The Day I saw Poetry

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So, I don't remember what this style of poetry is called, but awhile ago I wrote this poem about poetry. I'll write how it goes with the numbers sort of showing, though that might just be confusing. anyways, the lines repeat alot, which makes it a difficult type of poem to write.

1Today I saw poetry that no one else noticed,

2Left out and abandoned on a sidewalk.

3I picked it up lovingly, for it is not refuse to me,

4It is a work of art, ripened with age and care.

2Left out and abandoned on a sidewalk

6Poetry was left to ponder the meanings of life

4It is a work of art, ripened with age and care.

8That is my source of inspiration.

6Poetry was left to ponder the meanings of life

10It can show a scene worthy of Shakespeare

8That is my source of inspiration

11I live for that beautiful poetry.

10It can show a scene worthy of Shakespeare

1Today I saw poetry that no one else noticed.

11I live for that beautiful poetry.

3I picked it up lovingly, for it is not refuse to me.

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