leave? And why choose now to step in? When you've done all that you've done?"

Sze Chang rubbed his face so roughly that the skin on his face was rubbed raw. "Maybe I'm doing this precisely because of all that I've done. I don't know, okay? Maybe I was wrong. I don't know!"

As Sze Chang lifted his face, Ye An saw the eyes that accompanied the outburst. Those aren't scheming, calculative eyes. Those are the eyes that belonged to someone who's lost their sense of direction. Someone adrift and afraid. Someone with a burning shame and maybe even regret. Ye An bit the insides of her lips in contemplation.

Sze Chang shook his head in frustration. "Listen. Just head east from here. And keep heading east until you see the path branching towards the highest peak in the east. There should be a sign directing you to the temple. Just follow it." Sze Chang rambled before turning away. With his back towards Ye An and Prince Adlai, he added, "I won't blame you if you are apprehensive about following my instructions. I'll admit that I deserve that. Hell, I might deserve a lot more for all the things that I've done up until now. But please- " He paused as if needing to collect himself. "Please just go. It would've been what Ah Lin wanted."

Sze Chang's voice cracked when he uttered Ah Lin's name. He then left without another word.

"So what do you think?" Prince Adlai asked in his quiet voice. "Are you going to take his advice?"

Ye An gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I don't think I have the luxury of having another alternative right now."

Prince Adlai's eyebrow scrunched.

Ye An saw the Northern prince's troubled expression and patted him on the back reassuringly. "It's alright. I'll be fine."

With his brows still furrowed, Prince Adlai nodded stiffly.

"What about you? Are you coming with me to the Temple of Ninety-Nine Blessings?" Ye An asked casually. "You could escape your uncle there."

Prince Adlai hesitated then shook his head aggressively, a determined gleam in his eyes. "I need to get control back from my uncle. Control over the Northern warriors and the North."

Ye An's eyes softened with the kind of pride one has for their younger siblings. "You will be a great leader. Maybe even greater than Chieftain Burat."

Prince Adlai flushed with the compliment.

Ye An decided to change the subject. "Were you surprised earlier today? When Sze Chang announced that I was a woman."

"No, not really. I had my guess." Prince Adlai replied simply. "The social norms in the North are very fluid. Men and women cross-dressing is a very normal occurrence in my country. And when I first saw you, you reminded me of the Northern women who dress as men."

Ye An nodded slowly. Despite the harrowing events that were unfolding, her face was thoughtful and intrigued at a culture that was different from the one in which she was born into. She shook her head. "Well, I guess this is it. This is where I'll leave you."

"Are you going on foot?" Concern seeping into Prince Adlai's words.

Ye An made a face. "I'm afraid so. Getting a horse would bring too much attention."

Prince Adlai wavered, as if second-guessing his choice to stay.

"Don't worry. Like you said, Xi Chen.. Sacrificed himself for me. I won't be thoughtless about the weight of that deed." Ye An's darkened eyes a turbulent sea before clearing again. "I'll try my best to stay alive."

Prince Adlai nodded sadly. "Here. At least take my coat." Prince Adlai shrugged off the heavy fur coat that he brought with him from the North and placed it over Ye An's shoulders.

Ye An smiled dolefully at Prince Adlai, her eyes sad but also full of appreciation. For his gesture. And for his friendship. "Thank you. And goodbye."

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*Writer's note: 

Ye An: I'm Team Cola!

Sze Chang: I'm Team Pepsi!

Xi Chen *smiles at Ye An*: I'm Team Cola.

Prince Adlai: I'm a foreigner, but I'm Team Cola!

Ah Lin: Team Cola all the way!

Sze Chang: Um. I'm Team Cola TOO. *pleaseletmejoinpleaseletmejoinpleaseletmejoin*

*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post lol

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