Chapter Nine~

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"Next up!" I pulled out a little bag of powder, looking at the name tag,"Zoey!! I'm excited to meet her!" I walked along the trail back to the lords' house, realizing that I should see if there is anything for them as well

"A bag for Zoey.. A stack of books and journals for Malachi.. I couple documents for Levin.. And a small box for Aph! Cool! I'm all set," I said with a smile, carrying all the goods in my arms.

I really enjoyed the fresh air that the lovely trees cleansed for us. I admired the flowers and plants that slimed the roads and paths, some sneaking into the dusty trail. The sounds of the village mixing with the chirps and chitter from the animals around. This was even more amazing than it was yesterday, if that was even possible.

After the short walk of admiration, I had reached the lords' home. I looked at my arms, seeing if there was any free way to knock on the door, but I ended up with nothing, so I rolled my eyes and sighed I'm almost defeat. I gently kicked the door, but nothing. I glared at the door, giving a determined face. I hit my elbow, my knee, my foot again against the door, but nothing. I sighed I defeat.

"Need some help there?" A kind voice stated from behind me. I turned to the kind being.

"Yes please! Thank you so much!" I fixated my gaze on the person. He was always the one person that I could never remember their name. . "Kyle! That's it! I always forget! I'm so sorry," I stated. He gave me a really confused look.

"Um.. Hi, nice to meet you. And you are?" His voiced trailed in suspicion.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! Why do I always do this.. I'm Kiona. Im the new girl; knows everything, but can't remember anything," I bounced up my deliveries, getting a better grip on them.

"So it's actually true..! Well, it's very nice to meet you!," he paused for a second as he began grabbing some of the stuff that was piled in my arms," here, let me help you with that," he stated cheerfully.

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate it," I said sincerely with a bright smile. I knocked on the door with my now free hand. After a few moments of waiting in silence; well, not silence. The house seemed to be filled with curse words and crashing.

The door swung open, a panting brunette standing in the doorway. "H-hel-lo. How ma-ay I help you?" He panted.

I smiled at him,"Hello Malachi, nice to see you again! I have some deliveries for you, your brother, you mother, and Zoey," I said grabbing the few Kyle took , putting them back in my arms.

The green eyed boy smiled happily, still seeming to be catching his breathe a bit. "It's good to see you too Miss Kiona. Here, let me help you with that," he conveniently took his stack of books off of the pile.

"Thanks! Here, these are your brother's papers, and your mothe- I mean Lord Levin and Lord Aphmau's deliveries. My apologies," I said, setting the stack on the table, Zoey's bag still in hand.

Malachi chuckled at my now flushed face. I somehow got embarrassed quite easily. "Don't worry about it! No need to apologize. Zoey's down in her room. Nice to see you again. Until next time," he said as he waved goodbye.

I smiled happily, my cheeks still a bit warm,"Goodbye! Pleasure to see you again M'lord! Hope to see you soon!" I waved back as he walked out the door. I turned to Kyle who was still out on the porch. "Thank you Kyle! I really appreciate it! I also hope to see you again soon!" I said, giving a warm smile.

He returned a big grin back,"Nice to meet you and it would be a pleasure to see you again. Good day m'lady! Stay safe," he waved and walked off, closing the door as he turned around.

I smiled largely and took a deep breathe. Here I go going to to meet the beautiful, powerful, blonde elf that we have all come to know and love.

717 words

I know it's a bit of a short chapter, but it's hard to get stuff done when you're getting school stuff done and getting ready for high school. I hope to upload another chapter soon. Love you all so and thank you all for the support. Have a magical day<3

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