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I woke up early, for once. It didn't mean I was any less tired, in fact I was more so, but at least I had a chance of getting to school without having to break the speed limit.

Once again, I didn't see Lucas. I accepted the disappointment and tried not to think of his absence as I drove to school alone. I would try to make things right in English.

Imagine my surprise when I saw him standing at my usual spot, nervously twisting his bag strap. I pulled up and tugged off my helmet with a questioning look.

"Hey," he said quietly. He didn't look at me.

"Hey," I responded warily. "How... how are you?"

He shrugged. "Alright, I guess." He almost seemed like his old self again, robbed of his confidence. I hadn't realised just how much of himself he'd decided to trust me with until now. It made me feel even worse.

"I just want to say I'm sorry." His words came out in a rush, like they couldn't wait to escape him. "I shouldn't have intruded, it wasn't my place. You can look after yourself perfectly fine and I know that. I just didn't... I don't want to see you get hurt." He began to walk away, almost as quickly as the words he had just spoken.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean what I said," I called after him. He hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether to keep walking, but turned to face me instead.

"I get... defensive, when I feel like people are trying to control me," I continued. "And even though it was you, and you're not like that, my brain kicked into gear anyway."

He nodded. "It's alright. I did sound pretty overbearing, but I was so panicked that I didn't stop and think about how to say it all properly. I hope you still got what I was trying to say, though?"

"I did," I said, "and I appreciate your concern. But I'm still going over to finish that project."

"Yeah." His shoulders slumped slightly. He didn't look angry, only sad. "I know." He mustered up a brief half-smile, and then turned and walked off. I watched him go.

I had barely even walked into class before the fire bell went off, making half the students jump, and I was almost lost in the stampede for the door. I caught a glimpse of Lucas at the back of the throng before I was swept out into the sun.

We shuffled into four long lines, one for each year group. Nobody really stayed in line, preferring to see their friends and huddle in groups, but I didn't seek out Lucas. I was almost glad of the distraction - it saved us from a potentially awkward lesson.

All the same, I was bursting to just hug him and tell him how sorry I was, how much I had beat myself up since yesterday, how much I just wanted to be friends again. But I didn't, because his apology sounded too much like a goodbye and I really didn't want to find out if it was. Only the fact that he hadn't yet returned his blue helmet was keeping a faint hope burning within me.



It had taken enormous courage for me to even approach April. But I was so glad I did.

The thing was, I could never hold a grudge, no matter what my feelings after an argument. So it was only natural that I try to make things better with her and make sure she knew that there were no hard feelings on my part.

Even so, my heart clenched every time I thought of April making her way over to Ashton's house and falling for his clever charms, and him taking my place on the motorbike that I was already so used to that I could probably drive it myself.

I hated my brain for running away with me like that. I knew that April didn't just fall for anyone. Especially not that scumbag in her U.S. History class.

Or so I told myself.


I managed to do better in my music class this time, and my piano teacher had something to tell me.

"Lucas, you've made great progress this year and it's been wonderful to see your improvement." She was beaming with pride and I wondered what was coming next.

"And so, it is with great joy that I give you this." She handed me a large white envelope. The watermark on it made my heart race.

"Wh-what is this?" I stammered, not daring to hope. The teacher put a hand on my shoulder. "It's a letter of interest from the Curtis Institute of Music. I contacted them personally and showed them a few pieces you'd done, discussed a few things with them. They'd be happy to offer you a place if you still want it by the end of the year."

My eyes widened. I couldn't speak. My dream was finally coming true - I was into the one place I had wanted to go to since I was seven. The Institute had a four percent acceptance rate and was home to some of the most talented young musicians in the world.

I leaped up and threw my arms around the old tutor. She chuckled and patted my back like a proud grandmother. "I'm glad you made it," she said. "You deserve a place there. I know it's somewhere you've wanted to go for a long time."

"Oh, it is!" I laughed, tucking the envelope carefully into my bag. "Thank you for everything you've done for me."

Her eyes crinkled at the corners. "It was the least I could do."



School was over. Two hours until I met with Ashton.

Lucas was nowhere to be found, but for once I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to dwell on it.

His words stayed with me, though. Despite myself I couldn't help but think of what Ashton might do or say that would make me fall for him, just as he had charmed Lucas into being his friend.

