Game 009: the Moon Rock

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  This was the way Alexia's mind felt at the moment.
  A huge jumbled mess.
  All she could see were waves and blurry figures. Her tears were still there, but they weren't enough to fall.
  Many of her members had died. If you don't include the friends she had made along the way, twenty-five had died.
  The star had turned into some sort of necklace without a pendant, with a beautiful chain and clasp.
  Alexia let me wear it.  
  I knew it wasn't because she trusted me the most. The chain could be deadly, and she didn't want her closest friends to die, and Lizzy had wanted to avenge the death of her boyfriend.
  I understood, of course, so I accepted the job.
  I wore it on my left wrist just in case (Talia had helped me put it on).
  As we made our way into the very last realm, the Moon Realm, we were suddenly attacked by a vicious moon creature.
  Alexia, Brandon, Lizzy, and I escaped, Talia, Tallin, and Aiden saying they would stall the furious beast.
  We made it to the chest. Lizzy read, and we listened. We already knew about the dangers, but we still didn't know the challenge.

The challenge was to earn ourselves a moon rock.
  We traveled to the moon where a plaque said,
  "To earn the moon rock, you must either have seven of your members die and one to get the stone or to have one person willingly die... PERMANENTLY."
  All of us were scared. We didn't have enough members for the first choice, but we couldn't just let another member die.
  So, I was about to tell my friends that I would do it when a boy that looked similar to Alexia stood in front of us and said, "I'll do it."
  Alexia gasped.
  "William!" she gaped. "Why?... How?... Weren't you in Seshiro City?..."
  The boy, William, looked back at her with a calm expression. Alexia was enraged that he could be so stupidly calm about permanent death.
  She was about to yell at the foolish boy when he shushed her, looking at her with his black and red eyes.
  "Because, sis, I wouldn't want my younger twin to die without me doing anything about it."
  Tears sprang in Alexia's eyes, and, for the first time in several days, finally had enough tears to let them fall.
  Not just her.
  Having twin brothers myself, I could half understand her pain... Slightly.
  The tears welded out of my eyes, as well.
  William still faced his sister when a giant beam of light flashed onto his smiling, acceptant-of-death face.
Sickness 04: Death (mini-mid-chapter story)

  William faced the other way of death.
  As he did, he saw a flashback of his life.
  Alexia was smiling as she gave him a necklace she made herself out of bits of cut cloth that was from no-longer-used-clothes, sewing the bits together with her skills. She was already six.
  Alexia's seventh birthday, giving her a necklace made of string and yarn. Her smiling brightly as she received the gift.
  Their parents having a divorce, their dad keeping his daughter and the mom keeping her son. Alexia was eight.
  Nine years old, arriving at Seshiro City and going to a whole new school.
  Ten, finally making a friend, but then somehow gets that friend angry, so they weren't friends anymore.
  Eleven, getting a crush, proposing, and finding out that the crush already had a boyfriend.
  Twelve, finally giving up on any possible friendships and dates.
  Thirteen, having a virus kill his town and seeing Alexia's crying face.
  The flashback ended, and William smiled sadly.
  "Happy birthday, Alexia."
  Alexia's tears were now overflowing.
  Through those tears, she made a similar smile.
  "You, too, William. Happy birthday."
  Finally feeling relieved and achieved, William succumbed to the beam if light.
  He was dead.
  Alexia turned fourteen without even realizing it.
  Alexia reached out her hand, but nothing grabbed onto it. Finally realizing her long-gone brother was now a dead one.
  "Happy birthday, huh," she sniffed. "So it's already the seventh now... Didn't even reali..." Before she could finish her sentence, her sadness overwhelmed her mind. She screamed endlessly, and Brandon went to go comfort the leader of the Black Roses.
  As he did, Lizzy spotted something shining in the sunlight.
  It was the moon rock.
  And it was a pendant.

  Life did return to the way it had been.
  All those who had died were returned to life.
  All except William, the boy who risked his life to save millions.

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