The house was silent, even emptier now that I knew my parents weren't coming back until Sunday. I kicked about aimlessly and tried not to focus on the thoughts swirling in my head. I didn't even feel like eating, and that's when you know it's serious.

The time passed far too quickly. I packed my history work into my bag with a sense of trepidation and traipsed down the stairs. I couldn't help but cast a quick glance up at Lucas's window. For a moment I thought I saw him in the depths of his room, but I couldn't be sure. It was probably just my overactive imagination.

I locked the garage before I left, taking my time, procrastinating. But I couldn't wait forever and it was already nearing two o'clock. I had to leave.

The ride to Ashton's house took less time than I would have liked and almost before I knew it I was knocking on the front door of his impressive house. I had been to a couple of parties here before, though avoiding him and the alcohol he supplied, and I knew my way around well enough.

He answered almost immediately. "April! Hey, come in!" He stood back as I stepped inside and took in the enormous space. The door opened straight into a living room with two huge sofas and a giant flat-screen TV, while above it a wooden railing marked the edge of the upstairs landing. To one side was a kitchen with fashionable black marble countertops, and a wide staircase stood in another corner.

"I forgot just how big your house was," I said as I turned to face Ashton once more. He shrugged modestly.

"It's a bit unnecessary. Good for parties though." We exchanged a grin.

"So, we should probably get that project finished." I looked towards the stairs. He snapped into action.

"Sure, ok. Uh, do you want anything?"

"I'm good for now, I just ate." This was a lie but I didn't want to prolong this experience. Everything seemed a little awkward. I started towards the stairs.

"We can work in my room," he said as we reached the top. I was about to head for the big study that was better suited to... well, studying, and turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Wouldn't the study be better?"

He looked surprised, probably not expecting his plan to change. "Yeah, that would work too," he muttered. Score.

He pushed ahead to lead the way, brushing slightly too close. I shuddered.

"In here." He opened a door to reveal a sparsely furnished room dominated by an enormous mahogany desk. Some papers were scattered across it. I took a seat directly across from the main swivel chair, keeping the desk between us.

We got to work and didn't talk much, only discussing our notes occasionally. This clearly wasn't going how he expected. I was uncomfortably aware that he stared a lot, and wished that if he had something to say, he would just say it. I kept my head bent on my work to avoid eye contact. Soon I was finished and he hadn't written half as much.

"Well, that's my half done," I announced. "What about you?"

I startled him out of his daze, where he had been staring yet again, but he recovered annoyingly quickly.

"Uh, yeah, not quite there yet," he said sheepishly. "I've been a bit distracted, head not in it, you know? But I'll get it done." As he spoke, he leaned forward on his elbows and caught me in an intense gaze. I moved back and looked away.

"Cool, well, I'll leave you to it then." He didn't say anything and an awkward silence descended as I packed away my work and stood up. I felt slightly bad for not offering to help, but I was also desperate to get out of there.

"Are you going to the party tomorrow?" Ashton's voice cut the silence and I almost jumped.

"Of course," I answered. "I've always gone to Bethany's parties." I sat on the edge of the desk. "Are you?"

He nodded. "I'm glad you're going, too. It'll make it so much more fun."

I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, well. We'll see."

"I'm serious. I'd love to have you on my arm as I walk in." His eyes darkened for a moment. "You're really pretty, April. It's a shame you're wasting your time with someone like Lucas."

Ah, there it was. Anger bubbled hot inside me, but the look I gave him was like ice.

He fumbled his words under the weight of my cold silence before finding his voice again. "It's just... I mean, he's kind of a loser, isn't he? Me and Brad knew he was dead weight, that's why we dropped him. That's why everyone has dropped him. Why do you think he's never been in a relationship before? He's so socially awkward that no one even wants to go near him."

I took a moment to compose myself before answering. "I don't think that's the issue, Ashton," I said finally. My voice was calm. "He's not socially awkward, he just keeps to himself and stays away from drama. There's nothing wrong with that. I think what's wrong is that you can't stand to see me enjoying myself in his company more than I ever would in yours. He's more mature than you'll ever be, and he actually cares about his friends." He started to speak but I held up a hand. "Let me finish. I came here hoping that we could just get our project done, despite knowing that you had some other motive. So I just wanna make it clear that I'm not interested. Not now, not ever." I slid off the desk to my feet. He was too stunned to say anything as I snatched up my bag and stalked out.

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